20memu.zip (92K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

40cid_b2.zip (34K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

65trac10.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

This OS/2 base device driver automatically
enables the trackball of an NP6500 notebook
if the notebook is not docked. If the notebook
is docked, the trackball is disabled so you
can use the mouse on the serial port of the
docking station. DOS version also included.
FREEWARE by Robert Muchsel

760cd.zip (1,393K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

7700os2.zip (31K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

a2mfv10.zip (1K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

 │ ╓──┐╥   ─╥─ ╥──┐╓──┐╓──┐╥──┐╓─╥─┐ │
 │ ║   ║    ║  ╟──┘╙──┐║  │╟─    ║   │
 │ ╙──┘╨──┘─╨─ ╨   ╙──┘╙──┘╨     ╨   │
 │ ────═════   A2MF v1.0   ═════──── │
 │                                   │
 │A2MF is a utility for AdeptXBBS to │
 │convert File_Areas -> areas.cfg so │
 │its possible to edit the files.bbs │
 │with Maxfile/PM.                   │
 │                                   │
 └─────════ By Koen Koster ════──────┘

adept106.zip (1,696K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

admsg120.zip (33K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

ADMsg v1.20, generates *.MSG, DOS+OS/2
Generates FidoNet netmail messages (*.MSG) in
many different ways, including combining
lists of destination addresses and list of
subject lines. For both DOS and OS/2. 386 or
newer needed.

adsmboot.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

af2_100e.zip (973K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

        ALLFIX/2 for OS/2 Warp, v1.00
             Evaluation Version

ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility
available. No other program offers the large
number of features that are part of the
ALLFIX package. Features:

* Full support for more than 22 BBS different
  BBS programs!
* Full support for Zones, and 4D points.
* Support for domains (5D addressing).
* Ability to disable sending a TIC file.
* Ability to put all of the TIC files with or
  without the accompanying archive into one
* ALLFIX uses the FD/RA HMB sharing spec.
* Direct support for the HMB, *.MSG, Squish,
  PCBoard, Ezycom msg-base, and the .PKT
* Support for multiple compression formats.
* User friendly setup program. ALLFIX does
  not require any configuration files used by
  any other program.
* Writes FD/D'Bridge/RA/SBBS/BinkleyTerm/PoP
  compatible log file.

In conclusion: Very HIGH quality performance,
Very LOW registration fee.

afe30.zip (505K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

OS/2 2.1x, Warp PM archive utility program
which provides a visual front end for the
creation, updating, unarchiving, virus
scanning, viewing, printing and deleting
of ZIP, LZH, ZOO and ARJ files.  Supports
running of internal archive executables.
Shareware $22.50. 

afinst2.zip (8K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

* Allfix for OS/2 Icon Installation Program *
│  AFINST2 Creates an OS/2 Work Place   ├─┐
│  Shell Folder for Allfix/2 & Attches  │ ├─┐
│   Icons to ALLFIX.EXE, ASETUP.EXE,    │ │ │
└─┬─────────────────────────────────────┘ │ │
  └─┬─────────────────────────────────────┘ │

aiff2wav.zip (33K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

OS/2 utility converts AIFF (Mac digital audio) files to WAVE (clone digital
audio) files.

alrmc31d.zip (267K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

(v3.1d) Alarm Clock-OS/2 program scheduler.
Schedule reminder messages and programs from
a convenient desktop clock.  Schedule events
once, daily, monthly, on specific days, and
more.  Events can be scheduled to occur
repeatedly throughout the day and between
certain hours. Highly customizable display
with support for international date and
time configurations.  60 day trial version.
SHAREWARE WalkerWerks bcwlker@ibm.net

alrmc31e.zip (234K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

(v3.1b) Alarm Clock-OS/2 program scheduler.
Schedule reminder messages and programs from
a convenient desktop clock.  Schedule events
once, daily, monthly, on specific days, and
more.  Events can be scheduled to occur
repeatedly throughout the day and between
certain hours. Highly customizable display
with support for international date and
time configurations.  60 day trial version.
SHAREWARE WalkerWerks bcwlker@ibm.net

am4pmsrc.zip (58K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

apach101.zip (729K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

apcodec5.zip (133K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

AnPoCODEC 5, play Windows AVIs
with OS/2 warp. Included
is support for AVI
Video1, Cinepak and RLE.

bbmak.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

beav1402.zip (269K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

betafaq2.zip (42K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

bible_09.zip (2,443K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

CODEX Bible Concordance for OS/2 Warp  v 0.9
Features multiple synchronized Bible windows
in an MDI environment,  fast phrase and log-
ical search engine with powerful boolean op-
erators. This file includes the complete KJV
Bible as well. Fully functional shareware.

bigbro20.zip (50K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

                   =======BigBro v2.0Shareware=======
                    Synchronet Node Monitor for OS/2
The PM WFC screen with user editor, local logons, spawn SCFG, and stats
all form the OS/2 Desktop.  This is a muliti-threaded application with
many sysop utilities.
biog10a.zip (247K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

BIOGRAPH FOR OS/2 v1.0a: The ultimate program
to compute biorhythms and pair matching. Bio-
Graph tells you about the four cycles of your
biorhythm. This information can help you in
planning dates and gives you more understan-
ding for your friends' and your partner's
feelings. BioGraph currently includes german,
english and dutch language. Shareware, re-
duced introductory price until 2/29/96.

blankr60.zip (949K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

Blanker 6.0 - multimedia screen saver
for OS/2 with five functions
1) screen saving: external modules, DPMS,
   password, hot corners, full screen blanking
2) screen capturing, saving and printing
3) information window: displays time, date,
   free memory, disk space, swap size
4) launch keys: open WPS objects with a key
5) alarms: message and task scheduling
shareware; US, German and Lite version incl.

bm20a.zip (162K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

bmpvw141.zip (188K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

BMP Viewer V1.41, Bit map picture viewer for
OS/2 Warp, displays bit map pictures in a 
window. Use Drag & Drop to view pictures and
or create lists of pictures to View. Set the
BackGround of DeskTop or folders. VRObj.DLL

calcalc1.zip (85K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

case12a.zip (32K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

cbk_612p.zip (150K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

CallBack/2 v6.12 FREEWare OS/2 User 
Verification system for MAXimus 3.00.  
Supports Ansi and RIP Graphics with Samples.  
Mecca file and MEX Read Mail file included.
Optionally maintains Questionnaire files.  
Optional process status Messages in both 
*.MSG and SQUISH Formats for the user.  
Included CBKDAT auto Maintaince program.  

cby_pm10.zip (98K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

The Dallas Cowboy Fanatic's Companion v1.0
which is a 32 bit OS/2 Presentation Manager
program full of records, statistics & info
about the NFL team the Dallas Cowboys. It
takes full advantage of the OS/2 desktop's
easy-to-use PM features such as drop down
menus & dialog boxes.

