0151ter1.zip (585K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

----======< TERMINATE 1.51 >======-----
.....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
On-line  help for novices  but with all
the flexibility  experts  require.  Fax
and  Network support.  CD Audio Player,
complete  Point system,   Cost Manager,
VISIBLE FAST (tm)  mouseing.  IEMSI and
autologins. A  superb  filemanager:FREQ
tag. Translate / kbd-editor. Voicecalls

0151ter2.zip (514K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

----======< TERMINATE 1.51 >======-----
.....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
Improved  OS/2  timeslices and Digicom,
ISDN, Fossil, supports up to 115,200bps
BOTH files:   0151+TER1  *and*  0151TER2
are needed for auto-installation.  Scan
ALL your VGA modes. Use either a Fax or
Data Host with an adaptive answer modem
NEWS!:SmartNote, QWK, Complete FAX, TSR
_____Monthly Prize!_____File_2_of_2____

144bbsl4.zip (44K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

12/01/94 - 14.4k bps BBS List - ASCII
Formerly 96LIST, A BBS list with over 1,800
US BBS phone numbers supporting v.32,
v.32bis, v.fast class and v.34 CONNECTs,
sorted by Area Code.
  From The DownTown BBS - Los Angeles, CA
           213-484-0260 [v.32bis]

152to153.zip (307K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

QMPRO v1.53 Patch Update to v1.52.  Apply
this patch to a licensed licensed registered
commercial QmodemPro v1.52 (it won't work on
anything else).

401oct94.zip (16K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

│      This month:  109 BBS Systems!       │
│ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▄ ▒▒▒▒▄  ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▄ │
│ ▒▒█▀▒▒█  ▒▒█▀   ▒▒█▀▒▒█  ▒▒█▀▒▒█ ▒▒█▀▀▀▀ │
│ ▒▒▒▒▒▒█  ▒▒█    ▒▒▒▒▒█▀  ▒▒▒▒▒█▀ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▄ │
│ ▒▒█▒▒█▀  ▒▒█    ▒▒█▀▒▒█  ▒▒█▀▒▒█  ▀▀▀▒▒█ │
│ ▒▒█ ▒▒█ ▒▒▒▒█  ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ▒▒▒▒▒▒█ │
│  ▀▀  ▀▀  ▀▀▀▀   ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  ▀▀▀▀▀▀ │
│                 A/C 401                  │
│     October, 1994  Halloween Edition     │
│  Rhode Island, USA  Electronic BBS List  │
│                                          │

609dec94.zip (13K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

A/C 609 AREA ONLINE LIST by Dave Schubert
Verified on 12/01/94, Expires on 02/05/94
Dist. from The Casino BBS * (609)485-2380

609oct94.zip (13K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

A/C 609 AREA ONLINE LIST by Dave Schubert
Verified on 10/01/94, Expires on 12/05/94
Dist. from The Casino BBS * (609)485-2380

abbl_60.zip (49K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

The Atlanta Bulletin Board List, Revision 60
for Dec. 1994, expires - 3/1/95.  The LONG
and SHORT versions - in PKZIP v2.04G format.  
Produced by the Online Atlanta Society - 
404-627-2662 (OAS-COM2) data - Atlanta, GA

acl1194.zip (33K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

AC BBS List - November, 1994
A menu driven, verbose list in .EXE
format of Wildcat! Bulletin Boards
in the 202, 301 and 703 area codes.
*HELP! - We need more listings!*
Compliments of C'mon Inn BBS
Gaithersburg, MD
(301) 948-0952  FIDO 1:109/736

akbb1094.zip (45K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

October 1994 Alaska BBS List

aoltim30.zip (28K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

atodfn10.zip (31K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

bbbl1094.zip (40K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

Blase's Baltimore BBS List - Oct. 1994
Over 250 VERIFIED Baltimore BBS phone
numbers!  Now includes BBBLM - the
Blase Baltimore BBS List Manager,which
supports viewing, searching, and
printing.  Help support this BBS list-
call in your updates/additions to
Silver Streak BBS (410)683-0300.

