091994mm.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

Medias double-standard of reporting on
Quayle versus Gore faux paus...
Gore should explain why our tax-dollars
are funding China's coercive population
program..when he says we don't!? 
100394n1.zip (9K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

For a better look at what the ICPD
was all about read this article.
Pro-Life journalists were not
"included", but even "escorted" from 
the premises.  Timothy Wirth-less
tries to answer a Constitutional
question!  "..we have ceased to be the 
nation-states that we once were."
"How are we going to manage the affairs 
of the planet in the coming years?....
How are we going to distribute power
in the world?..."
This Conference was not even subtle!!

100394n2.zip (17K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

"..disturbing indications that the
tactics field-tested by federal law
enforcement agencies against the Branch
Davidians in Waco may soon be deployed
against "extremists" in the pro-life 
movement."  Some interesting insights 
to the doctor-shooting gunmen.         

100394n3.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

"cult deprogrammer" Rick Allen Ross the convict;
"..an individual who has sociopathic    
inclinations...no feelings for the
interests of others"...is now a cult
deprogrammer...saving "Christians"!

111094mm.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

Did you see this story anywhere?        *
On, or about, Oct. 25?                  *
A South Korean officer captured in 1951 *
and held in a prison camp recently      *
escaped!                                *
If POWs can survive 43 years...could    *
they survive 20?  Even Russian archives *
suggest there could still be American   *
POWs!                                   *
Media Monitor: AIM  (11-10-94)          *
112594h1.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

But Dole and Gingrich Back It           *
Contrary to what the liberal press would*
have you believe, this "treaty" will    *
undermine U.S. sovereignty!  We will get*
a 1% voice for "only" 20% of the tab!   *
Anti-American dictatorships will have   *
the power to vote our direction!        *
Inside Washington                       *
Human Events      (11-25-94)            *
121294n1.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

FOR THE 21ST CENTURY"                   *
By William F. Jasper                    *
The tight Gingrich-Toffler connection   *
spanning three decades has received     *
little attention in the media, but such *
insight is important to understanding   *
his strange new brand of "conservatism."*
Newt has been working closely with      *
leftist "planning" organizations...     *
The New American  (12-12-94)            *
121294n3.zip (13K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

"SPEAKING FOR WHOM?"                    *
By William F. Jasper                    *
To judge from the furious invective he  *
inspires from sputtering Democrat pols  *
and media liberals, this man must be    *
far indeed "to the right of Attila the  *
Hun."                                   *
So where does he position himself on    *
world government...as he recognizes its *
advancement through GATT/WTO?           *
Rhetoric has already parted company     *
with deed...                            *
The New American   (12-12-94)           *
2000010.zip (218K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
by Jules Verne
A Project Gutenberg Etext,
September, 1994  [Etext #164]

2ndrghts.zip (9K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

Some of these quotes havent been posted in a while.  
I think it would be a good idea to read them carefully 
again. The Quotes are from the second amendment which
guards the rest of our Constitutional rights.
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the 
security of a free state, the right of the people 
to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole 
people, except for a few public officials." -- 
  George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 425-426.

People only need fear a government that fears 
it's citizens being armed.
Also included is the Bill Of Rights
4lang3.zip (84K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

  Ultimate Language Tutor v3.0 for Windows
 │ If you want to learn Spanish, French,   │
 │ German or Italian, download this one!!! │
 │ This program makes it easy to learn the │
 │ vocabulary of the above languages.  Has │
 │ built-in test and flashcard modules.    │
 │                                         │
 │ Req. VBRUN300.DLL (not in this zip file)│
 │ If you don't have it, download it here! │

aect1f.zip (236K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

The Best Program to Learn Advanced English.
Fully compatible with XT/286/386/486/Pentium
TXT/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA;DOS 3.1+ or Windows 3.1+ 

Advanced English Computer Tutor (AECT) 
is an innovative tutorial that teaches 
you SUBTLETIES of the English language. 
The program is significantly useful for
those who have a good command of English,
yet find certain features of the language
somewhat puzzling. The AECT tutorial 
elegantly highlights these aspects of 
the language and improves your speech
and writing skills.   