cd34.zip (19K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

** Color Directory Version 3.4 **
A program to list the contents
of a directory in color.  Fully
configurable.  Freeware!
For OS/2 2.0 (With Service Pak),
2.1, 2.11 and WARP Version 3.
cert95.zip (100K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

cf2amv10.zip (17K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

 │ ╓──┐╥   ─╥─ ╥──┐╓──┐╓──┐╥──┐╓─╥─┐ │
 │ ║   ║    ║  ╟──┘╙──┐║  │╟─    ║   │
 │ ╙──┘╨──┘─╨─ ╨   ╙──┘╙──┘╨     ╨   │
 │ ────═════  CF2AM v1.0   ═════──── │
 │                                   │
 │CF2AM is a utility for AdeptXBBS to│
 │converts fast and easy:            │
 │    Fidonet.na -> Message_Areas    │
 │    Fidonet.na -> Areas.Control    │
 │                                   │
 └─────════ By Koen Koster ════──────┘

cf2fff10.zip (32K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

 │ ╓──┐╥   ─╥─ ╥──┐╓──┐╓──┐╥──┐╓─╥─┐ │
 │ ║   ║    ║  ╟──┘╙──┐║  │╟─    ║   │
 │ ╙──┘╨──┘─╨─ ╨   ╙──┘╙──┘╨     ╨   │
 │ ────═════  CF2FFF v1.0  ═════──── │
 │                                   │
 │CF2FFF is a AdeptXBBS utility to   │
 │converts fast and easy:            │
 │    Filebone.na -> File_Areas      │
 │    Filebone.na -> File.Control    │
 │    Filebone.na -> Fgroup?.asc     │
 │                                   │
 │Optionaly creates TIC directories  │
 │on your HardDisk!                  │
 │                                   │
 └─────════ By Koen Koster ════──────┘

chdate10.zip (16K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

chgct21a.zip (242K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

CHG_CTLS [V2.1A]- OS/2 Customizer
A utility to replace the default os/2 controls: 
Minimize, Maximize, etc.. 
Now a PM program  
Look in Readme.inf for full info.
By: Matt Schellhaas

commo66.zip (226K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

{COMMO} 6.6 - High-performance DOS terminal
program, also excellent under Windows and
OS/2.  Chosen by professionals for it's
speed, reliability and versatility.  Easy,
comprehensive macro programming language
addresses almost any communications need.
{COMMO} is very friendly to the visually
impaired.  This release features refinements
to existing features and many technical
improvements.  Shareware.

con0296.zip (523K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for February 1996 in
INF format suitable for use with the standard
OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE).  Simply type:
VIEW CON0296.INF See included README.TXT file
for description and installation
instructions. Newsletter includes the names,
numbers, and addresses (including Internet
and BBS') of key OS/2 contacts in the
industry, along with news and a calendar of

con1295.zip (557K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for December 1995 in
INF format suitable for use with the standard
OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE).  Simply
type:  VIEW CON1295.INF
See included README.TXT file for description 
and installation instructions.
Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
addresses (including Internet and BBS') of 
key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along 
with news and a calendar of events.

ctel012.zip (72K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

CapiTel is a CAPI 1.1 based 32-Bit
answering machine for OS/2. This
is a textmode ALPHA version!

danctls.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

daytim15.zip (74K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

This package contains a time (RFC 868)
and daytime (RFC 867) server as well as
a client for both for OS/2. IBM TCP/IP
is required. TCP and UDP protocols are
supported. INETD operation is possible
for TCP protocol.

daytime.zip (74K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

This package contains a time (RFC 868)
and daytime (RFC 867) server as well as
a client for both for OS/2. IBM TCP/IP
is required. TCP and UDP protocols are
supported. INETD operation is possible
for TCP protocol.

dbcdp011.zip (541K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

(v0.11) DBCDPlayer - Audio CD Player with a DB
The program plays audio CDs and has the
capability of storing Artists, CD and song titles
in a data file. The current CD title and song title
will be shown in the program's display window
while the CD is playing. The CD Player can be 
controlled with both mouse and keyboard.
dchess.zip (78K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm


difflist.zip (47K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

DiffList.Exe v0.951 (DOS or OS/2), a utility
for network coordinators. Prepares a report
of changes between any two Region or Net
nodelist segments. Optionally extracts Region
or Net segments from full nodelist and
generates CRCs.

diskio19.zip (36K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

DISKIO - Fixed Disk Benchmark
(C) 1994-1995 Kai Uwe Rommel

This is a simple fixed disk benchmark for OS/2. 
It measures (approximately) the following 

- drive cache/bus transfer rate
- data transfer rate
- average latency time
- average data access time
- CPU load caused by the disk I/O

doconfig.zip (96K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

drvchk2.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

dsk2s122.zip (108K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

DESK 1.22 is an echomail statistics
tool for GEcho 1.20 and higher. It
has eight report types, a nice full
screen setup utility, a scheduler
for scheduling reports (a command
can be run on each report) on a
daily, weekly, monthly or yearly
basis. The registered version has a
ninth bonus report type that
reports empty echomail areas.

dwolf.zip (125K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

dz100.zip (628K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

e30info.zip (795K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

e30lib1.zip (1,344K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

e30man.zip (953K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

e30min.zip (1,175K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

e30more.zip (295K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

e30net.zip (480K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

edmi3_9.zip (768K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

edmi4_1.zip (254K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

efcom209.zip (285K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

OS/2 PM Commander V2.09. HPFS, netware,
commandbar with history, statusbar with
context menu, toolbar with help, usermenu,
drag & drop, packers, scalable panels, 
customized layout, powerful search, & more.

efcomm.zip (266K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

eqed096.zip (122K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

An WYSIWYG equation editor
for OS/2 PM..

    Try it out !!!!!!

euler408.zip (453K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

EULER for OS/2 PM. A numerical math 
program, handling real and complex
numbers, vectors and matrices, with 
2D/3D graphics, programming language.

ext2_05b.zip (492K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

ext2-os2 V0.5b : Linux ext2fs IFS (file
system driver) for OS/2. Allows OS/2 to 
access Linux native partitions (ext2fs 
partitions) as normal OS/2 drive letters.
Includes also Deon van der Westhuysen's 
Linux partition filter driver (ext2flt.flt).
Licence agreement : GNU GPL.
Matthieu WILLM
Home : willm@ibm.net
Work : mwillm@vnet.ibm.com

ext2_07b.zip (495K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

ext2-os2 V0.7b : Linux ext2fs IFS (file
system driver) for OS/2. Allows OS/2 to 
access Linux native partitions (ext2fs 
partitions) as normal OS/2 drive letters.
Includes also Deon van der Westhuysen's 
Linux partition filter driver (ext2flt.flt).
Licence agreement : GNU GPL.
Matthieu WILLM
Home : willm@ibm.net
Work : mwillm@vnet.ibm.com

fauxram.zip (89K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

(v1.0) FauxRAM - fake RAM doubler (humor).           
Humorous OS/2 PM program meant to make fun   
of Windoze RAM compression programs.  This   
program "doubles" system and video RAM,      
processor speed, HD capacity, and CD-ROM     
throughput.  Also converts SX processors to  
DX. In actuality it does nothing but display 
nice graphs (just like the "real" ones!).    
Freeware by Greg Kondrasuk (gregk@cvfn.org).
fc2_140.zip (169K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