bbrdr70.zip (89K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

v7.0 Big Boy's BBS List Easy-Reader
and BBS Listkeeper System. For easy
reading of any Big Boy's Format BBS
List on any DOS PC!  Will convert
desired BBS #s to your favorite comm.
dialer format using the utils FONDIR
& CVTFON if present. Includes a
built-in dialer/comm for Com 1 & 2!
Eeek! Mouse support Nyuk Nyuk!
From Big Boy's BBS 303-458-3832.

bbs1111.zip (47K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

bbs1194.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

│Greater Cincinnati BBS Directory - Nov.'94│┐
 │         Courtesy of Joseph L. Jones      │

bbs207.zip (174K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

BBS Access from MicroFox Company is a very 
easy-to-use data communications program for 
calling BBSs and uploading & downloading 
files. The protocols included are ASCII, 
Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K, 
Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. It can capture screens to
file and will record the time and length of 
each call. BBS can change and save modem 
initialization strings and all screen colors 
can be changed & saved.  {STAR} [ASAD]

bbsdirec.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

bbsmag11.zip (42K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

bbsr13.zip (260K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

Make $$$ by passing this program along!!! 

Crater Rim's *** FREE *** Comm Package with
19 internal protocols including Xmodem Chk,
Xmodem CRC, 1K-Xmodem,  WXmodem,  K9Xmodem,
Qmodem 1K-G,  Ymodem,  Ymodem-G, Zmodem and
ALL of the SuperK set! 

Features  Emulink  system  to  emulate  the
command key sets for most of the major comm

Built-in    files   subsystem   with   user
configured archive utilities and fast  file

Cut and paste upload  and  download buffers
for filenames and descriptions.

Baud rates up to 115,200  with 16550 fifos
and 28.8, V.Fast support.

Other features too numerous to mention here

Sorry,  this program runs in 50 line, Color
VGA mode only (try OnLine! Comm for 25 line
color and/or b&w support).

No registration fee required.

Supports a  unique money making  offer  for
passing the program along to others.

Crater Rim Software (206) 725-9233 to 14.4
                    (206) 723-6728 USR DStd

bbsrelst.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

bgfax136.zip (148K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

BGFAX 1.35 [25-Sep-94] - A non-TSR S/R fax
program for people with Class 1, 2, 2.0, &
ZyXEL fax modems.  Can answer the phone by
itself or let a  Fido Mailer  or  BBS pass
the fax call to it.  Can also  SEND  faxes
from the command line.   Includes viewing,
FAX->PCX,  ASCII->FAX,  PCX->FAX utilties.
FTP from  FTP.CSN.NET  in  the "Computech"
or FREQ 'magic' BGFAX from Fido 1:106/400.

bitizen.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

bw100_94.zip (8K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

*** BoardWatch Top 100 BBS's for 1994 ***
It was close again this year, but Software
Creations held the top spot again!

callin10.zip (19K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

CallInfo v1.0: See who is calling before
you answer the telephone.  This DOS TSR
will pop up and display the name and
number of who is calling you before the
second ring.  Requires caller id from
your local telephone company and a modem
that supports caller id (many 14.4 & up).

cbbs1194.zip (25K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

The CBBSList - November 1994 Release
- Chicagoland's Oldest BBSList
- Updated/Published Monthly
(Over 900 systems in this listing)

Copyright (C) 1994 The Chicagoland BBS Team

cisbl222.zip (44K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

    CIS Billing Tracker-JNGoodale 
Off-line CompuServe billing organizer.  Will
gather weekly and daily billing from captured
billing information, maintain yearly cum
file.  Provides formatted report on screen,
file, or printer.

