30a14.zip (127K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

30a14b.zip (126K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

aflock.zip (20K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

AMF Word Lock Security: Lock Word tight
from prying eyes. Can only be opened with
the correct password or MASTER key. Reports
all tried break-ins in written formats.
Great security was never so easy. $6 

alrm14.zip (154K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

avp21b_b.zip (433K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

Antiviral Toolkit Pro is a powerful
integrated antiviral package.
Main Features:
- Detection/disinfection of a great
  number of viruses (more than 4300),
- Code Analyzer (Heuristic Scanner)
- Unpacking Engine which allows virus
  scanning of packed files
- Extracting Engine which allows
  scanning of archive files
- Database Editor for adding detection &
  disinfection information of new viruses
  (Registered version only)
- Professional Utilities and antivirus
  monitor (Registered version only)
- Detailed on-line help with virus
  effects demonstration (Reg.ver. only)

avp21bas.zip (465K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

-----> Antiviral Toolkit Pro 2.1 <-----
| This is a PREMIER antivirus scanner |
|    It identifies and disinfects     |
|       4600++ computer viruses       |
| It contains additional utilities... |
------> Protect Yourself Today! <------

avpl101.zip (160K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

avscan95.zip (341K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

bull_215.zip (20K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

ASCII version of the F-PROT Professional
Update Bulletin 2.15 - information on the
global virus situation.                    

cm8104e.zip (37K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

ChekMate is a DOS based virus detection
utility. It will detect new and unknown file,
boot and partition table viruses. It should
be used alongside a good quality virus

datb212a.zip (197K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

DAT file for VirusScan, version 2.1.2
10/14/94 by McAfee, Inc.  Update DAT
files for additional virus detection
and virus removal.  Requires SCAN 211.

dis_nq.zip (11K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

This utility locates and disnfects the

fp215.zip (502K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

F-PROT version 2.15 - November 1994

The F-PROT anti-virus package contains a
virus scanner combined with a disinfection
program, as well as a resident monitoring
program for intercepting known viruses.

This program is free of charge for private
users, but others are required to register
or obtain the 'Professional' version - see
the documentation for details.
i_m231.zip (324K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

INTEGRITY MASTER(tm) V2.31a Virus scanner and
and data Integrity!  Easy to use but protects
against much more than just viruses!
Hardware glitches, software bugs, even
deliberate sabotage are detected.  If a virus
strikes, Integrity Master identifies it by
name and (unlike other programs) also
indentifies any damage caused by the virus.
It will even detect new and unknown viruses
and now provides full CMOS protection!

i_m231c.zip (325K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

INTEGRITY MASTER(tm) V2.31c Virus scanner and
and data Integrity!  Easy to use but protects
against much more than just viruses!
Hardware glitches, software bugs, even
deliberate sabotage are detected.  If a virus
strikes, Integrity Master identifies it by
name and (unlike other programs) also
indentifies any damage caused by the virus.
It will even detect new and unknown viruses
and now provides full CMOS protection!

invb601a.zip (329K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

┌───  The Ultimate Anti Virus Protection ───┐
├──────────────── English ──────────────────┤
│ Anti virus suit, Generic Integrity Check  │
│ & Restoration, ResQdisk Recovery Toolkit  │

labtst32.zip (379K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

Labtest 3.2 - The First Line of Defense!
Possibly the most complete upload processing
system available. Labtest will convert
archives, run up to 20 virus scanners, and
all the 'minimum' functions in file
processing, plus much, much more! Tosses
incoming .TIC files to their destination
directories, Duplicate file detection based
on number of files/percentage, BBS
advertisement removal based on text searching
for common phrases. Online Help feature gives
detailed info on every configuration option.
Quality Shareware for only $15.00 from Mark
Williamson, 1:202/750.  Now supports ProBoard
2.xx, QuickBBS 2.80 (Goldbase/Classic) and
any FILES.BBS system!

lm9_demo.zip (10K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

║  >>>>>>> Lock-Master! <<<<<<<  ║
║                                ║
║  THE Software code protection. ║
║  Protect your software against ║
║  hackers/crackers! By far the  ║
║  World's best protection ever. ║

master20.zip (73K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

mks_502.zip (375K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

msds0923.zip (71K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

nocrack_.zip (66K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

!                                !
! LOCK-MASTER Anti-Cracker util! !
!                                !
! Lock-Master version 9.0 with   !
! Anti-Trace Add-On code protect !
!                                !

