
Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

/---< READ.PPE version 1.20, 08/03/96 >--─\
` PCBoard message  base replacement!  THE │
: only way to configure the message base! │
| BLOWS away the origanal looks! Includes │
│ address book,  FIDONET support,  MULTI- │
│ LANG config,  external  message  editor │
│ support and  best  of  all,  COMPLETELY │
│ configurable  message header! Now using │
│ PPLC 3.20  for use with  PCBoard 15.22+ |
│  ø  FREE!, The way PPE's should be!  ø  ,
\─--─[The No-Name BBS (703) 323-6838]─----/ (151K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

BNKFRE11 - BANK.PPE version 1.10 - Why Pay
for a BANK PPE when this one is FREE!!. Bank
Time, Bytes, Exchange, & Gambling.  Totally
configurable by the SysOp.  Gambling Modules
included to add at your discretion or write
your own with the Generic Gambling Module.
Includes a BankEditor, BankPacker (to remove
old users), Out of BBS Time, & LogOff support
Modules to make this Bank a total package for
your BBS.  Full Source Code is Included!!!! (641K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/PCBoard
Version 4.01 of the offline mail door known
the world over for its power and ease of use!
Features include:
* Flexible message packing options.
* Internal file transfer protocols.
* SysOp-controlled limits and restrictions.
* New files list generator.
* FidoNet and Internet compatibility.
* Integration with BBS security features.
* DOS and OS/2 support in one package.
* QWK packet support (requires registration).
* Requires PCBoard v15.20 or later. (875K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

Cam-Mail GOLD v2.05 Multi-Lingual,Multi-Node
The best ShareWare QWK/REP Door for PCBoard
15.x  Supports Duplicate CRC checking,
File Attachments in QWK/REP packets, Echoing
Mail Between BBS's, Internal Protocols,
Updating of Mail Waiting Flags,command line
stacking in the Door and via PCBoard,Forcing
of Scanning Conferences and NetWorks Config.
Supports non standard comports (Includes
FOSSIL/OS2 comm support). BEST QWK/REP DOOR! (154K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

CBFREE14.ZIP - Callback Verifier PPE - FREE!
Over 45 features packed into this FREE
Callback Verifier PPE.  Caller ID support,
International Callbacks, bad number and name
blocking, automatic local or long distance
detection, trashcan, local/ld callback times
username/password verification, message and
Comment/Notes posting, and MUCH MUCH MORE!
--== Complete Source code is included ==--
Written by Dan Shore, SysOp The Shoreline BBS (11K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

Courier Caller ID PPE V1.32 for
PCBoard/CID/USR Courier V.Everything.
Bug fix update - 8/1/96 (15K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am


Full replacement for the
PCBoard user Interface.
Fully configurable, easy
to use and FREE!
Source included ;)
By M≡RY and
the Master Dwork! (3K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

delete.ppe will take a user at any security 
level downgrade his/her sec level to zero 
and mark his/her record for deletion when he 
selects to logoff.  This is a good way to 
automatically delete all your deadbeats who 
exit your dragon sales door without 
upgrading themselves by making a 
contribution to your BBS. (5K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

* * DELAY30A.PPE * *.  This PPE
was made for sysops who require
their users to register.  This
PPE is used instead of record #
413 in the PCBTEXT file wich is
"Menu selection is not available"
Copyright (c)1996 - Paul Szymczuk (81K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

The Depository Bank v1.21 [PPE]             :
Winner of the 1995 PCBoard Favorite Add-On  :
Contest as Best Shareware PPE!              :
This PPE is written exclusively for PCBoard :
version 15.2+. The purpose of this PPE is to:
allow your users to bank TIME or BYTES and  :
to recover them when needed. It will also   :
allow the user to exchange the saved time   :
for bytes or bytes for time. No maintenance :
is required by the Sysop once installed.    :
(c)1996 Practical Computer Services         : (25K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

╔══════  PCBoard ══════════════════════════╗
╟─ M e n u S e l e c t ──────────── v1.30 ─╢
║ Let your callers choose from a number of ║
║ different main menus, the one they prefer║
║ to use on your system.                   ║
║ [PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x]          ║
║ Copyright (c)1996 Equinox Software       ║
╚══════════════════════════════════════════╝ (73K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