cisdll.zip (73K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

A replacement .dll file for Procomm Plus for
Windows 2.0, in .exe self-extracting format.
See readme.dll for info. D/l DataStorm BBS

classb_3.zip (21K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

CLASS BULLETIN ! The BBS Phone Number Mag.
Vol 1  NOVEMBER 1994  Issue 3. Expanded
NEW JERSEY LISTING plus the Entire USA. This
list is VERIFIED. The only list that you can
also advertise on. SYSOP can list their BBS's
for FREE. Details in this issue. If you call
BBS's you should have this list. From CLASS
BULLETIN 609-783-5864  Running PowerBoard
1.26 Registered with Hayes up to 14400.
SuperSlots! Registered version online!
comdmo.zip (117K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

congfax.zip (8K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

ctbbsept.zip (15K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

dbfmaker.zip (32K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

dcbb1294.zip (109K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

Washington, DC area BBS list  Dec 1, 1994
534 local BBS numbers verified monthly
26 down - 13 new local #s
please check your listing and inform me at
CPCUG's MIX BBS Conf or fockem@hfsi.com
now supports V.34 28,800 listing
verification by Mike Focke       12/1/94

dsz0920.zip (90K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

dsz0920n.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

efbbslst.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

   Latest 617 & 508 BBS alphabetical
listing. Call EFFIGY Systems to add 
yours, or your favorite, to the list.

ehw100.zip (232K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

Run a full featured BBS with this outstanding
TELIX for Windows script.  Supports 10000
users, 1000 conferences and 1000 doors.
Registration enables the use of user designed
ANSI/ASCII screens and menus.  Mail doors
are available.

engr1094.zip (38K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

Engineering BBS List; 10-94; 182 listings
Full name; ENGR1094.ZIP
October 1994 version of The Engineering BBS
List; 182 listings with complete information
and descriptions. Since May 1990, the source
for Engineering related BBS's.
Current version always available on The
Computer Plumber BBS @ 319-337-6723.

evvin411.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

Evansville, IN BBS List for Nov 24, 1994
Lists BBS's in Evansville, along with
information on what each BBS has to
offer along with information on file
capacity and many other things.
Created by Gary Barr of the Digicom BBS
812-479-1310, FREQ Updates at 1:2310/200

exp_imp.zip (78K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

EXPORTER/IMPORTER...Two handy utilities for 
users of Prodigy.
Use EXPORTER to export notes and read,
print or save them to a file in an 80 column
format that is perfectly word wrapped. 
Use IMPORTER to quickly convert .txt files
from the way you normally write to the 60
column format required for BB notes.

ezyd1.zip (35K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

Nice Cmnd-Line Phone/Dig. Pager Dialer
Ezy-D is a great little dialer for use  
on the command-line and in batch files
for making unattended pager calls in
response to system/application events.
 - Automatically locates modem.
 - Automatically selects voice/pager
 - Auto (time-out) or manual operation.
 - Optional prompt for phone number(s).
 - Displays number(s) for verification.
Registration fee is only $5.
See EZY-D.TXT for full details.

fonalve2.zip (13K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

FONALVE2.ZIP - FoneALIVE! new intelligent
hardware device which guards against
remote access computer lockups. Monitors
the telephone line directly and detects
all forms of lockups including lockups
with phone line busy. Cycles power to
restore proper operation.

gsbbs022.zip (77K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

The Garden State BBS List, NJ's Best Listing!
New Jersey's Largest and Best BBS Listing
Available! More Verified Numbers than any
other New Jersey BBS List out there! Garden
State BBS List contains over 870 Bulletin
Boards throughout the Three New Jersey Area
Codes. Listings include the BBS's Phone
Number, System Name, Sysop, Town, Max Baud
Rate and Software.

gsz0920.zip (110K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

gt1900_1.zip (157K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94]  Disk [1/8]
Complete host and terminal operations.
Features such as RIPscrip support
(viewable both remote and local!), fax
handling, CallerID, OS2/MS-Windows/
DESQview aware, QWKMail, DIZ support,
archive viewing, powerful script and
questionaire  processing, CDROM support,
subscription and user account management,
onscreen file tagging,  plus much more...
all rolled into one shareware program!
Actively produced/supported by P&M Software.

gt1900_2.zip (302K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94]  Part [2/8]
Main program executable and misc utils.
286/386 Version.

gt1900_3.zip (45K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94]  Disk [3/8]
External protocol drivers (CISB, GTZ)

gt1900_5.zip (118K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94]  Disk [5/8]
HOST/BBS Mode documentation.

