0151ter1.zip (585K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

----======< TERMINATE 1.51 >======-----
.....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
On-line  help for novices  but with all
the flexibility  experts  require.  Fax
and  Network support.  CD Audio Player,
complete  Point system,   Cost Manager,
VISIBLE FAST (tm)  mouseing.  IEMSI and
autologins. A  superb  filemanager:FREQ
tag. Translate / kbd-editor. Voicecalls

0151ter2.zip (513K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

----======< TERMINATE 1.51 >======-----
.....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
Improved  OS/2  timeslices and Digicom,
ISDN, Fossil, supports up to 115,200bps
BOTH files:   0151TER1  *and*  0151TER2
are needed for auto-installation.  Scan
ALL your VGA modes. Use either a Fax or
Data Host with an adaptive answer modem
NEWS!:SmartNote, QWK, Complete FAX, TSR
_____Monthly Prize!_____File_2_of_2____

1st_0119.zip (613K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

1stReader 2.00 BETA release.  This
release only works for registered
users of 1stReader.  Do NOT download
if you do not own 1stReader.  BETA
code - use at your own risk...
This archive contains the 1st 2.00
01-19 beta update.

1stadbk.zip (21K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

1stReader's address book.  A simple
easy to use book capable of storing
up to 400 users.  Unzip into your
\1ST subdirectory. For 1stReader
users only.  From Sparkware.

1stedit.zip (107K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

1stEdit for 1stReader.  Free for
registered users of 1stReader.
Other use requires registration
of 1stReader.  From Sparkware.

ace22.zip (617K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

AceComm v2.1 9/18/94 Powerful Comm Package -
Full-featured, innovative comm program
w/internal X/Y/Zmodem, "very configurational"
Zmodem file management, online-time recorder,
macros, key-redef, power scripts, AutoAnswer
setup, EMSI/IEMSI, Scheduler, huge FON files,
online help, mouse support, Modem Install,
FIFO, color scroll back, User-defined menus,
"AutoScriptGen"(Tm), Point-mail(*.FLO),
"Intelligent Auto Log On Technology"(Tm)

amgti2.zip (15K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

atbash2.zip (72K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Atbash file encryption program v2.0 with
ciphertext that can be transmitted by
Morse Code or voice (as well as by modem
and disk).  Can encrypt any file.  Small,
fast command line utility to protect your
privacy. Export from USA restricted.
Shareware registration $49 or $20.

bbs212.zip (176K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

BBS Access from MicroFox Company is a very 
easy-to-use data communications program for 
calling BBSs and uploading & downloading 
files. The protocols included are ASCII, 
Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K, 
Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. It can capture screens to
file and will record the time and length of 
each call. BBS can change and save modem 
initialization strings and all screen colors 
can be changed & saved.  {STAR} [ASAD]

bbsr14.zip (260K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Make $$$ by passing this program along!!! 

Crater Rim's *** FREE *** Comm Package with
19 internal protocols including Xmodem Chk,
Xmodem CRC, 1K-Xmodem,  WXmodem,  K9Xmodem,
Qmodem 1K-G,  Ymodem,  Ymodem-G, Zmodem and
ALL of the SuperK set! 

Features  Emulink  system  to  emulate  the
command key sets for most of the major comm

Built-in    files   subsystem   with   user
configured archive utilities and fast  file

Cut and paste upload  and  download buffers
for filenames and descriptions.

Baud rates up to 115,200  with 16550 fifos
and 28.8, V.Fast support.

Other features too numerous to mention here

Sorry,  this program runs in 50 line, Color
VGA mode only (try OnLine! Comm for 25 line
color and/or b&w support).

No registration fee required.

Supports a  unique money making  offer  for
passing the program along to others.