Last Updated: October 22, 1994
     Version: AECT 1F

afu11.zip (50K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
from alt.folklore.urban

airjokes.zip (33K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

airports.zip (73K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

ak31.zip (63K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

Amazing Kenwood version 3.1 - Kenwood HF
Radio controller. Supports most HF Rigs, may
control four rigs at the same time, has an
external memory database, and many more.

albm850.zip (379K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

AlbumMaster  8.50    Helping you *Master
your Album Library.  There is  no  substitute
for  the real thing!  Max flexibility, 3 user
defined fields per title, UNLIMITED Tunes per
side.  Out puts  to  printer/  screen/  file.
Labels,  3X5  & Rolodex cards.  Can Find!  on
every field or combination, even  Tune!  From
Unicorn Software Ltd.

aliceinw.zip (55K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

alien_cu.zip (8K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

everything you ever wanted to know about
the cultures of the extraterrestrials who 
reputedly visit the earth

alientok.zip (35K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

alkaline.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

altdrugs.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns) 
re: drugs of abuse

altruism.zip (21K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

amdag10.zip (94K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype 
by Samuel D. Humphrey
A Project Gutenberg Etext,
September, 1994  [Etext #167]
an1294.zip (24K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

ArtNet News e-Edition for 12-01-94.
News for the Visual, Performing, Fine 
and Literary Arts. SPECIAL EDITION--
List of opportunities and competitions
from around the world open to U.S.A.
artisans. Helpful for artists of all 
disiplines including writers.  
ArtNet News can be found on the 
Northwest Literary Consortium BBS                                 

(C)1994 Sauvie Island Press

antifact.zip (11K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

automate.zip (708K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

Automate shows you how to use your 
personal computer for home automation.

b_adder.zip (58K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

 These are quotes taken from the hilarious Rowan Aitkinson
 series "Black Adder", some of which are priceless. Enjoy!

babel95a.zip (39K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

Babel  Glossary of Computer
Oriented Abbreviations and

bartn21a.zip (380K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

    The Professional Bartender 2.1
The MOST complete bar tending program
available.  A complete collection of
alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks, from
Colonial America, through the prohibition
era, to today's newest fraternity favorites.
Search the recipes using simple yet
powerful AND OR statements, on liquors,
liqueurs, other ingredients, type of drink,
glassware, season, or temperature.
It has full printing capabilities and
on-line help   (SHAREWARE).

bike20.zip (75K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

BIKE V2.00  Bike is a program that 
allows the user to develop a database of 
bicycle ride data for training. This program 
is useful for the racer and the casual rider 
to keep track of statistics in their exercise
program. The program is intended for sIngle 
user use but accommodates 3 bicycles. The 
program runs in Windows 3.1 and has on-line 

bird10.zip (674K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:41 pm

bird reference and identification guide. Has
data on 657 bird species, color images and
bird songs. Will list birds for every state
and province in N. America. Can search by
name, type, family, season or field mark.
Requires VGA; SVGA adapter for images, SOUND
BLASTER compatible card for sounds. Register
for over 500 images, 136 songs, and a Custom
Region Editor.

bosnia10.zip (12K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns) 
re: Bosnian conflict

brewinfo.zip (168K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

bsrst994.zip (121K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

btran102.zip (182K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Transit Directions 1.0 for DOS w/mouse
Have a public transit direction finder
for your city or area. Name the stops
- the database configures itself.
Handles 4 vehicles types, 600 routes
1800 stops, 3 cities, 7 legs per trip.
Subway, bus, rail, cable car.