GIF Collage builder PPE v4.0 for PCBoard.
This PCBoard v15.x PPE command allows your
callers to dynamically build and download
customized GIF catalog images that each
contain up to 9 pictures extracted from
larger GIF files posted on your BBS.  This
gives them the ability to preview larger GIF
files before downloading them.  Interactive
and quick, your callers will love this one!
This is a fully functional FREEWARE release.
That's right, GIFColl is now fully funcional
and FREE!!!  No delays, no nags and nowhere
to send $$$! (200K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

Major update.
Includes 2 versions, one with @X
codes for PCBOARD and another with
ASCII and ANSI codes.
This is my version of "This Day in
History". There are others out there
but try this one, I think you will like 
it better. It tells of events on this date,
birthdays on this date, gives a daily
witticism and reminds you to pay the
mortgage. Data files eaisly edited to
add your own information.  
You can run it as a PPE or as a 
stand alone. This program is totally
unprotected and fully functionally.
Revised Version 1.2 (73K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

CLRFIDO.EXE - Utility to reset  the  Failed 
Connects in PCBoard's FIDOQUE.DAT file that
build up. Also changes HOLD status on those
entries back to NORMAL.  No  more  problems
with unsent packets and polls! FREEWARE!!!!
Includes both *DOS* and *OS/2* executables!
Intelec Software Extras - Herbert Bushong (17K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

HowHeard v4.2 New Caller Upgrade PPE for PCB
15.22! Upgrade sec levels and conference reg
based on caller's response! No Longer Writes 
to  User's  notes  PSA.  Keeps  a  log  file  
instead.  Now with   OTHER option for a more
specific response. Small, fast, convenient!!
Another fine Intelec Software PPE! (80K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

KOTPYRM! v1.1! King  of  the  Pyramid  PPE!!
A simple yet addictive game that  will  have
your users calling every day, trying to  win
top  honors  and  be  King  of  the Pyramid!
Includes configuration PPE and    tournament
mode! Also grab the  IS_KI_QA.ZIP  file  for
the ready-made question database!
Intelec Software (53K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

KOTPYRM.DBF - Ready-made question/answer DBF
file for King of the Pyramid PPE!           
Intelec Software (20K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

WelcoMat v4.1! For PCBoard v15.22+,PPLC v3.2
Greets new users and allows them to DL  info
files, reg. forms, etc. In addition, WM  can
upgrade specific users that you specify when
they call the first time! Upgrade  different
users  to  different  security  levels   and
register  in  many  different  conferences!!
Uncrippled Shareware!!  Another fine Intelec
Software PPE!   *Bug Fix* (278K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

LoopBack v5.02 [PPE]  Call-Back verifier
for PCBoard v15.xx.  Supports multi-lingual
prompts, user trashcans, number trashcans,
caller-ID searching, automated messages,
powerful ONLINE configuration, timetables,
file flagging, international support, call
back only mode, user upgrading, MUCH MORE!
(c)1996 Practical Computer Services (25K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

UltraMoni - v1.4  - PCBMONI .PPE  replacement
for the busy  PCBoard Sysop.  User  definable
update and scroll interval.  View online user
record.  Update node info.  Full and  compact
display mode.   Fully functional.   Shareware
only $10.  Free BBS support.  NEW for v1.1  -
Support for  Caller Management  System (CMS).
New in v1.4 - Support for PCB 15.3.
This is a must try!!  Released 09/07/96. (57K)

Uploaded Tue Jul 18 2023 12:12 am

Message Tagging Suite PPE's - Version 1.02
** Update from version 1.01 by Dan Shore **
A suite of PPE's that allows TAGGING of
message numbers while using PCB's "Q"uick Msg
Scan function.  You can READ, KILL, or
RECOVER *TAGGED* messages.  Released as
"ContinueWare" with the hopes of other
SysOp's continuing development of this fine
suite of products. FREEWARE with source code
included.  By Dan Shore -