• Receptor makes mice strong and slim

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Thu Jun 25 21:30:24 2020
    Receptor makes mice strong and slim
    Molecule that regulates two side effects of aging identified

    June 25, 2020
    University of Bonn
    Increasing abdominal girth and shrinking muscles are two common
    side effects of aging. Researchers have discovered a receptor
    in mice that regulates both effects. Experiments with human cell
    cultures suggest that the corresponding signaling pathways might
    also exist in humans.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== [Mouse on exercise wheel | Credit: (c) Emilia Stasiak / stock.adobe.com]
    Mouse on exercise wheel (stock image).

    Credit: (c) Emilia Stasiak / stock.adobe.com [Mouse on exercise wheel |
    Credit: (c) Emilia Stasiak / stock.adobe.com] Mouse on exercise wheel
    (stock image).

    Credit: (c) Emilia Stasiak / stock.adobe.com Close Increasing
    abdominal girth and shrinking muscles are two common side effects of
    aging. Researchers at the University of Bonn have discovered a receptor
    in mice that regulates both effects. Experiments with human cell cultures suggest that the corresponding signaling pathways might also exist in
    humans. The study, which also involved researchers from Spain, Finland, Belgium, Denmark and the USA, has now been published in the journal
    Cell Metabolism.

    On their surface, cells carry numerous different "antennas," called
    receptors, which can receive specific signal molecules. These then
    trigger a specific reaction in the cell. One of these antennas is the
    A2B receptor. The surfaces of some cells are virtually teeming with it,
    for example in the so-called brown adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue,
    unlike its white-colored counterpart, is not used to store fat. Instead,
    it burns fat and thereby generates heat.

    "In our publication we took a closer look at the A2B receptors in brown
    adipose tissue," explains Prof. Dr. Alexander Pfeifer from the Institute
    of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University Hospital Bonn. "In the
    course of this we discovered an interesting association: The more A2B a
    mouse produces, the more heat it generates." Which means the A2B antennas somehow seem to increase the activity of the brown fat cells. But a second observation was even more exciting: Despite their increased fat burning,
    the animals weigh hardly less than mice with fewer receptors. "They are slimmer, but at the same time have more muscles," explains Pfeifer.

    Muscles like a young mouse In fact, the researchers were able to
    show that the muscle cells of mice also carry the A2B receptor. When
    this is stimulated by a small molecule agonist, muscle growth in the
    rodents is increased. "The receptor regulates both fat burning and
    muscle development," emphasizes Pfeifer's colleague Dr. Thorsten Gnad,
    the lead author of the study.

    As they age, mice increasingly lose muscle mass -- similar to humans. And
    just like us, they also tend to gain a lot of fat around the hips over
    the years.

    However, if they receive the agonist that activates the A2B receptor,
    these aging effects are inhibited: Their oxygen consumption (an indicator
    of energy dissipation) increases by almost half; moreover, after four
    weeks of treatment they have as much muscle mass as a young animal. "A2B activation can therefore reverse both aging effects to a certain extent," explains Gnad.

    In order to see whether the results were also meaningful for humans,
    the researchers examined human cell cultures and tissue samples. They
    found that in people with a large number of A2B receptors, the brown
    adipose tissue works at a higher rate. At the same time, their muscle
    cells consume more energy, which may indicate that they are also more
    active and may be more likely to be regenerated.

    "Obesity is a growing problem worldwide," emphasizes Prof. Pfeifer. "Every extra pound not only increases the risk of developing diabetes, but also
    the risk of high blood pressure, vascular damage and therefore heart
    attacks and strokes. These problems are further exacerbated by muscles
    that shrink over the years, as they further reduce the body's energy requirements both at rest and in motion." In addition, poor muscle
    strength has an immense impact on the everyday life of older people,
    as they are increasingly restricted in their mobility.

    The pharmacologists explain that the prospect of having a receptor on
    hand that might be able to slow down both of these age-related phenomena
    is therefore highly exciting. However, further research would first have
    to show to what extent the human mechanisms actually resemble those in
    mice. Additionally, there is currently no activator of A2B approved for
    use in humans. This means that little is known about any side effects
    of such a treatment. "We found no signs of adverse reactions in mice,"
    says Pfeifer. "However, the meaningfulness of the results is, of course,
    also limited on this matter." Gnad emphasizes that the success of the
    study is also the result of good cooperation with numerous international partners: "Nowadays, it is almost impossible to work on complex issues comprehensively without such cooperation."

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Bonn. Note: Content
    may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Thorsten Gnad, Gemma Navarro, Minna Lahesmaa, Laia Reverte-Salisa,
    Francesca Copperi, Arnau Cordomi, Jennifer Naumann, Aileen
    Hochha"user, Saskia Haufs-Brusberg, Daniela Wenzel, Frank Suhr, Naja
    Zenius Jespersen, Camilla Scheele, Volodymyr Tsvilovskyy, Christian
    Brinkmann, Joern Rittweger, Christian Dani, Mathias Kranz, Winnie
    Deuther-Conrad, Holger K. Eltzschig, Tarja Niemi, Markku Taittonen,
    Peter Brust, Pirjo Nuutila, Leonardo Pardo, Bernd K. Fleischmann,
    Matthias Blu"her, Rafael Franco, Wilhelm Bloch, Kirsi A. Virtanen,
    Alexander Pfeifer. Adenosine/A2B Receptor Signaling Ameliorates
    the Effects of Aging and Counteracts Obesity. Cell Metabolism,
    2020; DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.06.006 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/06/200625115916.htm

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