File Commander/2 v1.4,
Norton Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2
Provides powerful file management functions,
program launch, text viewing and editing
facilities in 32 bit OS/2 text mode.

fcut10.zip (29K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

───────═ File Cutter v1.0 ═───────
│  This is a very flexible file  │
│splitting program especially for│
│  binary. Cut any part of file  │
│  with any size you want. Both  │
│ 32bit OS/2 and DOS executables │
──(C) VG Soft & Gamzun Y.F. 1996──

ferb10.zip (120K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

fiaw11.zip (88K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

(v1.1) Finger-In-A-Window - PM finger prgrm.
OS/2 PM program that will allow you to store
a list of frequently finger addresses and 
display the finger output in a scrollable 
window.  The address list can be saved, 
sorted, and arranged and the program's size, 
position, and font may also be saved. 
Freeware by Greg Kondrasuk (gregk@edp.net).
file.bbs (62K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

fixprob.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

fleet114.zip (987K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

FleetStreet 1.14 for OS/2 2.x/3.x PM
is a flexible and powerful FTN message
reader for Squish, *.MSG & JAM areas,
multithreaded, 32 bit, CUA'91, Rexx,
drag'n'drop, highly configurable,
supports Squish, Fastecho, IMail, GEcho,
LoraBBS, FMAIL, WMail, english, german,
swedish and italian version.

flifla10.zip (87K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

FLICFLAC v1.0: A game of colors, suitable for
any age. Easy to learn, but very addcitve.
Requires OS/2 Warp and mouse. Cardware !

flinf11.zip (32K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

FLINF V1.1 - File List to INF Converter.
32-bit OS/2 command line utility.
converts many different file list formats.

fm2_238.zip (1,037K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

FM/2 v2.37
An OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bit file/directory/
archive/etc. maintenance package with
plenty of bells and whistles -- a
Swiss army knife for OS/2.

fm2utl.zip (364K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

FM/2 Utilities
A collection of utilities designed for
use with FM/2 (they can also be used
RENCASE, MOV, KILL/2 and more.

fshell.zip (124K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

ftpfid15.zip (103K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

FTPFIDO Version 1.5
by Jerry Gause 1:3651/9
Rexx script to send and recieve 
Fidonet mail/files via FTP under OS/2.
Use FTPFID15 for Binkley and
FTPFD for FD outbounds.
Also included are the files for
starting a cmd line PPP session.

ftpmon10.zip (85K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

fwadp28.zip (63K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

fwmod.zip (26K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

ged_icon.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

geturl.zip (126K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

GetURL (1.0) 
OS/2 program for retrieving
URL- specified files from
the Internet. Supports HTTP,
FTP, NNTP, GOPHER, and Local
File Transfers.
Shareware ($30.00 U.S.)
Decker Automation

gfxck121.zip (68K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

GFXCheck v1.21 - Graphics file checking
utility for validating GIF, JPEG and BMP
graphics files.  Great for sysops who receive
graphic files via uploads or other means.
Detects corrupt, incomplete or invalid image
files, dispositions files based upon image
characteristics, trims extraneous bytes,
updates BBS descriptions and inserts GIF and
JPEG comments.  Includes both DOS and OS/2

gldemosd.zip (1,754K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

gnuawk.zip (1,182K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

gnucal.zip (876K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

go2_12.zip (21K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

Go2, version 1.2.  An OS/2 command-line directory-changing utility.
Crosses disk-drives, networks, simple to use.  FREEWARE.  Way Cool!

gofer230.zip (1,264K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

hamclk10.zip (11K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

hischgct.zip (289K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

CHG_CTLS [V2.1]- OS/2 Titlebar Customizer
A utility to replace the default os/2 controls: 
Minimize, Maximize, etc.. 
Now a PM program  
Look in Readme.inf for full info.
By: Matt Schellhaas

hook401.zip (131K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

hpos2pcl.zip (610K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

Hewlett Packard PCL 5 Drivers (V30.456) for
OS/2 3.0 WARP, 2.1x, and 2.0 w/Service Pak.
Supports LaserJets 2-5 plus Color LaserJet,
PaintJet XL300, DeskJets 1200C/1600C.
html1195.zip (123K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

htmlwz.zip (837K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

(v1.54) HTML Wizard - OS/2 HTML Editor
Makes editing HTML documents much easier 
by providing a "Tagbar" that inserts 
appropriate tags around text. Has user-
definable tags and supports non-English 
characters. Previewing with Web Explorer
and syntax checking with Weblint also 
supported.Shareware (US$ 20) 
Dirk Terrell terrell@gnv.fdt.net

httpa130.zip (197K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

(v1.30) HTTPACC - An OS/2 Program to read and reset the Access.LOG
file that the OS2HTTPD NCSA Server writes out.  Since my server
was up 24 hours a day I had no way of deleting the ACCESS.LOG
file.  This program will reset the log every night and print out
stats.  Some of the information that is display is:
Total Bytes Send, Total Requests to the server, HTML Requests,
Script requests, NON-HTML requests, Malformed requests, and
Total Unique hosts since the file was reset, and unique documents.
To register send $20.00usd to

AB Software
3109 Village Rd West
Norwood, MA 02062-2542


hybris17.zip (17K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

iab132.zip (408K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:18 pm

IAB v1.32, The Internet Address Book for
OS/2 - New Look and Feel!  Easier to Use!

iab133.zip (29K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

ibmpcl3.zip (872K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

ic099b2.zip (741K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

ic105.zip (407K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

InterCom v1.05 - PM Internet Telephone for OS/2.
Features such as answering machine, caller ID,
call blocking, dialing directories, and quick
dial.  Electronic telephone book server and talk
servers.  Seamless support for dynamic IP users.
Fully functional shareware version.

icbrg110.zip (18K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

IceBerg v1.10 - REXX scripts for GTirc - the 
GammaTech Internet Relay Chat client software.
GTirc supports REXX scripts in the background
to enhance it's interface.  These scripts
are an effort to that end.  Postcard-Ware!

imileo22.zip (541K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

InfoMiles v2.2 for OS/2 PM ---------
Communications usage and cost monitor
for Internet, services, BBS, fax,
email, etc.

itr13og1.zip (157K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

japidoc.zip (366K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

jotv1.zip (486K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

kldir156.zip (159K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

KL-DIR  Version 1.56
OS/2 PM based utility for
cc:MAIL Mobile. Allows cc:MAIL Mobile
users to send a message to an ID and this
utility will monitor IDs and will
return a directory listing. Makes up for
features lacking in cc:MAIL ADE
Register on Compuserve via GO SWREG.
Keith Luken email on CIS: 75627,563 or
Internet:  75627.563@compuserve.com

klvir097.zip (173K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

lem2demo.zip (996K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Lemmings for OS/2 8 Level Demo

lemdemo1.zip (959K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

lemmdemo.zip (996K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

lod501o.zip (666K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

LOD Ver 5.00 - OS/2 exes [Optional]
By Scott M. Baker
These executables are for the OS/2
version of LOD. Included are both
a graphical PM version and a standard
character mode application. Also
included are several utilities and
other associated programs.