gt1900_6.zip (111K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:39 pm

GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94]  Disk [6/8]
Host Mode utilities and Windows PIF and
ICO files.

gt1900_7.zip (110K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94]  Disk [7/8]
BGI Graphics fonts and video drivers,
and misc utilities.

gt1900_8.zip (75K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94]  Disk [8/8]
Example files/screens for Host Mode:
.BBS, .CBS, .RIP and .ICN.

gto1900a.zip (178K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

GT Power v19.00 [10-01-94]  Part [4/8]
Terminal Mode Only  version.  For use
when disk space is limited.  Nickname
is GTO!   286/386 Version.

helix.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

hm941113.zip (9K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

Hartford/Manchester Area BBS List 11-13-94
from Spacedock, 666-4999 (203), 1:142/499.

hqfax20.zip (237K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

hs121c2.zip (135K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

HS/Link External Protocol BETA TEST
As of 5:42 pm, Thursday, November 17, 1994 
HS/Link is a high speed, single and bi-
directional file transfer protocol with many
advanced features.  It is EASY to set up and
runs very fast with all kinds of modems.
Now includes ONLINE CHAT mode.
FHSLINK.EXE now supports FOSSIL drivers.
See HS-INST3.ZIP for install instructions.

izmbeta6.zip (121K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

IceZmodem(IZM) protocol-Chat,DOS Shell,Editor,MORE!
IceSoft Software presents IceZmodem, an amazing
new Zmodem file transfer protocol with 100%
standard Zmodem compatibility and many enhancements.
While transferring files you can chat with the
remote user, shell to DOS, edit a text file,
play Digital MOD file Music, or play games. You
can even get 2 pages of system information about
the remote computer. It has one of the best
status displays ever and includes a Screen Saver.
TurboTrans, a Zmodem speed booster, has helped
to get 99% efficiency on some file transfers.
This amazing protocol simply has to be seen to
be believed! Supports Sound Blaster or DACs for
music. Version Beta6.

k314bet6.zip (676K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

kbl1094a.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

October 1994 Knoxville Area BBS list.
by Doug Hanson aka Bryce Lynch.

labbs_j4.zip (48K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

Los Angeles Area BBS List - October, 1994
A menu driven, verbose list in .EXE format 
of Bulletin Boards in the 213, 310 and 818 
area codes.
*HELP! - We need more listings!*
Compliments of The DownTown BBS

lzmdm101.zip (169K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

A new type of transfer protocol
using special compression!  As
much as 4-10 times faster than
Z-MODEM!  Works with regular
14.4K, save $100's!

maspro11.zip (64K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

Master Bats are two batch files which
allow you to use an unlimited number
of external comm protocols in your
communication program.  No more 
limits of 8 or 10 choices!  These
bats run:
Bimodem, Cexyz (9 flavors), CMP, CSME,
DSZ (8 flavors) EZP (5 flavors), FlackZ,
Giflink (5 flavors), GSZ (8 flavors),
HS-Link, Hydracom, Hyper, Imodem, IceZmod,
(5 flavors), Kermit, Lynx, Megalink,
MPT, Nmodem, Punter, Rcmodem, Smodem, 
Sealink, Streamline Design (11 flavors),
Super Zmodem, SuperK (15 flavors)
Tasy, Texas Zmodem, Tmodem, Vfast, Vxy,
Visual Zmodem (7 flavors), Wxfer,
Wxmodem, Ymodem (2 flavors), Zmax,
Zyrion, and ZSX (6 flavors). 
By: Jim C. Smith. The Window Pane
BBS 1:130/508 817-478-4132.

