• Scientists sketch aged star system using

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    Scientists sketch aged star system using over a century of observations

    March 12, 2021
    NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
    Astronomers have painted their best picture yet of an RV Tauri
    variable, a rare type of stellar binary where two stars - one
    approaching the end of its life - orbit within a sprawling disk
    of dust. Their 130-year dataset spans the widest range of light
    yet collected for one of these systems, from radio to X-rays.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Astronomers have painted their best picture yet of an RV Tauri variable,
    a rare type of stellar binary where two stars -- one approaching the end
    of its life - - orbit within a sprawling disk of dust. Their 130-year
    dataset spans the widest range of light yet collected for one of these
    systems, from radio to X- rays.

    ========================================================================== "There are only about 300 known RV Tauri variables in the Milky Way
    galaxy," said Laura Vega, a recent doctoral recipient at Vanderbilt
    University in Nashville, Tennessee. "We focused our study on the second brightest, named U Monocerotis, which is now the first of these systems
    from which X-rays have been detected." A paper describing the findings,
    led by Vega, was published in The Astrophysical Journal.

    The system, called U Mon for short, lies around 3,600 light-years away
    in the constellation Monoceros. Its two stars circle each other about
    every six and a half years on an orbit tipped about 75 degrees from
    our perspective.

    The primary star, an elderly yellow supergiant, has around twice the
    Sun's mass but has billowed to 100 times the Sun's size. A tug of war
    between pressure and temperature in its atmosphere causes it to regularly expand and contract, and these pulsations create predictable brightness
    changes with alternating deep and shallow dips in light -- a hallmark
    of RV Tauri systems. Scientists know less about the companion star,
    but they think it's of similar mass and much younger than the primary.

    The cool disk around both stars is composed of gas and dust ejected
    by the primary star as it evolved. Using radio observations from the Submillimeter Array on Maunakea, Hawai'i, Vega's team estimated that the
    disk is around 51 billion miles (82 billion kilometers) across. The binary orbits inside a central gap that the scientists think is comparable to
    the distance between the two stars at their maximum separation, when
    they're about 540 million miles (870 million kilometers) apart.

    When the stars are farthest from each other, they're roughly aligned
    with our line of sight. The disk partially obscures the primary and
    creates another predictable fluctuation in the system's light. Vega and
    her colleagues think this is when one or both stars interact with the
    disk's inner edge, siphoning off streams of gas and dust. They suggest
    that the companion star funnels the gas into its own disk, which
    heats up and generates an X-ray-emitting outflow of gas. This model
    could explain X-rays detected in 2016 by the European Space Agency's
    XMM-Newton satellite.

    "The XMM observations make U Mon the first RV Tauri variable detected
    in X- rays," said Kim Weaver, the XMM U.S. project scientist and an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,
    Maryland. "It's exciting to see ground- and space-based multiwavelength measurements come together to give us new insights into a long-studied
    system." In their analysis of U Mon, Vega's team also incorporated 130
    years of visible light observations.

    The earliest available measurement of the system, collected on Dec. 25,
    1888, came from the archives of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO), an international network of amateur and professional astronomers headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. AAVSO provided additional historical measurements ranging from the mid-1940s to the

    The researchers also used archived images cataloged by the Digital
    Access to a Sky Century @ Harvard (DASCH), a program at the Harvard
    College Observatory in Cambridge dedicated to digitizing astronomical
    images from glass photographic plates made by ground-based telescopes
    between the 1880s and 1990s.

    U Mon's light varies both because the primary star pulsates and because
    the disk partially obscures it every 6.5 years or so. The combined
    AAVSO and DASCH data allowed Vega and her colleagues to spot an even
    longer cycle, where the system's brightness rises and falls about every
    60 years. They think a warp or clump in the disk, located about as far
    from the binary as Neptune is from the Sun, causes this extra variation
    as it orbits.

    Vega completed her analysis of the U Mon system as a NASA Harriett
    G. Jenkins Predoctoral Fellow, a program funded by the NASA Office of
    STEM Engagement's Minority University Research and Education Project.

    "For her doctoral dissertation, Laura used this historical dataset
    to detect a characteristic that would otherwise appear only once
    in an astronomer's career," said co-author Rodolfo Montez Jr., an astrophysicist at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian,
    also in Cambridge. "It's a testament to how our knowledge of the
    universe builds over time." Co-author Keivan Stassun, an expert in
    star formation and Vega's doctoral advisor at Vanderbilt, notes that
    this evolved system has many features and behaviors in common with
    newly formed binaries. Both are embedded in disks of gas and dust,
    pull material from those disks, and produce outflows of gas. And in
    both cases, the disks can form warps or clumps. In young binaries,
    those might signal the beginnings of planet formation.

    "We still have questions about the feature in U Mon's disk,
    which may be answered by future radio observations," Stassun
    said. "But otherwise, many of the same characteristics are there. It's fascinating how closely these two binary life stages mirror each other." ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    NASA/Goddard_Space_Flight_Center. Original written by Jeanette
    Kazmierczak. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Laura D. Vega, Keivan G. Stassun, Rodolfo Montez, Tomasz
    Laurence Sabin, Eric M. Schlegel, Wouter H. T. Vlemmings, Joel H.

    Kastner, Sofia Ramstedt, Patricia T. Boyd. Multiwavelength
    Observations of the RV Tauri Variable System U Monocerotis:
    Long-term Variability Phenomena That Can Be Explained by Binary
    Interactions with a Circumbinary Disk. The Astrophysical Journal,
    2021; 909 (2): 138 DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/abe302 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/03/210312155446.htm

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