logman19.zip (89K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

LogMan 1.9 - Flexible log files archiver/cutter
for DOS, OS/2 and WinNT
los241b2.zip (805K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

LoraBBS  v2.41b2 OS/2 - Mailer, BBS and Mail
Processor.  The  most  advanced Mailer,  BBS
and  Mail Processor  ever seen.  It features
multiple message bases  (Hudson, Fido *.MSG,
Squish  and Pip-base),  EMSI,  IEMSI,  Janus
(bi-directional  file  transfer  protocol ),
fast FidoNet complain mail processor capable
of  processing 3d or 4d  point systems  with
built-in  Areafix  capabilities.   Now  with
INTERNET connectivity ready !!!!! All in one
package (available in both DOS and OS/2 v2.x
versions).  This  is an  upgrade  only,  you
should obtain the full release (LORA240D.ZIP
or LORA240S.ZIP) before upgrading.

lst004.zip (242K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

lunat40b.zip (391K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

 Lunatix 4.0b- A Door Game by Mike Snyder  
■     ---- (C) 1995 by N-E-Ware ----     ■
■ RIP & ANSI, Multi-Node, IGMs, More!    ■
■ DOS, Win/Win95, OS2, DV, Lots of fun.  ■
■ Also has "In-Game Story" (IGS) support ■
■ Lunatix is a role-playing door game.   ■
■ For info on upgrading read UPGRADE.DOC ■

mactr020.zip (523K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

(v0.20) MainActor/2, A Mod Animation Package
MainActor/2 is able to load, edit, play,
create and save animations and pictures of
any size in a format independent manner.
The final version will include most of the
animation and picture formats found in the
graphics world. Together with many animation
processing functions (timing of animations,
sound effects, .. ). Includes DIVE support.
Shareware(US$60. - MasterCard)

max301c.zip (673K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Maximus 3.01 - common executables.
A flexible BBS package
incorporating RIP support, an
advanced extension language,
hierarchical message and file
areas, a message tracking system
for handling technical support
queries, and more.

max301p.zip (819K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Maximus 3.01 - OS/2 executables.
A flexible BBS package
incorporating RIP support, an
advanced extension language,
hierarchical message and file
areas, a message tracking system
for handling technical support,
and more.

mdesk11.zip (325K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

MDesk for OS/2 Release 1.1, MDesk is a fast,
complete WPS replacement or add-on for OS/2
2.1 and Warp.  It also features many desktop
tools not found in the base OS/2 product.
memsz310.zip (436K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

System Resources v3.10 (Rick Papo,
02 February 1996, Free).  A simple
utility for monitoring system activity
and resources.  Source included.
English, French, Spanish, German,
Catalan, Danish, Chinese (BIG5),
Norwegian and Italian language files.

mfreqv10.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

 │ ╓──┐╥   ─╥─ ╥──┐╓──┐╓──┐╥──┐╓─╥─┐ │
 │ ║   ║    ║  ╟──┘╙──┐║  │╟─    ║   │
 │ ╙──┘╨──┘─╨─ ╨   ╙──┘╙──┘╨     ╨   │
 │ ────═════ MakeFreq v1.0 ═════──── │
 │                                   │
 │MakeFreq is a utility for AdeptXBBS│
 │to create fast and easy a Public.ok│
 │file from the File_Areas file. This│
 │utility supports Magic filenames!  │
 │                                   │
 └─────════ By Koen Koster ════──────┘

mg109.zip (217K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

MailGate 1.09 imports RFC-822 mail from SENDMAIL into your Squish Message Base. It can Scan email out, and send it via SENDMAIL. Now includes more utilities and a PM version!

mim2_010.zip (551K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

mnuman11.zip (59K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

mod201i.zip (994K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

mony_100.zip (34K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

mr2_226.zip (283K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

MR/2 - A QWK compatible mail reader for
OS/2 text-mode.  Menu/picklist driven,
mouse support, thread summary, multi-
threaded searching, virtual conferences,
address book, internal editor, speller,
thesaurus.  Reply templates, clipboard
access, BBS specific INI's.  Message
deferring, reply logging, long file
name support.  Much more ... Many
SLMR/OLX compatible keystrokes.

mr2i099a.zip (568K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

mr2i099g.zip (651K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

mr2i099k.zip (657K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

mr2i099l.zip (608K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

MR/2 ICE v0.99l: Internet Email Client
An OS/2 PM reader for internet email.
POP3 and SMTP support, 32 bit multi-
threaded, toolbars, multiwindow,
thesaurus, speller.  Many more
features with more to come.  Public
"wide" beta.

mr2i099n.zip (621K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

MR/2 ICE v0.99n: Internet Email Client
An OS/2 PM reader for internet email.
POP3 and SMTP support, 32 bit multi-
threaded, toolbars, multiwindow,
thesaurus, speller.  Many more
features with more to come.  Public
"wide" beta.

mred104e.zip (326K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Mr.Ed is a full functional shareware
texteditor for OS/2 PM. Features:
syntax-highlighting, compiler support,
third-party online-help support,
multiwindowed, toolbar, window monitor,
drag-n-drop, savable bookmarks,
multithreaded, EA support, C/C++ support,
printing, sorting, multilevel undo/redo,
configurable keyboard and much more...

ncf_1to2.zip (27K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

ncftp2b7.zip (194K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

NcFTP v2.3.0 Public Beta 7 - Enhanced FTP
Client for OS/2 2 2.x.  Requires TCP/IP or
IAK + emxrt.zip.   Port of UNIX NcFTP 2.3.0,
a highly-enhanced version of standard FTP. 
Includes reget support, hosts editor, auto-
anonymous login, progress meter, recursive 
gets, more!  Completely customizable. Wide
Beta Release.
nfnf102.zip (180K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

NFNF is a 32bit WPS add on for OS/2 Warp.  NFNF adds
extra functionality to the OS/2 Workplace Shell and
makes many things easier to do.  NFNF will only work
on OS/2 Warp - not earlier versions of OS/2.