c_snobrd.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Crochet: 3 Snow Bird Ornaments To Make

chin15wn.zip (1,657K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

With "Early Myth and the Goddess in Ancient 
China" you will journey back to the earliest 
dynasties of ancient China and explore the 
myths central to belief and ritual. Encounter 
the sacred Mulberry Tree of the Shang and Yi 
the Archer who shot down nine of the ten suns. 
Meet the Goddess in her many manifestations, 
sorceresses, and a great female warrior. An 
e-book for Windows from Reality Software. 
china13.zip (269K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

With "Early Myth and the Goddess in Ancient 
China" you will journey back to the earliest 
dynasties of ancient China and explore the 
myths central to belief and ritual. Encounter 
the sacred Mulberry Tree of the Shang and Yi 
the Archer who shot down nine of the ten suns. 
Meet the Goddess in her many manifestations, 
sorceresses, and a great female warrior. An 
e-book for DOS from Reality Software. 
chtem10.zip (85K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Charlotte Temple, by Susanna Rowson
A Project Gutenberg Etext
October, 1994  [Etext #171]
clinr40b.zip (62K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

commute2.zip (59K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

If you're tired of the long, arduous commute
to work day in and day out, you may want to
consider shortening it by working from home.
In this electronic book, you'll find several
useful ideas for getting started, plus some
strategies to help you hold onto as much of
what you'll earn as possible. Updated 10/94.
conewrth.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Dried Florals: Pine Cone Wreath

cplay.zip (256K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Child's Play 256 color children's paint program
will keep the younguns busy for hours. Includes
incredible paint tool effects, rubber stamps, 
sound effects, and various screen erasers. Also
loads, saves, and prints their masterpieces. 
Requires Windows 3.1 and a 256 color monitor.
From Alston Software Labs.

crtrust.zip (58K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Starchild: This special report will acquaint
you with the near magical possibilities of a
tax-saving, income-producing legal device
known as a "charitable remainder trust" or
"CRT."  Although "CRT" is the currently
popular term, these trusts are also known as
"life income" and "wealth accumulation"
trusts. Both descriptions are accurate--
and therein lies the money magic.
cud698.zip (20K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Computer Underground Digest v. 6 no. 98

cybobt18.zip (53K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

│░▒▓█ CyboBits18 █▓▒░│                      
 News items
 Nov 18, 1994

dabucs11.zip (75K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

DA BUCS v1.1 - History of Tampa Bay Football
Menu driven database of information and
statistics.  Histories of the NFL Buccaneers,
USFL Bandits and AFL Storm.  Results of all
Super Bowls, Arena Bowls and Hall of Fame
Bowls.  Super Bowl sites and much more!
Updated for the 1994 season.  Now being
released as Freeware with the complete text!
dfgarlan.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Dried Fruit Garlands

dgray10.zip (168K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

The Picture of Dorian Gray
by Oscar Wilde
A Project Gutenberg Etext
October, 1994  [Etext #174]

dh_wto.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

INDEPENDENCE                            *
By Rep. Duncan Hunter (R.-CA)           *
To understand the WTO buried within the *
22,000 pages of GATT you need only to   *
focus on four provisions...each, if     *
accepted, would give away a piece of    *
America's power and independence.       *
From the InterNet                       *
diary21.zip (650K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

DEAR DIARY 2.1                          
Diary/journal program w/password protection.-
Journal daily thoughts and activities.
Powerful text search feature allows you to
view all entries pertaining to specific
person, place, event, etc. Includes password
protection and on-line help. Now supports
international date formats. Requires
Windows - Other 

dieingus.zip (20K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

*****The Declaration of independence****
*****The Constitution Of the United States***
"that all men are created equal, that they are 
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable 
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the
pursuit of Happiness."
Our Government was formed as a Republic based on 
the unchanging principles of the Bible so that when
men's hearts became wicked, the basic principles
of our God given rights would still be preserved 
in the Constitution. 