Crater Rim Software (206) 725-9233 to 14.4
                    (206) 723-6728 USR DStd

bcom.zip (102K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

BananaCom is a VERY simple com program.
Excellent for the first time modem user
and perfect for people who help people
use modems.  Provides auto ZModem, ANSI
terminal emulation, dialing directory
stored as a text file, auto port/speed
detect and much more.
bigpr95c.zip (162K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

▓ Big Boy's World Famous BBSing Primer ▒
v95.c.  The best general source of info.
on BBSing in existence! The whole BBSing
racket explained - concepts, techniques,
software, buzzwords, procedures, insider
info., phone numbers. And free! Self-
reader .exe format for DOS. The TEACHER!
By Colorado's Modem Comedian Big Boy
BBS: 303-458-3832 - Nyuk Nyuk!

carr.zip (24K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Carrier will detect the carrier on your modem
and set the DOS ERRORLEVEL accordingly. Handy
utility for sysops and for developers writing
programs that must check the modem connection
before proceeding.  Works on any serial port,
from COM1 to COM4.  Another helpful shareware
utility from Pinnacle Software, developers of
the Sapphire BBS. For info, dial 514-345-9578
or dial up our free files BBS at 514-345-8654
(any baud rate, downloads on first call).

cisbl231.zip (44K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

    CIS Billing Tracker-JNGoodale 
Off-line CompuServe billing organizer.  Will
gather weekly and daily billing from captured
billing information, maintain yearly cum
file.  Provides formatted report on screen,
file, or printer.

compan12.zip (82K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

DOS Personal Network for up to 5 PCs-
Access disks and printers on another PC
using a remote drive letter and LPT3.
Average transfer rate 14K bytes/sec. using
EBD connectors (7K with null modem).  Disk
driver uses 12K, server 30K. DOS 2.0. Use
DESQview and Stacker to network 3 to 5 PCs.
cpt111.zip (166K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

CPT v1.11 - DOS utility: QWK-based Conference
Participation Tracker. Maintains a detailed
txt file of conference activity. Freeware (c)
1995 [95/02/20] by DDA - Reign Ware. New: src
code & DPMI support inc., plus OLMR support.

cslav108.zip (364K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

CompuSlave v1.08 -CompuServe Message DB 
CompuSlave imports CompuServe forum capture 
files into a database, converting them to 
individual messages. Add, delete, edit, and 
search the entire database for key words or 
phrases. Make those messages work for you! 
Create your own technical support resource. 
Ideal for power users, programmers, and 
network administrators. Network support is 
included. Easy to use!

dbperl11.zip (555K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

The Internet Pearls Database, 1/95 Update!
Over 1 meg of Updated info, focusing on WWW 
sites, and on What's Best on the Internet. 
Fully functional Database, features include 
Add, Delete, Sort, Query, Find, Import, Export,
and Print Data to customize your Database of
Important Internet Connections. Calendar and
File-Find utilities included, to use from
within the Database. Never lose track of your
favorite Internet information again. Search
hundreds of Internet Sites instantly. FTP,
Gopher, WWW, and Finger sites included point
to info on the Government, Astronomy, Biology,
Geology, Ecology, Business, Military, NATO,
Medicine, AIDS, U.N., Physics, NASA, Grant
Funding, Weather, News Services, Universities,
Games, MUDs, MUSHes, MOOs, Chess Servers, the
game of DOOM, Magazines, Literature, On-line
References, Acronyms, and the best Internet
starting points. Shareware. Registration
gives bonus programs, only $35. From SoloTech.

drunk_dr.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

dsdialv1.zip (26K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

│▓▓▓          DOS Dialer,             ▓▓▓│
│A MS-DOS modem/telephone dialer, so easy│
│to use yet so versatile. Simlpe put in  │
│path directory, and use, its that simple│
│What to resister, %USER%, just write!   │

ezyd21.zip (36K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Nice Cmnd-Line Phone/Dig. Pager Dialer
Ezy-D is a great little dialer for use  
on the command-line and in batch files
for making unattended pager calls in
response to system/application events,
or for creating menu items such as
"Page Ralph" or "Call Norton".
 - Automatically locates modem.
 - Automatically selects voice/pager
 - Auto (time-out) or manual operation.
 - Optional programmable "send" delay.
 - Optional prompt for phone number(s).
 - Displays number(s) for verification.
Registration fee is only $8.
See EZYD2.TXT for full details.

faxsu60c.zip (65K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

FAXSU6 ver 6.0c    Network aware SHAREWARE

Attention WinWord 6.x users with FAXmodems

Take the worry out of using your FAXmodem. No
longer will you accidentally send a document
to the FAXmodem when you wanted a hard copy.
With this system you just have to 
point-and-click on the output device and the
rest is automatically taken care of.