Functionality includes :
    Popup items for zipping and unzipping files and folders,
        with many, many useful options.
    Drag & Drop zipping via a zip object template.
    Adding to a zip file via Drag & Drop or via popup menu.
    Automatic display of statistics in the titlebar of a folder
        number of files, bytes and subdirs.  (Not recursive.)
    Popup item for total size entire folder.  (Recursive.)
    Popup item for statistics for an individual file (size, EA size, 
        dates, times and attributes; attributes easily changed).
    Popup item for command line opened from object's directory.                
    Automatic Drag & Drop prompt (a la Win95).
    Remove unwanted standard menu items from popup menus.
    Popup item for create a new directory.

nmfw201.zip (159K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

NmFwd 2.01 OS/2
Netmail Multi Robot to be used with
Maximus 3.xx and Squish (tm).
Netmail forward to the Sysop's point,
Maximus user and file management via
netmail messages, areafix for squish,
point routing to their boss if no
phone number for them in the nodelist,

nr2ascii.zip (19K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

ntmgrg2p.zip (156K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

NetMgr 1.00.g2; Copy, move, delete,
change, file, bounce, etc. netmail,
based on the message header/body.
JAM, Squish, Hudson and *.MSG formats
supported. OS/2 version.

objdctls.zip (9K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

odfxkit3.zip (544K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Object Desktop for OS/2 Fixkit #3
os202_t0.zip (215K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

os202_t1.zip (164K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

os202_t2.zip (125K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

os202_t4.zip (211K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

os2bmp1.zip (998K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
Some of these files were converted from .PNG
files I had on my bbs. Most of then came from
D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP .BMP
files. I took the liberty of dragging them to
the desktop and converting them as per his
instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP
Each zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy!
BEST AT 640x480x65,000 colors!
Be sure to check out all the other related
zip files.........FILE 1 of 7

os2bmp3.zip (732K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
Some of these files were converted from .PNG
files I had on my bbs. Most of then came from
D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP .BMP
files. I took the liberty of dragging them to
the desktop and converting them as per his
instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP
Each zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy!
BEST AT 640x480x65,000 colors!
Be sure to check out all the other related
zip files.........FILE 3 of 7

os2bmp5.zip (573K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
Some of these files were converted from .PNG
files I had on my bbs. Most of then came from
D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP .BMP
files. I took the liberty of dragging them to
the desktop and converting them as per his
instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP
Each zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy!
BEST AT 640x480x65,000 colors!
Be sure to check out all the other related
zip files.........FILE 5 of 7

os2bmp6.zip (303K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
Some of these files were converted from .PNG
files I had on my bbs. Most of then came from
D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP .BMP
files. I took the liberty of dragging them to
the desktop and converting them as per his
instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP
Each zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy!
BEST AT 640x480x65,000 colors!
Be sure to check out all the other related
zip files.........FILE 6 of 7

os2bmp8.zip (278K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
Some of these files were converted from .PNG
files I had on my bbs. Most of then came from
D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP .BMP
files. I took the liberty of dragging them to
the desktop and converting them as per his
instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP
Each zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy!
BEST AT 640x480x65,000 colors!
Be sure to check out all the other related
zip files........

os2cat12.zip (230K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

os2cl015.zip (38K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

PM++ class library -- encapsulates the 
OS/2 PM API. Compiles to a DLL with
emx 0.9a

os2day.zip (119K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

os2dir22.zip (41K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

os2isca8.zip (40K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

os2java.zip (4,770K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

os2p11.zip (788K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

LANtastic for OS/2 v1.0 patch 12/01/95
SERVER.EXE   1.00.41
PMNET.EXE    1.00.30
PUP.EXE      1.00.29
PMLTCFG.EXE  1.00.22
PMLTSRV.EXE  1.00.26
NETAPI.DLL   1.00.11
AI-NDIS.OS2  2.09.11
IFS2NB.OS2   1.00.12
VDM2IFS.OS2  1.00.01
DOSNET.EXE   6.10.21
OS2LPI.DLL   1.00.12
NET.EXE      1.00.69
- via LANNet FDN -

os2www26.zip (1,356K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

osc_229e.zip (510K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc. Scans
and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new 
viruses. Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above.
Version 229 (9601) 01-05-96 

owtd_inf.zip (200K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

ox2v3wb2.zip (533K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Iron Ox for OS/2 3.00wb2 -- A New Universe!
A major new release of the Iron Ox strategy
door, now featuring full support for interBBS
league play! This door also features full RIP
graphics support (optional local graphics),
REAL-TIME multinode combat, beautiful RIP art
by RogueMoonRips, land developments like
forts and refineries, and much more.

pager050.zip (220K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

▌ SWISS PAGER/2 0.50           ▌
▌ OS/2 Software zum Versenden  ▌
▌ von Meldungen an alphanume-  ▌
▌ rische und numerische Pager  ▌
▌ via Modem. Telepage Swiss    ▌
▌ und Telepage Private fähig.  ▌
▌ Vorbereitet für Natel-D SMS. ▌
▌ - Einzel- & Mehrfachversand  ▌
▌ - Gespeicherte Versandlisten ▌
▌ - Drag & Drop Support        ▌
▌ - Druckfunktion              ▌
▌ - Getestet unter OS/2 Warp   ▌

pcsec22a.zip (937K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

(V2.2) PC Security for OS/2
Information is power!
Now with the Workplace Security Components, 
Makes the mission  critical environment more 
secure. File Encryption, File Locking, Window 
Locking,  Keyboard Monitor, File Wipout, 
Alarm and much more. 
New Workplace Shell Objects.
Silvio Kuczynski, 73742.1104@compuserve.com

peek.zip (21K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

pfowl106.zip (360K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Date:December 13, 1995
Author: Edward March Jr.
Shareware: Registration is $39.95
Home Pages:

Professor Owl is a C++ Code generator for the Object Window Library. 
It is the fastest way to wrte OS/2 applcations using your Borland C++ 
compiler and the Object Window Library classes. Professor Owl generates 
skeleton applications, make files, and C++ code with headers. 
It is easy to add objects and classes with functions/events to your 
existing C++ files or new C++ files.

You push the buttons and let Professor Owl do the rest. 
It knows about hundreds of functions, parameters and classes 
        that make up the Object Window Library(tm).

Files Included:
12-13-95   1:06a      1787         183  EVAL.TXT
12-13-95   1:06a      3077        4366  INSTALL.CMD
12-13-95   1:06a    129840           0  PROFOWL.INF
12-13-95   1:06a        41         285  README.CMD
12-13-95   1:06a    614995        1054  PROFOWL.EXE
12-13-95   1:06a       930           0  README.TXT
12-13-95   1:06a      1420          35  FILE_ID.DIZ
12-13-95   1:06a       874         165  PROFOWL.PTR

Phone:          (708) 228-1234

Replaces:       PFOWL102.zip

pftpd108.zip (112K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

pine391a.zip (546K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

pmcom233.zip (471K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

pmfd10b.zip (19K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

pmfusl11.zip (228K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

PM FUSL/2 v1.10 [OS/2]
FidoNet file request utility and more.
Work's with OS/2 2.1 and WARP.
Please read READ.ME and Whatsnew.Txt!

pmmtomr2.zip (16K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

pmp40a.zip (768K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

pmp40b.zip (768K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

pmp40d.zip (769K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

pmpn200b.zip (981K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

 PM PostNotes                  Version 2.00a
 Filename:-                     PMPN200a.ZIP
 PM PostNotes provides a suite of utilities,
 which include:

      o  PostIt (c) notes
      o  small PIM w/ graphical time-usage
      o  true digital clock / calendar
      o  hour/quarter/half-hour chiming
      o  hour tolling
      o  digital stop watch
      o  event timer / reminder
      o  program launcher
      o  a calculator
      o  an address book
      o  a phone dialer

 This archive contains a demo of the Deluxe
 Edition in addition to all that is required
 to register this shareware application.

