• Gulf Coast ready to develop carbon stora

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Tue Jul 6 21:30:32 2021
    Gulf Coast ready to develop carbon storage hub

    July 6, 2021
    University of Texas at Austin
    The stage is set for a new carbon storage economy to emerge along
    the Gulf Coast, according to a new study, with the region offering
    ample opportunities to capture and store carbon, and recent state
    and federal incentives giving an added push to get started.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    The stage is set for a new carbon storage economy to emerge along the Gulf Coast, according to a study led by The University of Texas at Austin, with
    the region offering ample opportunities to capture and store carbon, and
    recent state and federal incentives giving an added push to get started.

    ========================================================================== Carbon capture and storage, or CCS, is a technology that keeps CO2
    out of the atmosphere by capturing emissions and storing them deep
    underground. It can help fight climate change by lowering industrial
    emissions now while renewable energy sources are being developed, said
    Tip Meckel, a senior research scientist at the Gulf Coast Carbon Center,
    a research group at the UT Bureau of Economic Geology that has been
    studying CCS for the past 20 years.

    "This is a viable way to reduce emissions in the near term," Meckel
    said. "It's feasible and has a reasonable economic structure that can
    support, retain and create jobs." The study, which was published
    in Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, provides a high-level
    overview of policy incentives for CCS and how Texas and Louisiana's high concentration of industry and unique offshore geology make the region
    a particularly good spot to build up a carbon storage economy.

    The topics explored in the paper are especially relevant considering
    recent moves that Texas has made to bring carbon storage under a similar regulatory framework as oil and gas. In June, Gov. Greg Abbott signed
    into law HB 1284, granting the Texas Railroad Commission the same
    regulatory authority over CO2 injection wells as it has over oil and
    gas wells. In May, the Texas General Land Office announced that it was accepting lease proposals for CO2 storage sites in state land offshore
    of Jefferson County. Any royalties or revenues related to storage will
    benefit the Texas Permanent School Fund, as oil and gas activity does.

    In the past, oil and gas companies primarily used carbon storage and
    capture for enhanced oil recovery, which allows companies to get more oil
    out of depleted reservoirs by pumping in CO2. Enhanced oil recovery has
    been in use for decades and has produced an existing network of pipelines
    for transporting CO2 along the Gulf Coast. In addition, the two existing
    carbon capture facilities in Texas were built with these measures in mind.

    ========================================================================== However, the study shows that falling oil and gas prices and an increasing
    45Q federal tax credit, which offsets tax liability for industries to
    different degrees depending on how the CO2 is stored, is making carbon
    storage for its own sake more attractive.

    "Before, we only had one way: enhanced oil recovery" said former Assistant Secretary of Energy Charles McConnell, who is now the executive director
    of carbon management at the University of Houston and was not part of
    the study.

    "We are in a different place now. Storage in and of itself can be viable
    now." The paper describes how the existing CO2 infrastructure could be leveraged and expanded to boost carbon storage outside of enhanced oil
    recovery -- with the researchers highlighting the subsurface geology
    offshore of the Gulf Coast as a suitable spot for permanently storing CO2.

    The researchers also note that in Texas, state-owned lands extend to
    10.35 miles offshore instead of the usual 3.45 miles due to a law that
    went into effect when Texas was a sovereign nation. The historical act
    ends up simplifying issues of ownership and permitting today.

    While geology and infrastructure of the Gulf Coast is a winning
    combination for boosting a carbon storage economy, the study said that
    another important fact is simply the amount of CO2 produced in the
    region. Texas has the highest level of emissions of any state. Louisiana
    is second.

    Capture and storage offers a way to stop a portion of those emissions
    right at the source, Meckel said. By doing that, the technology can
    help flatten CO2 emissions as lower-carbon energy alternatives mature
    in the market.

    "Advancing carbon capture and storage is something
    that we can do now," Meckel said. "To take a big bite
    out of [the carbon] profile, you have to get going now." ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Texas_at_Austin. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. T.A. Meckel, A.P. Bump, S.D. Hovorka, R.H. Trevino. Carbon capture,
    utilization, and storage hub development on the Gulf
    Coast. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2021; DOI:
    10.1002/ghg.2082 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/07/210706115351.htm

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