mkey112.zip (68K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

               │             MagicKey                     │░
               │                                          │░
               │   Popup HELP window with autotyping      │░
               │   for use with DOS Terminal Programs.    │░
               │                                          │░
               │           Shareware ($10)                │░
               │                                          │░
               │  Scrollable list of keyboard macros.     │░
               │  Capture text from screen to macro.      │░
               │  Point and click macro selection.        │░
               │  Unlimited number of macros in file.     │░
               │  Unlimited number of selectable files.   │░
               │  Use with any program or DOS.            │░
               │  User selectable hot keys.               │░
               │  Uninstall from DOS or popup.            │░
               │  1000+ popular ftp, telnet, www, finger  │░
               │  gopher, and email addresses available   │░
               │  in MagicKey format in MKDATA.ZIP.       │░

modemd60.zip (152K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

Modem Doctor 6.0S,modem/uart diagnostics
The premier modem/uart system utility.
Ver 6 tests ports, IRQ's, & modem self-
connect tests, handshake tests & more
than 60 others. Support for IRQ 2-15,
Digiboards, Burst tests measure thruput
and handshaking, ID's all active IRQ's
motherboard type and much more!

modemutl.zip (83K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

Add full modem control to your batch programs
with MODEM.  Status checking.  Dialing.  Even
a basic terminal program. Information is sent
back to the batch file via the DOS ERRORLEVEL
variable.  Can also be used with regular (EXE
or COM compiled) programs, if they can detect
the ERRORLEVEL. From Pinnacle Software -- the
creators of the Sapphire BBS.  Voice support:
dial 514-345-9578, or call our free files BBS
at 514-345-8654 (download on first call).

moo9409l.zip (10K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

mv110694.zip (16K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

   - Mohawk Valley Bulletin Board List -
MVBB includes ANSI, ASCII, and TEXT screens 
that  give  the user  information about the  
board  they  are  calling.   This  includes
online  cd-roms,  hard  drive  space, adult 
access,  RBBS-Net, Fido-Net  (including the
address),  other  nets,  amount   of  doors
etc...  including  the normal bbs info: bbs  
name, SysOp, phone number, speed, etc. Give 
it a try -  we're sure you'll like it!  For
the Rome & Utica, NY area of area code 315. 

newstcc.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

njbbs149.zip (26K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

 ≡≡≡≡  NJBBS FOR DECEMBER  1994  ≡≡≡    
New Jersey's Largest Most Comprehensive
Listing of Bulletin Boards in the 201, 609 
and 908 Area Codes.  MORE VERIFIED BOARDS 
THAN ANY OTHER LIST!  Since 1987 more New
Jersey BBS enthusiasts read NJBBS than any
other listing.  There's a whole world of
information & entertainment, right in your
own area code.  "One of the largest lists

nobbs104.zip (16K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

*NOBBS094* New Orleans BBS List 10/94
The Best, Most Comprehensive List of
PC Compatible BBS's in the New Orleans
area.  Also Contians QMODEM Dialing List.
Published on the 15th of every month.

oct94asj.zip (10K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

octlist.zip (8K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

  *** K-W AREA BBS Listing's ***
       *** OCTOBER 1994 ***
 Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge,
 and Guelph area's Bulletin Board
    Listing's. Updated Montly!
    In Ascii and Ansi formats.

pcconmci.zip (1K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

pcpcinst.zip (65K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

rees1094.zip (15K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

REES1094.ZIP - Jim Reese's Oct 94 BBS list
for Sarasota/Bradenton/Venice - This month:
10 new boards (2 resurrected from the dead),
4 die while 3 more are temporarily down. 3
name changes (with one later change of mind),
5 software changes, and 1 number change
(twice in the month). One part-time board
goes 24 hours. One SysOp changes his handle.
Includes 101 dead board numbers. The single
most comprehensive list of area boards.

reslt100.zip (37K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

ReSalt Telix Script Decompiler v1.00 - 
Recreates Telix SALT source code from 
compiled (.SLC) files. A must for Telix for 
DOS and Telix for Windows users. A lifesaver 
if you ever lose your source code, but need 
to modify the script. 