 Please see READ.ME for installation
 instructions.  Requires Rexx for chimes.

pmprp200.zip (704K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

PMPrep 2.00 - OS/2 PM uuencoder/uudecoder

PMPrep uudecodes/uuencodes multiple-part
files and files which include non-uuencoded
PMPrep features an easy to use yet powerful
drag'n drop user interface and utilizes
multiple threads for best multitasking performance.
PMPrep works on OS/2 version 2.1 and above.

Registration fee is 32 USD.

Knut Radloff, email: knut@krhh.hanse.de

pmremd10.zip (54K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

polycalc.zip (72K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

popsrv99.zip (65K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

(v0.99) beta release of pop3
server for OS/2. Request TCP/IP.
Support posting via POP and
INETD operation.
This package includes MAIL.EXE
(local delivery agent) used by
sendmail and INT2FID.EXE gate
for internet mail to fidonet.

positv.zip (119K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

POSITIVE v1.1-- Police Report Writer/
Case Manager by RAD Software
PO Box 1991 / Columbus, GA / 31902
Maintain your Incident Reports on a
personal computer for a great price!
√ Runs in DOS, Windows, or OS/2!
√ POSITIVE can maintain up to 100,000
  case files!
√ Each case file has a comprehensive  
  cover sheet and a text notepad for   
  case notes, statements, logs, etc.
√ Powerful searching features let you
  list all case files, certain case
  files (based on certain word(s)),
  or just one file almost instantly!
√ Professional printing/reporting.
√ Many, many more powerful features
POSITIVE gives you mainframe power
for only $79!!!

post2u21.zip (227K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Ecee Software presents PostToYou/2
version 2.1.  An OS/2 program which
provides yellow sticky notes to litter
your screen with reminders. Notes can
have alarms and repeating alarms with
factors of minutes, hours or days.
Notes can be stationary, hidden or
floating, different sizes and tiling
styles. Save to file or print features.
Font and color support per note. Note
text is typed right onto the note. Con-
figuration allows for your choice of
date format display, alarm attributes
and more. Great for meetings, appoint-
ments and event reminders. Shareware
and NOT crippled or limited. Register
via CompuServe SWREG# 8504.

pppinfo.zip (13K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

practivu.zip (631K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

(v1.1.0) The Practice Viewer Upgrade
Includes JPEG support for OS/2 Multimedia,
and the Lightning Browser, a much-improved
multimedia image browser.  Formerly
available as JPEGPROC.
New in this release:
 * The Lightning Browser
 * Patch for Light Tables to support .jpg
 * Supports writing JPEG files
Practice Corp, 72673.3305@compuserve.com

prime11a.zip (160K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

╔════| NEW: v1.1 |════╗
║Primenumber Generator║
║for  MS-DOS, OS/2 and║
║Macintosh.  Very fast║
║32-bit algorithm. The║
║source  code  for all║
║platforms is included║

prjmg104.zip (62K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

pros0196.zip (192K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

PROS/2 Newsletter for January 1996 in
various file formats:  ASCII text (.TXT), 
PostScript (.PS), and INF suitable for use 
with the standard OS/2 "View" utility 
(VIEW.EXE).  Simply type:  VIEW PROS0196.INF
See included README.TXT file for description 
and installation instructions.
PROS/2 is the official newsletter of the
Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group (TBOUG).

pros0296.zip (300K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

PROS/2 Newsletter for February 1996 in
various file formats:  ASCII text (.TXT), 
PostScript (.PS), and INF suitable for use 
with the standard OS/2 "View" utility 
(VIEW.EXE).  Simply type:  VIEW PROS0296.INF
See included README.TXT file for description 
and installation instructions.
PROS/2 is the official newsletter of the
Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group (TBOUG).

ps2_201e.zip (347K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

PalmScan/2 v2.01 - The Ultimate Archive
Conversion Utility. 32 bit OS/2 version.
Converts almost any archive to another
format, checks for viruses inside the
archives while converting (can use 20 
scanners!), gets file descriptions, 
processes embedded archives, remove/add
files from/to archives, full support for
GIF packing, and lots more!  PalmScan has
full FileDoor, FILES.BBS, Remote-Access, 
Ezycom and Concord file-database support,
works with any door.sys and dorinfo bbs  
system, works great in Allfix and many 
other programs, or stand-alone! 
psutils.zip (269K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

qfb105.zip (46K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

QFB 1.05 Quick File Base Builder
OS/2 32 bit version.
Substitute for Max 3.00 FBP.
Generation of UniFiles.Idx
with no duplicates for F/R.
Multi-Line description support.
Very fast update.

qframe.zip (21K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Qframe Version 1.0 for OS/2
- ConnectIx QuickCam frame grabber for OS/2
- = From the SophWare HoloHaus (c)1996 = -

qframe10.zip (21K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Qframe Version 1.0 for OS/2
- ConnectIx QuickCam frame grabber for OS/2
- = From the SophWare HoloHaus (c)1996 = -

rabbid.zip (1K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Rabbids Revenge is a Toyland add-on level
for World of Balls. It's quite tricky, if I
do say so myself, which is why I made it.

radf100.zip (97K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

rant.zip (36K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Stupid Report Generator. Quickly generate
reports of any length. With source.

rar200b2.zip (110K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

rar200bp.zip (110K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

recurse.zip (22K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

(v1.0.0) Folder Recurse for OS/2
Program to allow recursive setting of
workplace shell settings for all
sub-folders of a given folder.
Robert McDermid, mcdermid@hcl.com

rpo205.zip (190K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

rsynth1.zip (191K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

runfor11.zip (76K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

rxbas205.zip (440K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

RexxBase - The Database For REXX V2.05.
RexxBase is a Rexx External Interface DLL
that allows OS/2 V2.x command procedures to
access dBase III and IV files.  Rexx programs
can control files by reading, writing and
updating data fields directly.  RexxBase
generates dBase field names and values that
are available directly to a Rexx program.
The Rexx program can change this data and
update dBase files directly.  Also database
file control information is available to the
Rexx program.  This information includes such
data as last date the database was updated,
number of records on file, field names, etc.
RexxBase supports NDX and DBT files.