fddclp30.zip (202K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

A down and dirty conversion
from paper to computer
logging program for use in
the ARRL Field Day contest.
Commissioned by the Downey
Amateur Radio Club and
written by programmer Kevin
Myers, version 3.0 packs
more punch than ever before.
The major new feature is
built in error tracking to
nail those few mistakes that
still slip through due to
human error.  Minor improve-
ments are 2 real time clocks
(UCT, and Local time), better
time setting functions, fewer
keystrokes to log a call
sign, better editing, and
more.  The FDDCLP is a
powerful and sophisticated
foneme.zip (312K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

gnet0395.zip (15K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

▒░ Galactic Net, A International Sci-fi / Entertaiment Connection,
information file.░▒
A *.QWK packet / FTSC network designed to link BBS's with each other, 
Less complicated and restrictive than other networks, Galactic Net
is actively recruiting Sysops to participate. We are also
seeking Sysops who are interested in developing, and moderating
their own conferences.

Galactic Net has the ability to develop into a premier message network.

Read the information enclosed in this archive, and we believe
that you'll fine Galactic Net a worthwile addition to your BBS!

hcserv.zip (185K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

hnbbs048.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

iauucp3.zip (27K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

the popular Internet wcCode Email Utility!
Features Include: Private Internet Address
Books, a PUBLIC Internet Address DATABASE,
Prompt files, the Wildcat Internal Editor,
and Much, much more! Automatically Addresses
outbound Internet eMail!

ihplan.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

iphone.zip (612K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

itermez.zip (172K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

      Pre-release for I-Term, 
   Cyberworks Software ver. 1.20
I-Term is a program that was made to 
be a HUMAN FRIENDLY way to access and 
navigate the Internet. Just follow the 
menus and you'll be navigating through 
the Information Highway in a matter of 
minutes. A lot of commands can be done 
with a single keystroke instead of 
typing a lot of complicated commands.

jbl_12.zip (40K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

JB-Learn Version 1.2 for {COMMO} 6.4X
Written by Jeff Bishop - 02/04/95 - FREEWARE
This is a very powerful automated learn
engine for {COMMO}. No more writing macros
to automate logins. JB-Learn has
self-learning features, it learns more about
learning as you use it. CS-MAC13+ compatible
learn data file format used. SSLOOK logic
now part of JB-Learn. SSLOOK forwarding
available at your choosing. Build ready to
run macros in minutes to automate any task.

k314b17.zip (711K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

lessons1.zip (13K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

me1dem.zip (598K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

modemutl.zip (83K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Add full modem control to your batch programs
with MODEM.  Status checking.  Dialing.  Even
a basic terminal program. Information is sent
back to the batch file via the DOS ERRORLEVEL
variable.  Can also be used with regular (EXE
or COM compiled) programs, if they can detect
the ERRORLEVEL. From Pinnacle Software -- the
creators of the Sapphire BBS.  Voice support:
dial 514-345-9578, or call our free files BBS
at 514-345-8654 (download on first call).

modsta16.zip (148K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

ModemSta 1.6: Animated icon replica or larger
indicator displays of modem's front panel. 
Several great 3D looks, with customizable 
colors. For use with internal, external and 
PCMCIA modems. Modem initialization, logging 
of incoming calls and connections, additional
status info, show communications settings, 
generation of sounds at comm events. Can also
monitor parallel ports. Shareware US $15.

mpack15o.zip (78K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

mscan13n.zip (111K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

msngr11.zip (325K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

MESSENGER v1.1 - Messenger is a DOS tagline  
manager which supports multiple tagline files
or categories.  It has many powerful features
for organizining your tagline collection
including dupe checking, alphabetizing files,
savable multiple keyword search lists, move  
tags between categories.  You may also export
taglines using optional format functions and
keyword searches and import taglines.  Works
with many pouplar mail readers.  Fun to use!

msngra12.zip (358K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

MESSENGER 1.2a - Deluxe tagline manager which
which supports multiple tagline files or
categories.  It has many powerful features
for organizining your tagline collection
including dupe checking, alphabetizing files,
savable multiple keyword search lists, move  
tags between categories.  You may also export
taglines using optional format functions and
keyword searches and import taglines.  Works
with many pouplar mail readers.  Fun and easy
to use with pull down menus and scroll boxes.