drdoo_12.zip (200K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

*********  Dr. Doodle VGA v1.2 **********
Hi Res VGA mouse-oriented drawing program 
for ages 2 and older. 16 drawing objects 
including triangles, stars, and diamonds. 
Kids can save and load drawings without 
typing a filename! Requires VGA and mouse. 
>> This new release includes SoundBlaster 
support and fixes a bug that appeared when 
drawing large circles and ellipses.  
From TiJaSoft.
drfinkle.zip (351K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Dr Finkle's Slideshow. "Words
Of Wisdon On Sex, Women, Marriage
And Other Trivial Issues Of
Daily Life." Hard Drive, VGA and
Mouse required. Automatic or
Manual operation of slide show.
Created by Nutzworks "Fun 
programs for kids ages 4 to 84".
Freeware, Copyright 1994,
Al Needham, All Rights Reserved.

drnew146.zip (12K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

dta1xmas.zip (12K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

emag9411.zip (26K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

EMag; November 1994, Volume 1, Issue 11
The electronic magazine that's not just
about computers.  In this months issue:
Editorial: No 'Letters to the Editor' &
Yes Internet, The X-Files - The Future
of Television Today, Are Breasts OK?!?,
Sick of OJ Simpson, King's Quest VI,
Network Review:  PrideNet.

energy25.zip (292K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

esteem.zip (10K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Self-Esteem Curricula by Don Closson. In the
last several years a controversy has been
building over the use of self-esteem
curricula in our schools. Educators claim
that these programs encourage creativity,
increase concentration, decrease drug use,
and delay sexual activity. These so-called
life skills programs are being used in
gifted, sex-ed, drug-ed, and regular
classrooms, in public and private schools.
et_law.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

no joking! law on the books prohibiting
contact with extraterrestrials

ether.zip (17K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

fish_t1.zip (1,035K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

│  The Tropical Fish Reference Guide v3.0  │
│         Shareware / File 1 of 2          │
│ A must for all tropical fish aquarists!  │
│ View READ.ME for features & system req.  │
│  Requires:  Windows 3.1 & VBRUN300.DLL   │

fish_t2.zip (914K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

│  The Tropical Fish Reference Guide v3.0  │
│         Shareware / File 2 of 2          │
│ A must for all tropical fish aquarists!  │
│ View READ.ME for features & system req.  │
│  Requires:  Windows 3.1 & VBRUN300.DLL   │

flash121.zip (270K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

StudyMaster Flash Cards v1.21 - Designed as a
study aid for for junior high, high school
and college students, this program is perfect
for computer-assisted learning.
florio1.zip (301K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Gun Control & political corruption in NJ
focs912.zip (14K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

focs96.zip (14K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

fram_dec.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Frame Decorating/Embellishment Basics

fuman10.zip (167K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu by Sax Rohmer
A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
October, 1994  [Etext #173]

fun_joke.zip (61K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

globgov.zip (273K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

World Socialism vs. The United States Republic
The Socialists Agenda of the UNITED NATIONS 
The New (One) World Order!  Many Articles
DEVELOPMENT  Cairo, Egypt    Sept. 5-13, 1994 
Is this what we want for our country?
To sell out our God given liberties to a world 
socialist organization. Our Republic was 
instituted to protect our God given liberties.
This is what our Founding Fathers had in their
vision for America. Liberty, Freedom and Justice
will be words not included in our next dictionary
if our represenatives keep selling our sovereignty 
to the United Nations! This is a Republic for the 
people, by the people, not a dictatorship. Our 
Founding Fathers fought and died for the very 
rights that are  being taken away from us daily. 
Declaration of Independence included with these 

Call your DC Represenatives and let your voice be heard.
DCREPS.TXT includes all your House/Senate DC phone/fax #'

readme.1st is a list of all the articles. This is of 
great importance. These treaties if signed by the by the 
U.S. will have more power than our Constitution. DO NOT 
Treaty Law can overide the Constitution!
Tell them to get us out of the United Nations and to get 
the U.N. out of the United States.  