This release of RexxBase contains a GUI
front-end program to assist in database

This release also contains a set of VX/Rexx
macros developed by Stefan Dietz of

Here is the scoop about FREQing RexxBase:

FREQable from 1:3641/1 or 1:3641/224.
Magic Name: REXXBASE.

rxcls.zip (33K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

rxdlg11.zip (183K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Rexx Dialog allows an OS/2 REXX script to open multiple PM windows with list
and drop boxes, spin/push/radio/checkmark buttons, sliders, menus, etc. Add a
full PM (ie, visual) interface to a REXX script. Also, easily add a visual
REXX interface to a C program. Much smaller than full-blown commercial
Visual REXX packages, and it's free!

rxu19.zip (163K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

sb_os2.zip (972K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

 Creative Bulletin Board
 Filename:-                    SB_OS2.ZIP
 Sound Blaster drivers for OS/2 v3.0 Warp
 Driver support for SB16/SB16 Vibra & SB
 AWE32. Now include CSP modules.
 Additional functions and features:-

  ■ Support For AWE32 SoundFonts
  ■ Detection of various Vibra Chipsets
  ■ CSP codes supported
  ■ Support for Advanced Power Management

 To extract files, use 'SBDRIVER -D'.
 Please refer to README.TXT file for more

 ─[ SB-BBS ]─────────────────────────────
scm4e1.zip (554K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

scrcrd72.zip (156K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Allows a golfer to track their golf outings.
Average's and progress graph.
For use with OS/2 warp. 
This is Version 7.2 12/20/95
sftp10.zip (123K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

S-FTP v1.0, Simple-FTP for OS/2. Easy
logons, reads text descriptions of files
at FTP sites, performs batch downloads.
FREE e-mail/snailmail cardware.

sftp104.zip (126K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

S(imple)FTP v1.04, a simple to use but
efficient PM-based FTP utility for OS/2.

sftp105.zip (129K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

smaled10.zip (248K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Smalled 1.00 The perfect system editor
replacement. Smalled is a PM Editor that 
Features Multithreading, Buttonbar, 
Drag-n-drop, ATM fonts, WYSIWYG printing, 
extended EA support, Presentation Params, 
configurable context popup, Bubble help,
file-find, file-info, extended help, etc. 
SHAREWARE $18 after 30 day trail period
soupinst.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

spad.zip (114K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

spellgrd.zip (494K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

SpellGuard v1.1 is an OS/2 as-you-type
Spell Checker for PM programs,programs
that run in an OS/2 Window and DOS
programs in a DOS Window.
56K Dictionary.Provides interactive
spell checking and closet match
Shareware - $25.

spllmstr.zip (209K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

sqedxm95.zip (574K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Sqed/32 is a FidoNet compatible msg
reader/editor for OS/2 2.x/3.x PM.
Supports Fido *.MSG and Squish formats,
User configurable toolbar, Drag&Drop,
quote highlighting, external message
tools (like spellcheckers, PGP, etc.),
external file area tools, CHRS kludge
Version7 nodelist, pipe control,
REXX support and many more.

sqtool04.zip (96K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

SqTool 0.4ß. SqTool is a multi-purpose
utility for FidoNet node and point
systems, and more generally anyone
using FidoNet-style message bases.
Works with Squish and *.MSG msg bases,
Files.BBS-based file bases.

ss_32.zip (103K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

SuperSlots! v3.2. Slot machine game DOOR for
many BBS types from J & W Software. NEW:
updated ANSI graphics, support for FOSSIL
ports > 8, Windows and OS/2 time slices
released, alias support (DOOR.SYS only).
Features include: ANSI/RIP screens with sound
and animation, full Multi-Node support, easy
installation and no maintenance.

ssaver25.zip (516K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

ScreenSaver 2.5 is an easy-to-use 32-bit
screen saver for OS/2 with lockup protection,
DPMS monitor support, DOS and Win-OS/2
fullscreen support, multimedia, module
building toolkit, more than 50 modules.
Shareware, US$28
Siegfried Hanisch, Internet: ssaver@ibm.net

ssnd.zip (37K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

starts10.zip (180K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

This OS/2 base device driver plays a true
startup sound on your Soundblaster card
(or compatible) as soon as the OS/2 logo is
displayed! Plus, it doesn't require the
massive MMPM/2 overhead and randomly selects
one out of six cool sounds. It does not
interfere with MMPM/2.
FREEWARE by Robert Muchsel

swapm122.zip (184K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

(v1.22) SwapMonitor - A complete OS/2 monitor
that will fit in a small window on your
desktop. It is highly cutomizable. You
can change font and color by drag & drop.
You can display a clock, the disk
occupation (free, percentage, total), the
file system, the volume label, the
number of process & threads, the elapsed
time since last boot, and many more...

sysmon20.zip (252K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

sysxdmp1.zip (109K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

OS/2 utility that allows you to store System Exclusive dumps (ie,
usually Patch or waveform data) on your computer's media (ie, HD, floppies,
etc). You can then later send a dump back to your MIDI unit. Backup your
MIDI gear's Patch and Waveform data upon your computer instead of expensive
RAM cards or MIDI "recording" devices. Implements MIDI Sample Dump Standard
(and saves as a WAVE file) as well as Roland Handshaking. Reqs: Jeff
Glatt's MPUDEV driver or compatible.

t_2599p.zip (293K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

t_dlc38.zip (95K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

T-DLC 3.8 - T-Mail Download Counter
for DOS, OS/2 and WinNT
t_fix299.zip (175K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

t_queue.zip (195K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

T-Queue for DOS & OS/2 v.2.0

tablc12a.zip (169K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Tablica/2  1.2  - Periodic Table of the
Elements:  native OS/2 application with
point-and-click interface. Contains all
essential data on 106 chemical elements
from atomic weight to thermal conducti-
-vity. Indispensable reference tool for
high school and college students.  Many
improvements/additions  since ver. 1.1!

tame333.zip (105K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

TAME Release 3.33
Speeds multitasking of DOS 
applications in Windows, OS/2, 
Windows 95, Windows NT, 
DESQview, Double DOS and many more.

taskr402.zip (294K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

(v4.02) Tasker 4.0 /OS2 Task Scheduler
Tasker 4.02 is a OS/2 Work place shell
scheduler from Evolutionary software. 
it has the following features.
1.) Work Place shell Program
2.)Schedule DOS,Windows,OS/2 programs          
3.) Automatic Logging 
4) Log viewer with extensive filters.
4.)Granularity of minutes, hours etc...
contact us with email at ELLEDGE@IBM.NET

tass34x3.zip (207K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

tassos2z.zip (207K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

tcsh6051.zip (205K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

tdgammon.zip (345K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

te2_131t.zip (683K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

teldr103.zip (19K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Telnet Door is a door program written to run on OS/2 BBS systems.  It allows
the user to login to a host system on the Internet (or other TCP/IP networks).
This can be used to provide UNIX shell access via your OS/2 BBS or DOS BBS
package running under OS/2.  You can also run SLIP or PPP over the Telnet
Requires OS/2 version 2.10+ with a 32bit TCP/IP protocol stack.  I recommend
using OS/2 Warp Connect.

telnetp.zip (9K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

tim110p.zip (355K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

TimEd 1.10; Fast msg editor supporting
Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases;
With internal editor. OS/2 version.

tmfaq.zip (16K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

tmfaq23.zip (16K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

tos_pm10.zip (37K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

The 32 bit OS/2 PM Automated Episode
Guide v 1.0 for The Original STAR TREK.
This is a full featured OS/2 PM program
that makes it easy to view information
on the original STAR TREK series.