msvibmp0.zip (717K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

mycmm230.zip (153K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

MyComm v2.30 data communications program.
Powerful, yet small (190K). Supports Zmodem,
Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, Kermit,
and of course ASCII file transfers. There
are slots for up to 6 external protocols.
Supports TTY, ANSI, VT-52, & VT-100 terminal
emulations. Many more features including an
easy to use "script" language.
Shareware $25 + $2 S&H
net_fax.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

nrover11.zip (55K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

NETROVER 1.1 BETA Netrover is an automated
file retrieval and storage utility for the
following Supported Internet Services:FTP,
WWW, Gopher, and Finger. With NetRover you
can specify a wide variety of event types
including Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly,
and Yearly. NetRover is Winsock 1.1 Comp-
liant and requires the following:
VBRUN300.DLL, WINSOCK.DLL (not included).
Copyright (c) Dec 1994 Kent D. Behrens

p205.zip (128K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

P is a freeware 32-bit file transfer
protocol package providing fast and
multitasking friendly Zmodem, Ymodem-g,
Ymodem and Xmodem for Asynchronous, Named
pipe and TCP/IP stream socket (telnet)
connections. Contains a DLL that can be
used with your own applications!

pboy204.zip (150K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

pmw15.zip (83K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Notifies of unread mail with animated icon which displays number
of unread messages, and sound (beep or .WAV files). 
Notification interval can be set from 1-60 min. Can execute /
activate Pegasus Mail for Windows on receipt of new mail.
Requires Windows 3.1 and VBRUN300.DLL. Tested with Novell 3.11.
Not crippled, except shareware reminder that pops up
occasionally. Register OnLine on CompuServe.  Go SWREG - Enter
ID #3413. Uploaded by Author. Ver 1.5 is a minor bug fix.

procmcid.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

qp252.zip (116K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

QuikPHONE v2.52    Phone number, Address
Book and Labeler.  Combines a Rotary
Index, Call Caddy, Autodialer, Database
and a Label Maker.  Very easy to use
with pull down menus and dialog boxes.
Print listings, labels and envelopes.
Printouts may be previewed before they
are printed.  Export your data to other
programs with the industry standard
dBASE(r) format.  This version has many
new features.   A small sample database
is included so you can immediately see
how fast and easy QuikPHONE really is.
Copyright 1994, 1995    NOVA MICRO, Inc.

qrep13.zip (29K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

QRep v1.3 - The ultimate QWK compatible
automated message generator. Generates
public, private, or password protected reply
messages from ASCII text files. Tracks the
date a message was last sent and sends it
again only after a specified number of days.
Can also send a message on a specified day of
the week or month. Continues messages with
excessive lines to the next message.
Generates both QWK and Fido taglines. Ideal
for vendors, conference moderators, or anyone
who needs to send a constant message at
regular intervals. Shareware: $7 registration

qslav101.zip (384K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

QwkSlave v1.01  QWK Message Database! 
QwkSlave imports QWK mail packets, storing 
each message as a database record. Add, edit,
delete, print, browse, sort, & search through
messages. Cross referencing makes finding an 
original message and its response as easy as 
a mouse-click. Ideal as a technical support 
reference tool. Network support included. 
Easy to use push-button interface w/mouse 
support! (286 or higher)

qwk_15.zip (16K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

repfax.zip (11K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

rm_w1.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Roadmap for the Information Superhighway
Internet training workshop.
A six-week series of lectures, examples,
and quizzes by Patrick Crispen at the
University of Alabama.
This file contains WEEK 1.

rm_w2.zip (23K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Roadmap for the Information Superhighway
Internet training workshop.
A six-week series of lectures, examples,
and quizzes by Patrick Crispen at the
University of Alabama.
This file contains WEEK 2.

rm_w3.zip (22K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Roadmap for the Information Superhighway
Internet training workshop.
A six-week series of lectures, examples,
and quizzes by Patrick Crispen at the
University of Alabama.
This file contains WEEK 3.

rm_w5.zip (19K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Roadmap for the Information Superhighway
Internet training workshop.
A six-week series of lectures, examples,
and quizzes by Patrick Crispen at the
University of Alabama.
This file contains WEEK 5.

rm_w6.zip (37K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Roadmap for the Information Superhighway
Internet training workshop.
A six-week series of lectures, examples,
and quizzes by Patrick Crispen at the
University of Alabama.
This file contains WEEK 6.