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased

at the price of chains and slavery! Forbid it, Almighty

God! I know not what course others may take; but as for

me, give me liberty or give me death!"
Patrick Henry 1775
glssetch.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Basics of Window/Mirror Etching

gore7.zip (9K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

grassrts.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

gungrab2.zip (10K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

"That the citizens of the United States 
of America are being disarmed - both as 
individuals and as a nation - can hardly
be questioned."  Good article discussing
current efforts to carry the anti-gun   
mentality to a global level, all under  
the watchful eye of the UN!             
hbook10.zip (143K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

The Haunted Bookshop by Christopher Morley
A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
October, 1994  [Etext #172]

hhotl10.zip (135K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

The Haunted Hotel By Wilkie Collins
A Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
October, 1994  [Etext #170]

hipho10.zip (280K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

The History and Practice of the Art of 
Photography by Snelling, with illustrations
A Project Gutenberg Etext
October, 1994  [Etext #168]

hsdir13.zip (86K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Bloomunit Homeschool Directory v1.3
contains listings of organizations,
support groups, curricula/material
sources, correspondence schools,
available speakers, and much more.
Shareware, $10.00.

idefaq00.zip (12K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

ihiway.zip (12K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

insd1094.zip (67K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

THE INSIDERS (c) 1992 By John F.McManus *
PART I-1979 PART II-1983 PART III-1992  *
This book explains much of what has gone*
wrong in America and who is causing her *
ills. "We doubt that we will be accused *
of presuming too greatly in believing   *
that most Americans know something is   *
eating away at the foundations of this  *
great nation.  Where America is strong, *
we seek to preserve; where she has been *
weakened, we seek to rebuild...The      *
information and analysis given in this  *
book will undoubtedly upset, even anger,*
some readers.  But if the history       *
contained in these pages is disturbing..*
we urge that the blame be directed      *
toward those who made it not those who  *
publish it."                            *

insiders.zip (48K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

THE INSIDERS By John F. McManus 
The Insiders explains much of what has
gone wrong in America and who is causing
her ills.  "We doubt that we will be
accused of presuming too greatly in
believing that most Americans know
something is eating away at the
foundations of this great nation...Where
America is strong, we seek to preserve;
where she has been weakened. we seek to
rebuild...The information and analysis
given in this book will undoubtedly
upset, even anger, some readers. But if
the history contained in these pages is
disturbing...we urge that the blame be
directed toward those who made it, not
those who publish it."

inws1205.zip (228K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

self-ruuning weekly covering news of the
world. INEWS provides up-to-date and
accurate news. Includes many features
covering topics like economics, science,
medicine, technology, agriculture, and
music. Includes information on how to
get a free trial to INEWS Daily. INEWS
DAILY gathers reports filed by
correspondents stationed at 26 news
bureaus throughout the world, first-hand
coverage of stories from news bureaus in
Abidjan, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Bonn,
Cairo, Chicago, Geneva, Hong Kong,
Islamabad, Jerusalem, Johannesburg,
London, Los Angeles, Miami, Moscow,
Nairobi, New Delhi, New York, Paris,
Prague, Rio de Janeiro, San Jose, Tokyo,
Vienna, and Washington, D.C.
jpfo_bk.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

"GUN CONTROL" The key to seven genocides*
between 1915 and 1980, in which 56      *
million people were  murdered!          *
*** Book Review ***                     *
LETHAL LAWS                             *
By JFPO                                 *
JFPO's second book, LETHAL LAWS, just   *
came off the press!  Over 350 pages of  *
analysis and original documents show    *
that "GUN CONTROL" was the key to seven *
major genocides between 1915 and 1980,  *
in which 56 million people were         *
murdered!                               *
Jews For The Preservation               *
Of Gun Ownership                        *

jsmill1.zip (103K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

John Stuart Mill ON LIBERTY 
Classic discussion of the nature and
limits of the power which can be
legitimately exercised by society over
the individual.    1909

