• Contraception data 'blind spot' could hi

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Wed Jun 16 21:31:00 2021
    Contraception data 'blind spot' could hide pandemic impact on women's reproductive health

    June 16, 2021
    University of Warwick
    Limited data on the uptake of contraception prior to and during
    crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic could mean unforeseen issues
    for sexual and reproductive health services, new research concludes.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Limited data on the uptake of contraception prior to and during crises
    such as the Covid-19 pandemic could mean unforeseen issues for sexual
    and reproductive health services, research from the University of
    Warwick concludes.

    It identifies additional barriers that women faced in accessing
    contraception during the Covid-19 lockdown, including disruption to
    sexual health services and fears about contracting the virus, as well
    as a pressing need to ensure that access to contraception is maintained
    to avoid the health and social impacts of unplanned pregnancies beyond
    the pandemic.

    The research, published in the European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, is a scoping review of existing research into
    the impact of disasters on contraception in higher income countries such
    as the United Kingdom to assist in disaster response planning. It aims
    to establish existing knowledge from previous disasters and epidemics,
    with a significant focus on the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Previous research has shown that disasters are associated with increased
    rates of early pregnancy loss, stillbirth and premature birth, as well
    as with increased birth rates. However, until now there has not been a
    review of how the uptake of contraception is affected, and what impact
    this may have on women's reproductive health.

    Policies on accessing contraception vary by country and include access to:
    * Oral contraceptive pills * Contraceptive injection * Intrauterine
    device (IUD) or Intrauterine system (IUS)
    In the United Kingdom contraception is free through the NHS but requires
    a prescription. However, the Covid-19 pandemic created new barriers that
    may have prevented women from accessing contraception. They might avoid
    going to a healthcare provider due to the fear of contracting Covid-19,
    or concerns about travelling, especially if relying on public transport.

    However, the research highlighted examples of good practice in
    overcoming these barriers, such as drive-through or kerbside provision
    of contraception. Some health providers were able to maintain access
    to contraception using telehealth (i.e. video or phone consultations),
    however these presented safeguarding and privacy issues. Evidence
    from outside the UK also showed that making emergency contraception prescription-free rather than cost-free has a greater impact on unplanned pregnancies.

    As data were not collected on the uptake of contraception prior to the pandemic, it is unclear how successful these methods have been, nor
    how women's access to contraception has been affected. The researchers recommend collecting more data on the uptake of contraception, awareness
    of the benefits and pitfalls of telehealth methods, and a move to making
    more contraception prescription-free, as is currently being considered
    for the progestogen-only pills.

    Co-author Dr Julia Gauly from Warwick Medical School said: "We don't
    have a clear picture of how the uptake of contraception changes during disasters or the Covid-19 pandemic, because we don't have enough data
    from before, during and after the crisis to compare. Collecting better
    data would put us in a better position in the future to predict things
    like birth rates.

    "It's important that women can access contraception and have
    a choice, especially during disasters. Many people lost their
    jobs during the pandemic or they became sick with Covid, so the
    needs of women for contraception may have changed. Someone who was
    planning to start a family might change their mind during a crisis
    or pandemic, due to financial or health reasons. So it's important
    that women and their partners have a choice in their family planning." ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Warwick. Note: Content
    may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Benjamin Freed, Sarah Hillman, Saran Shantikumar, Debra Bick, Jeremy
    Dale, Julia Gauly. The impact of disasters on contraception in
    OECD member countries: a scoping review. The European Journal
    of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 2021; 1 DOI:
    10.1080/13625187.2021.1934440 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/06/210616113841.htm

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