
Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

ASK-QWK Module For Synchronet 2.+
+ Allow Systems to configure QWK NODE
+ Accounts Automatically when used as
+ a Newuser Event. By Robert Kluver of
+ Maryland Online Network (410)282-3555
+ Copyright 1996 [Shareware] Expires 1-97
+ Support Available from Maryland Online
+ BBS: (410)282-3555/(410)285-7267
+ Fidonet: 1:261/1559
+ Or Contact DIOS Software (410)203-1850 (9K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

┌──=[ Chuckle Box BBS LISTER  v1.0 ]=──┐
│                                      │
│        LOCAL BBS LISTER Script       │
│   Includes Edit and Sort Options,    │
│   plus a dupe phone number check.    │
│         Baja SOURCE included!        │
│        For SynchronetBBS 2.20 B      │
│                                      │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘ (98K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

Domain Upload Tester v2.10 (UNREGISTERED)
A file upload tester and virus scanner
written especially for Synchronet BBS
systems.  Supports several virus
scanners and compression types, as well
as GIF testing and multi-level archive
testing.  Built in com routines, and
ASCII/ANSI/RIP screens for users. (61K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

Caf Smeg v1.1
Electronic "Caf" suite of Baja Modules
For Synchronet BBS Systems
 - Caf Smeg (Free with Baja source included)
 - SmegChat (Full featured chat)
 - Booji's Noodle Booters (Weird and cool)
 - OneLiners
 - WordLinks
 - Caller Profiler
 - Chatter Wall
 - LogNotes (Custom Caller Logon/Logoff Messages)
 - SmegBeep (Nasty language scanner)
 - SmegTrim (Trims Datafiles) (6K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

Death Match Registry v1.0
Modem Gamer Database & Match Finder
For Synchronet BBS Systems (126K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

SyncEdit v3.05 - Fully functional demo of
SyncEdit, the full-screen message editor.
SyncEdit works with Synchronet BBS, TAG,
Renegade, EZYCOM, TriBBS, and many other BBS
software packages.  Includes spell check,
search/replace, user selectable taglines,
message quoting, support for color, ASCII
uploads, and much more!  Compiled 8-06-96.