junglebk.zip (103K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

ka_b11_1.zip (73K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

│      KA_B11_1.ZIP       │
│                         │
│ 11th in a series of on- │
│ line computer self-help │
│ tests for the EMT Basic │
│ or EMT Basic student.   │
│ MEDICAL covers medical  │
│ emergencies, including  │
│ diabetic emergencies,   │
│ poisoning, overdose,    │
│ and infectious disease. │
│ Basic EMT review test   │
│ FREEware                │

ka_b12_1.zip (75K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

│      KA_B12_1.ZIP       │
│                         │
│ 12th in a series of on- │
│ line computer self-help │
│ tests for the EMT Basic │
│ or EMT Basic student.   │
│ OBGYN deals with obste- │
│ trical & gynecological  │
│ emergencies, including  │
│ A&P of the reproductive │
│ system, and childbirth. │
│ Basic EMT review test   │
│ FREEware                │

ka_b13_1.zip (74K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

│       KA_B13_1.ZIP      │
│                         │
│ 13th in a series of on- │
│ line computer self-help │
│ tests for the EMT Basic │
│ or EMT Basic student.   │
│ PEDI deals with pediat- │
│ ric emergencies.        │
│ Basic EMT review test   │
│ FREEware                │

ka_b14_1.zip (76K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

│       KA_B14_1.ZIP      │
│                         │
│ 14th in a series of on- │
│ line computer self-help │
│ tests for the EMT Basic │
│ or EMT Basic student.   │
│ PSYCH deal with psychi- │
│ atric emergencies, inc- │
│ luding EMT job stress,  │
│ death and dying, etc.   │
│ FREEware by KA_Soft     │

leeauto.zip (143K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

The Autobiography of Phra Ajaan Lee (Ajaan
Lee Dhammadaro). Translated from the Thai by
Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

linpro25.zip (386K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

LINGUAPRO/SPANISH v2.50  - Large-scale
program for serious students.  Rqrs PC, DOS,
Hard Disk & 640K mem.  EGA/VGA recommended.
19,000 word graded vocabulary with sophisti-
cated Flashcarding.  Has Latin-American and
Castilian dialect conversational courses. A
unique Verb Conjugator SYNTHESIZES millions
of COMPLETE sentences to drill verbs in all
tenses/persons. Features for Advanced users.

lrn2fly.zip (50K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

║     │   PERSONAL PROGRESS CHARTS   │     ║
╟─────┘     (Gif's and text file)    └─────╢
║ The simplest, most effective new Private ║
║ Pilot Training Tool in years ! See these ║
║ GIF's and you'll want one ! The original ║
║ 22" x 28" charts show you what it takes  ║
║ to get your Cdn or US Licence. Set Goals ║
║ Keep records at home, stay motivated and ║
║ stay on track. From THE FLYING SCOTSMAN! ║

lunecl17.zip (132K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

manifsto.zip (26K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Karl Marx, edited by Friedrich Engels
1888 English edition
Every good conservative library must
have a copy of this!  Read it and see
how many of it's planks are in place!

marking.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Marking Stitches Explained

marslife.zip (48K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

LIFE ON MARS - an electronic book for your enjoyment.
Unzip into empty directory and type "BEGIN" at the DOS
prompt.  Enjoy!

mathfun.zip (241K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

modgun.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

murder1.zip (26K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

myidea42.zip (91K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

My Idea for DOS 4.2 Complete:idea program
Develop an idea with adaptive menus.
Solve large problems by building
your own thought based application.
includes searching, reminders, printing.