toyl256.zip (646K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

|    Toyland OS/2 0.7 256 colors     |

Toyland is a puzzle game for OS/2.
This is the 256 color version.
Toyland requires OS/2 2.x or Warp with

trn36_2.zip (789K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

tserve10.zip (79K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

tserve1b.zip (75K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

TSERVE 1.0b - Micro-Neil's Terminal server
for OS/2 Warp Connect. Provides PPP internet
access through your BBS lines. Fully
configurable shareware, allows for fixed or
dynamic IP addresses on a user by user basis.
Fully documented. Shareware $60.
tspec028.zip (810K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

TrueSpectra Light Beta Release 28 is a true
object-based image processing and page 
layout program for OS/2.  This beta, valid 
until Nov. 30, 1996, includes support for 
combining structured graphics, text and 
bitmaps to produce images output in a number
of formats including JPEG, BMP, and TARGA. 
It features direct manipulation and unique
context based controls. Uploaded by
objects@ibm.net (TrueSpectra Inc.)

twp100.zip (345K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

useron11.zip (25K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

UserOn/RA 1.10. *FREEWARE* Allows 
you to put fake users on the "who's 
online" list in RemoteAccess 2.0x.
Great for letting your users know
what's happening on each node of
your system. OS/2 executable now 
also included!

uucd_pls.zip (70K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

uucode15.zip (45K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

UUEncode & UUDecode, v1.5
Fast, free, 32-bit, HPFS & EAs-Ok

vbdiff17.zip (62K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Visual Binary Diff 1.7 (18-Jan-1996)
VBinDiff interactively displays two
files in hex and ASCII with differences
between the two hilighted.
Requires EMX 0.9b runtime (emxrt.zip).
Freeware (GPL).  Includes source code.
Christopher J. Madsen  ac608@yfn.ysu.edu

vidperf2.zip (144K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

(v1.2) VidPerf - OS2/Video/Test
Video Performance Test will cover line
drawing, text display,and bitmap viewing;
displaying a timed result of each test 

vidperf3.zip (297K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

VidPerf v3.0, Video benchmark program for
OS/2.  Now includes switches for screen
resolution and color depth.  Several new
measurements.  *FreeWare*

vil55os2.zip (209K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

virtst95.zip (548K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

VIRTST95 - Test reports of analysis carried
out by the Virus Research Unit of the Univ.
of Tampere (Finland) during the summer of 95.
Includes data on 16 popular DOS, Windows,
OS/2 and network antivirus products.

vomod100.zip (412K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

█▓▒░  Vocabulary Modern for OS/2 v1.00 ░▒▓█
Helps you learn college level vocabulary
words as seen on GRE,SAT,ACT. OS/2 PM
graphics allow you to learn, drill and test.
Communicate & comprehend more intelligently.

vomod101.zip (414K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

█▓▒░  Vocabulary Modern for OS/2 v1.01 ░▒▓█
Wordware for the GRE & SAT helps you learn
advanced college level vocabulary words. OS/2
PM graphics. Fully functional, not expire-
ware, but has limited database. Register and
receive the complete database of 3975 words.

w95icon2.zip (19K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

web103.zip (750K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

webx103a.zip (452K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

which212.zip (122K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

win9701.zip (188K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Windows & OS/2 specific catalog of shareware
published by members of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP) and available
on BBSs.  Describes each product and in many
cases identifies a specific BBS where you can
download it.  Products grouped by subject and
cross-referenced to authors' addresses.  (See
corresponding WUPDxxxx.ZIP update file, too.)
4th vol., 24th ed., published 01/01/1996

winavi4.zip (80K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

AnPoCODEC 4, play Windows AVIs
with OS/2 warp.  Included
is support for the formats
Video1, Cinepak and RLE.

winkey01.zip (17K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

This OS/2 Warp base device driver remaps the
infamous three additional Win**** keys found
on many new keyboards to display the task
list and to switch sessions. It works under
all flavors of DOS, WinOS/2 and OS/2 sessions.
FREEWARE by Robert Muchsel

wlm10.zip (28K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Window List Manager 1.0  
OS/2 Utility to remove entries from the
Window List.  Just removes the entry
from the list, does not affect the
programs running state.  

wpbif091.zip (59K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

wpbif091.zip simple WPS version of unix Biff v0.91 with sources
Author: Vitaly S. Gumirov 
wpscre15.zip (17K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

wptool18.zip (211K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

WPTOOLS v1.8 for OS/2. A set of programs for
the 'more experienced' Workplace Shell users.
(Partially) backup and restore a customized
workplace shell, remove obsolete WPS related
information from ini-files, repair some WPS
problems, etc.  WPTOOLS is Freeware. 
wsec204e.zip (817K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Workplace Security v2.0.4 for OS/2 Warp
password protect Folder and Program objects.
(C) Copyright Maple Valley Software 1995 

xdel104.zip (30K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

xit20.zip (93K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

Xit v2.0 OS/2 PM 1 button zapper. Add
user defined titlebar buttons left or
right side. Over 20 predefined actions.
z213upd.zip (220K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

zc031.zip (93K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

*Z*Crypt 0.31 - Random File Encryption.
*Z*Crypt is a binary file de/encryption
program designed to remove any trace of
the original nature of the original files
once encrypted. Fast encryption, output
files are assigned random filenames.
Original filenames are recovered with
password when decrypted. The same file
encrypted with the same password will
appear completely different if examined.
CRC integrity checks maintained. Freeware
for OS/2 and DOS.

zipct228.zip (635K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.2.8  - Easy OS/2
PM "point and click" interface to UNZIP.EXE
and ZIP.EXE. Many features. Zip Control is
an easy to use OS/2 PM program which shields
you from the command line when using the
freeware ZIP.EXE & UNZIP.EXE. Zip & UnZip
are compatible with ZIP files created by the
DOS PkZIP Program (1.x, 2.x) and are
available on many BBSs which have OS/2
libraries, the IBM NSC BBS, and CompuServe.

zipdel.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

zoc213.zip (586K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

ZOC 2.13 - PM Terminal App. for OS/2.
Outstanding GUI, solid VT102 and Zmodem,
countless options and features including scroll-
back buffer, external CIS-B protocol, online JPG
and GIF viewer, REXX scripting, telnet and an
ISDN kit.  Not crippled -- just a registration
reminder after file transfer.

zrfw801.zip (848K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

ZRFW80.ZIP - ZR FileWorks Omega-1st of
final series ZRFW. Runs on Win95, 3.1,
and OS/2. Most features work from file
manager and explorer too. Desktop-like
web-like hyperlinks take you to any dir
or file from any directory, and has
**EVERY** major utility built in. In-
ternal ZIP 2.04g, UUE+MIME encode,de-,
pictures(autopan),MPG,Avi,MOV+much more

ztb145.zip (160K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 05:19 pm

ZTreeBold v1.45: OS/2 32bit text-mode
clone of XTreeGold.  With full archiving
support, and handling of EAs and HPFS.