Shareware by Paul Roub - Registration $20.00

rets1104.zip (83K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

Retsof's AC512 BBSlist November 1994
Austin, Corpus Christi, Victoria, Kingsville
RETBBS94.308 in fido format with notes
RETABL94.308 1 line/BBS or dialing directory
RETHSM94.308 14400bps+ lines/modem brands
Call V#512-346-8253 for fixes.
post in Austin BBSINFO Fido/WWIV,VBBS echos
or e-mail Retsof on most WWIV or VBBS boards.
v94.308 by John C. Foster 11/04/1994

s7_izm10.zip (131K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

OFFICIALIceZmodem v1.00 release [1/1] ( Sl

sem_bbs1.zip (24K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

slcnov94.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

@X0F@X07@X0FThe @X0F@X0E@X0FSLCNOV94.ZIP BBSLIST is here!!
@X0F@X07This is a current Salt Lake City
area BBSLIST for November 1994
@X0C@X0FSYSOPS! please DELETE all outdated
lists i.e. SLCMAR94.ZIP Ect...

smodem09.zip (53K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

suprt412.zip (21K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

Technical Support BBS List for December 94
Lists over 550 BBS's that are ran by
Commercial & Shareware Hardware/Software
Manufacturers for the support of their
products.  Also included is a list of
Faxback services.
Created by Gary Barr of the Digicom BBS
812-479-1310, FREQ Updates at 1:2310/200

t_sound.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

tabbsnov.zip (25K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

tb09_94.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

tc092594.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

The TC BBS list for Saginaw, MI 9/18/94 release
over 45 systems from Mid-Michagan area
upload to any bbs that doesn't have this list. Send all updates to JJ MEddaugh
AT WILDERNESS (1:239/1010) OR 839:0385 (MIDLAND) 695:2273 (FREELand)

tme4f_up.zip (88K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm


tris1202.zip (29K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

List of registered TriBBS boards as of

turmodem.zip (144K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

TurModem v1.22 NAPLPS/ANSI/ASCII Terminal
TurModem supports NAPLPS graphics with
mouse support, internal protocols, and
dialing directory among other features.
This is full featured and FREEWARE!!

txzm241.zip (42K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

driver with full screen status display.
Supports up to 115,200 baud, 16550 FIFO mode,
and can be used with any com port--including
those that use non-standard IRQs.  Can send
and receive complete directory structures.
Operates in terminal mode as a stand alone
program, or, from the command line as a
protocol driver for other programs.  Non-
commercial users are not required to register.

usbbs127.zip (131K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

USBBS National BBS Listing for December, 1994.
Listing of IBM-based BBS systems.  The
listing contains 3,936 entries with 85 new
or modified entries this month.  Editor: Bob
Breedlove. Send new entries, updates to
BOBsBBS 916-929-7511.

usr28man.zip (134K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

usr_1115.zip (241K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

.-----.  --- .-.  --/------·-------.  .-.
_| .__) | . ||  \|  \   \__|  ∙  |  \/  |
\  |  \/  |  \  ·   /\\   \|  |  |  ·   |

usr_docs.zip (12K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

v34man.zip (102K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

vcnvt2.zip (12K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

vfc2_0a.zip (60K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

*********** vFAST v2.0 **************
(c) International TeleCommunications
vFAST is just what the name implies, 
a vERY FAST protocol, it'll run circles 
around Zmodem.  vFAST  uses  DUAL 16 
bit CRC's to protect data, has RESTART 
recovery for aborted transfers as well 
as SKIP for files you ALREADY have.

vFAST  was designed specifically for 
v32, v32bis, and vFAST modems. You 
should not attempt to use vFAST with 
a 2400 baud modem unless your modem 
is error correcting. vFAST needs ONE 
of the following: 16550 Uart, Intel-
ligent Digiboard (2, 4, 8, or 16 port),
Intelligent Stargate, Intelligent Arnet.

wf4mdat.zip (10K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

New MODEMS.DAT file for 
WinFax Pro. V4.x
Added U.S. Robotics Sportster 28800/Fax
Class 1 / 2 Modems + VFC. 
wimsey.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

worc1294.zip (14K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

Worcester Area BBS's.  December, 1994 list
Please Contact the Infomation Society
(508)832-7542, or Keystone (508)753-3767
for updates and deletions of BBS's as
needed. This zip is created at the end
of the first week of each month
This month there are 61 BBSs listed!

z323.zip (117K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm

zhnt1194.zip (417K)

Uploaded Fri Jul 21 2023 09:40 pm