nsa_hdbk.zip (19K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

nwosoon.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Are you familiar with the "Combat Arms
Survey" that was given to Marines in CA?
You should be!  Are the New (One) World 
Order folks showing their hand here?   
obe_trms.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Listing of the "buzzwords" of OBE and   *
their definitions.                      *
Parent Information Network - PIN        *

orourke1.zip (12K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

pcglos64.zip (325K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

PC-GLOSSARY V6.4,  Computer Terminology.
A desktop reference program to help keep
abreast of the ever-changing terminology
in the world of microcomputers. Hundreds
of terms and acronyms defined with many
useful reference tables.  Educational.
Special multi-user version for networks.
The author is a member of the ASP, from
Disston Ridge Inc., St.Pete, Florida.

phant10.zip (182K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux A
Project Gutenberg Public Domain Etext
Halloween, 1994  [Etext #175]

phenry.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Patrick Henry's famous speech
"give me liberty or give me death" 

phonics1.zip (1,167K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

teach children and adults the phonetic
reading and spelling methods. Interactive
teaching method with graphic, music and
voice. This is a complete HEARING, SEEING
and SAYING package with REAL SPEECH. VGA
graphic required. Supports sound boards.
DareWare Inc.  410-426-0649
planet63.zip (191K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

preswind.zip (954K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

A Windows educational program that teaches
children and adults the history of the first
42 Presidents of the United States.  
Important events during each President's term,
election results, cabinet members, and life
before the presidency are illustrated.  
Information on the White House, presidential
firsts, and basic presidential facts are 
discussed.  Quiz feature focuses on important
laws and events.  Requires VBRUN300.DLL.

pugg_1_3.zip (55K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

pword1a.zip (50K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

P_Words v1.0a Compiles words from phone numbers.
This handy program will display over 2,100
different letter combinations from any seven
digit telephone number.  In registered mode
the user has the option of printing lists of
letter combinations from the 7 digit number

qa501.zip (37K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

qasa50.zip (208K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

QA STUDY AID V5.0  Testing System Test 
creation/execution system. Databases up to 
20000 questions/answers. Includes compiler 
and interpreter. Presentation, correct answer
display, automatic scoring. Data encrypted or
password protected. Can export score file for
gradebook programs. All question types except
essay. Relative weighting, letter grade 
associations, random subset generation at run
or compile time. Needs ASCII editor.

quiz223.zip (122K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

rs40.zip (75K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

s_e1094.zip (17K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

sh30.zip (112K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Typing productivity tool for Windows 3.1
applications.  Just as a stenographer uses
shorthand notation to represent words and
phrases, Shorthand allows you to represent a
string of text with a much shorter
abbreviation or keyword.  Instead of typing
the text string, you type the shorter keyword
and Shorthand takes care of typing the text
string into your application.             hw  

spanh1.zip (280K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Spanish Helper Level One v1.0  Excellent
Interactive program to learn Spanish. First 
of three levels (beginning, intermediate and 
advanced). Its interactive quizzing system 
allows you to learn vocabulary rapidly. 
Contains a large database of vocabulary and 
allows you to form your own lists to quiz 
yourself. Its well-planned design makes it 
the perfect program for individuals or 

sseed.zip (693K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Multimedia  Program.   Childrens storybook
w/ animation,  music & sound effects.  You 
are in for a Halloween treat - this is the
first  Billy Bear story where the captions
are done with human voice.  Text to speech
remains for  your children's learning  fun
for the reading text. Sound Blaster recom- 
mended.  Requires 512k, EGA/VGA, harddrive
mouse. NEW registration information.  

steelsky.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

summr10.zip (126K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Summer, by Edith Wharton
A Project Gutenberg Etext,
September, 1994 [Etext #166]

survey47.zip (182K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Creates opinion surveys and analyzes
replies. Prints detailed report in
final distribution form. Handles up to
100 questions and 40 response choices per
question. Up to nine demographic groups
can be analyzed in addition to total. Can
cross-tabulate responses from different
demographic groups. Release 4.7

tiptapl.zip (1,062K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

tride10.zip (146K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Coming Of Age In A Destructive Cult
by Mark E. Laxer
A Project Gutenberg copyrighted Etext,
September, 1994  [Etext #162]
trnsmail.zip (393K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