roboq100.zip (17K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

ROBOQ v1.00 - DOS Utility: Convert Robomail
saved .MSG "Text files" to pseud-QWK files.
Primarily for use with CPT. Freeware (c) 1995
[95/02/17] by DDA - Reign Ware. W/ Pas src.

rw100wb2.zip (198K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

WAVE comatible offline mail door for RENEGADE
by Lars Hellsten/MatrixSoft. Support for both 
Blue Wave and QWK. Features include easy menu
driven setup program, keywords, filters, off-
line config, user FREQs and more! A must-have 
for any Renegade sysop. Get rid of the sloppy 
RG QWK system, and ride the Blue Wave!  Loads
of new features and bug fixes in this version.
[∙∙∙Another great MatrixSoft(tm) product!∙∙∙]

sc_chat.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

scgenie.zip (26K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

scmciml.zip (10K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

scwsock.zip (55K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

spcom11c.zip (124K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

specs.zip (139K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

stg306b.zip (77K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

USRSTATS GENERIC version V3.06 BETA 12/3/94
This version of USRSTATS will work with ANY
BBS or COMM program!  Supports FOSSIL mode,
any port and IRQ, and speeds up to 115.2K.
Multi-node aware and super easy setup as a
standard DOOR application or via DOS shell!

swlit115.zip (520K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

│▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ SWLOGit v1.15 ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒│
│    The  ONLY  program  shortwave    │
│  listeners will ever need.  This    │
│  program  is  just  loaded  with    │
│  features.                          │
│                                     │
│  Options:-Exceptional Logger.       │
│          -Multi_Search of Database. │
│          -Report Script Writer.     │
│           (Writes Reports for you)  │
│          -MUF Graphs.               │
│          -MUF Ploting on WorldMap.  │
│          -Sun Terminator.           │
│          -World Clock.              │
│          -Sun Rise/Set times.       │
│          -VGA/EGA World Maps.       │
│          -Import Export Records.    │
│          -Shortwave Stations Address│
│           Database.                 │
│          -Many More options to come.│
│    *NEW*:-Script exporting added.   │
│                                     │
│-=-=-= Created by  David Toste =-=-=-│
│        Released Jan 28, 1995        │

tlxtw204.zip (208K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Telix Scripts for Tradewars 2002 2.x wb5
Powerful SALT scripts that help players
perform repetitive tasks fast, efficient
and effortlessly.  Paired Port Trading,
Transport/Sell/Steal Cycle, much more.

tpc15.zip (98K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

The Phone Center Version 1.5!  It's the first
dialer that is fun to use.  Includes: an Area
Code Search, a Time Zone Search, a DOS Shell,
Telephone Directory Printer, a Database Entry
Finder, Quick Memo, Log Viewer, Multifunction
Calculator, Sliding Windows, and Instructions
that remain on-screen.  It even has a Hangman
Game!  This update fixes all reported errors.

twterm42.zip (504K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

▓█ 3D EGA Term for playing Trade Wars 2.0 █▓
Reqs: EGA/VGA, 450K to 580K RAM. 
Adds graphics and digitized sounds to Trade
Wars 2.0. Includes script language, mapping
features, ether probe routines, macros,
maintains your assets, locates others homes
and so much more.

typs10.zip (8K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

           TYPE SModem.$$$ V1.0
You can view SMODEM.$$$ logfiles with this
program. Including colors and other useful
v32bisml.zip (61K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Zoom High Speed V32Bis Fax/Modem Owner's Manual.  Full version with many, many details not included in their standard manual.  Downloaded directly from Zoom BBS. (One of their hottest downloads ever.)  Many good recomendations to improve your communications' performance.

vfast30.zip (56K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

wsomr23.zip (138K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

Wang's Offline Mail Reader v0.22
FIDONET, reads RFC822, SOUP, Bluewave 
and QWK mails. easy, compact, 
feature-rich, superior E-mail handling, 
Bluewave style netmail for QWK packet, 
spell check support,soon to have PGP 

With wsOMR you can read and reply to 
your BBS/Internet mail at your own
leisure and manage larger volumes of 
mail with relative ease.  It saves you 
from the pressures of online time 
charge, long distance calls, etc.
Shareware version.

wssoup.zip (86K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

yrn2_076.zip (470K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm

PC Yarn v0.76 beta release.  Suite of
programs used to store and read USENET news
and mail offline.  Imports articles from SOUP
files into a news database.

zoomit.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 04:42 pm