osc_213e.zip (388K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

VirusScan for OS/2 version 2.1.3 (213)
11/16/94 virus data files by McAfee, Inc.
Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and
new viruses.  Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above.

pcs216e.zip (74K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

pcypher2.zip (93K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

pgp262.zip (277K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

PGP "Pretty Good Privacy" released 10/22/94
version 2.62

pgp262dc.zip (151K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

pgp262s.zip (644K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

PGP "Pretty Good Privacy" released 10/22/94
version 2.62 SOURCE CODE

pgpld12.zip (16K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

PGPLoad 1.2
  PGP interface for Bluewave
mail system. Allows encryption,
decryption, posting public keys,
getting public keys, verifying
signatures, and more. Makes PGP
easy for Bluewave users.

pgpmnu30.zip (53K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

PGPMENU 3.0 - FREE - for all versions of 
PGP - cursor operated DOS menu with new 
"comment" feature. Call your text editor 
from the menu. Custom design your own color 
configurations. Includes explanation of the 
mathematics of public key encryption and the 
RSA algorithm.

pgpw30.zip (412K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

WinPGP(tm)  Version 3.0
A Windows Interface for PGP(tm)
2.3a, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6ui, 2.7
By:  Christopher W. Geib
Copyright 1993,1994
WinPGP(tm) provides a convenient
user interface in Windows(tm) to the
popular encryption/decryption program,
Pretty Good Privacy, PGP(tm) versions 2.3
a, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 (MIT), 2.6.1, 2.6.2, 2.6ui,
2.6.i and 2.7, by Phil Zimmerman et al.

pgpw3b.zip (123K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

WinPGP v3.0 Rev B Update - This is Rev B for
WinPGP(tm) version 3.0. This is an update
only; you must have the original release for
these files to work. Several new features and
some minor bug fixes are incorporated in this
update. Updates are free. Please read the
README.TXT file in the zip.
pgs099f.zip (70K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

A professional shell for PGP

prot___.zip (29K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

scn_213e.zip (353K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

VirusScan for DOS new version 2.1.3
(213) 11/16/94 by McAfee, Inc.  Scans
and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and
new viruses.  Requires DOS 3.0+.

tbav630.zip (271K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

Thunderbyte Anti-Virus - The most complete
anti-virus system available.  Included are
TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk,
TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil.

tbavn630.zip (1,600K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

tbavw630.zip (207K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

tbavx630.zip (89K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

tscn509.zip (426K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

TranScan 5.09 -- Update patch.
This file contains an update patch to
update any TranScan v5.05 - 5.07 to 
v5.09. This patch MAY be distributed 
on BBSs. TranScan v5+ is a commercial 
program available for $35 from 
Shareware Services.  Call 1-800-578-3061 
or 913-232-5584. MC & Visa accepted.

vds30q.zip (267K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

VDS (Virus Detection System) 3.0 Up-to-date
anti-virus package for IBM PCs with Novell
Netware(tm) LAN support. It features a fast
scanner, a robust integrity checker,
real-time decoy launcher, and a generic virus
remover. Its user interface is one of the
most functional in the market. This is the
shareware release of the military-grade "Pro"

virsim2c.zip (67K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

virus994.zip (40K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

vsh_213e.zip (466K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

VShield version 2.1.3 (213) 11/16/94 by
McAfee, Inc.  Memory-resident (TSR) virus
protection and prevention. Auto-loads
into RAM above 1Mb.  Req: DOS 3+, 67Kb.

vsumx411.zip (869K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

VSUM Virus Information Summary 11/94
Hypertext compendium of information 
about viruses, what they do, how to 
remove, anti-virus program ratings, etc.
Uploaded by NH&A, authorized VSUM
agent.   To obtain a site license for
VSUM, contact Norman Hirsch 212-304-9660

wsc_213e.zip (526K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm

VirusScan for Windows new version 2.1.3
(213) 11/16/94 by McAfee, Inc.  Scans and
cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new
viruses.  Requires Windows 3.1+.

wx1051.exe (101K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:55 pm