TRNSMAIL translates commercial or private
correspondance into 6 different languages:
English, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch
and French. No more mistakes when you have
to write in a foreign language!

typetest.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Type Test: A program that tests your
ablity to type. It can improve your
typing speed. It's also fun!
Requires Windows 3.1 and

ufophen.zip (82K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓████ UFO's ████▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒░░░░░░
┌ Interesting report I have done for my   ┐
  biology class dealing with the subject
  of UFO's. Some of the resources I used
  are included in this convincing report.
  Bibliography and endnotes are included.
  Don't say it's phony until you have seen
└ the file yourself!                      ┘

unarmycn.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

CANADA PROPOSES UN ARMY                 *
Canada is now suggesting that it is time*
for the world body to have its own per- *
manent army.  In a speech to the General*
Assembly, they have offered to present  *
the results of an on-going study,       *
assisted by numerous international      *
"experts" sometime next year.           *
It's official..the first acknowledged   *
step toward a One World Army!  How      *
secure we will all be!  Next will be    *
the argument that the redundancy of     *
sovereign armies are no longer needed.  *
(Not to be a spoiler, but in the event  *
of abusive use of said powers..who will *
protect us from same?)                  *
The Globe and Mail - Canada (9-30-94)   *
usgs1103.zip (65K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

vitamins.zip (26K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

GUIDE, by Adam Starchild. This electronic
book gives important information on all the
vitamins, from A to K, plus some others
with which you may not have been familiar.
If you have a knowledge deficiency with
regard to vitamins, this book is the cure.
vortx101.zip (446K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Vortex v1.01 - the Machine Assisted Reading
Software.  Vortex is designed to increase
reading speed from the average of 240 words
a minute to the limit of speed possible for
effective comprehension. A typical increase
will be to the level of 1600 words a minute.
warlady1.zip (304K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

waxweb.zip (12K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

About the WWW homepage from the maker of the visionary
film Wax

world94.zip (799K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

The 1994 Edition of the CIA World Factbook
A public domain Etext from Project Gutenberg
November, 1994  [Etext #180]

writingh.zip (109K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Information of use to writers - compiled in window Help format (hypertext), from various online sources.
Includes FAQs from Usenet - misc.writing newgroup.

wtr_txt.zip (21K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

ww091194.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

wwasc_01.zip (55K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

WWASC#01.ZIP v1. Written in ascii format.
WindoWatch Premiere Issue featuring Herb
Chong;Paul Williamson; Peter Neuendorffer;
Gregg Hommel;Paul Kinnaly,Ben Schorr & Derek
Buchler! Good people-a great issue!

wwdos_01.zip (63K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

WWDOS#01.ZIP v1. Written in the *.TOC format.
WindoWatch Premiere Issue featuring Herb
Chong;Paul Williamson; Peter Neuendorffer;
Gregg Hommel;Paul Kinnaly,Ben Schorr & Derek
Buchler! Good people-a great issue!

wwend10.zip (417K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

The Well at the World's End
by William Morris
A Project Gutenberg Etext,
September, 1994 [Etext #169]

xmastree.zip (736K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

xnitpick.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

text about the nitpicking about details by 
X-Files fanatics

xysee40a.zip (169K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

XYSee 4.0a  Visual Win/DOS HS Math. -
Visual HS & College Alg., Geom., & Trig.
SAT, ACT, Math Placement. Covers Points 
to Parametrics...Lines to Lissajous.
Sensational 3-D interface with colorful
icons, button bars, in-cell editing, & HP-
Laser support. Comprehensive Tutorial.
Auto-Installs in WINDOWS & DOS. VGA grap-
hics required. Insight Advantage...$30.00
y_9411.zip (21K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:42 pm

Ygdrasil - A Journal of the Poetic Arts
Volume II, Number 11. Nov Edition, 1994.