• Controlling adhesions in the abdomen

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Fri Mar 5 21:30:24 2021
    Controlling adhesions in the abdomen

    March 5, 2021
    University of Bern
    Adhesions are scars in the abdomen, which can occur after surgery,
    often have serious consequences. Now, researchers have discovered
    how such adhesions form. The findings may help to develop a drug
    to prevent adhesions in the future.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Scars inside the abdomen, known as adhesions, form after inflammation
    or surgery. They can cause chronic pain and digestive problems, lead
    to infertility in women, or even have potentially life-threatening
    consequences such as intestinal obstruction. If adhesions develop,
    they must be operated on again. They also make subsequent surgical interventions more difficult. This leads to substantial suffering
    for those affected and is also a significant financial burden for the healthcare system. In the USA alone, adhesions in the abdomen result in healthcare costs of 2.3 billion dollars per year.

    ========================================================================== Knowledge about the cause of adhesions is still incomplete, and there no therapy for them. "Because the disease has been largely overlooked in
    research, we have started this program in Bern to find out more about
    the development of adhesions," says Daniel Candinas, Co-author of this
    study. It had already been suspected that special immune cells, called macrophages, play a decisive role in the development. This was confirmed
    by Joel Zindel and Daniel Candinas from the Department of Visceral Surgery
    and Medicine at Inselspital and Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR)
    at the University of Bern.

    Then, Zindel continued his research at the University of Calgary in Canada
    in the group led by Paul Kubes, as they are considered world-leading in
    the field of macrophages in the abdominal cavity. Thanks to Zindel's
    clinical expertise and the Canadian researchers' know-how, it was
    possible to develop a new imaging system using cutting-edge microscopy
    that allows to see inside the living body. This allowed them to catch
    the macrophages in flagrante and on film, as they form shapes that then
    lead to the adhesions.

    The researchers were also able to describe the molecular mechanisms
    behind this. The results of the study have now been published as the
    cover story of the journal Science.

    New technology developed Macrophages are found in what is called
    peritoneal fluid, a lubricant between the peritoneum, which is inner
    lining of the abdominal wall, and a similar lining around the organs in
    the abdominal cavity. Macrophages passively swim around in this fluid,
    much like plankton in the sea. Their tasks include eliminating pathogens,
    but also sealing injuries in the abdominal cavity as quickly as possible.

    How they accomplish the latter, i.e., recognizing an injury and moving
    there, was unclear until now. Since these cells behave in the test
    tube very differently from the way they do in the body, Zindel and
    Kubes developed a new microscopy technique that allowed them to use
    the thinnest part of the abdominal wall as a window to look into the
    peritoneal caity, the "native habitat" of these macrophages and film
    them as they move arround.

    When macrophages lose control When there is an injury within the
    abdominal cavity, macrophages aggregate within minutes to form clot-like structures. In this way, they seal the injury.

    As the researchers led by Zindel and Kubes have discovered, the molecular mechanism behind this is based on special, non-specific receptors that recognize a variety of structures. Simply by being moved through the
    fluid via respiratory or digestive movement, these receptors act to
    initiate clotting around a wound. What works fine for smaller injuries
    becomes a problem for large ones, however, such as surgically opening
    the abdominal wall, or inserting an implant. "In larger injuries, the macrophages get out of control - - the clots don't stop growing and
    form long strands," Zindel explains. "We were able to show that these
    strands are what lead to the adhesions." This could have evolutionary
    reasons: Macrophages are optimized by evolution to cope well with small injuries. "Let's take the example of a hunter who is injured by a deer
    antler," Zindel says. "The macrophages seal all the internal holes
    as quickly as possible -- which is the only way to survive." However,
    when air enters the abdominal cavity during abdominal surgery or foreign
    bodies are implanted, the macrophages are overwhelmed because evolution
    has not prepared them for this challenge. "In this case, the macrophages
    become harmful and cause adhesions," Zindel explains.

    Patent pending The researchers found that when the corresponding
    receptors are blocked in mice, it leads to fewer adhesions. Thus, a
    patent application has been filed for the use of the active ingredient
    against adhesions. The findings are relevant to many areas of research,
    as there are no other immune cells which are being recruited as quickly
    as macrophages in the abdominal cavity. Similar mechanisms could be
    present in other cavities such as the heart or lungs, or could play a
    role not only in injuries but also diseases such as abdominal tumors.

    "This is an example of how laboratory research has high translational
    value," says Daniel Candinas. Together with Calgary, the Bernese
    researchers will now look for partners in the industry and are hopeful
    that they will be able to confirm the efficacy of the compound in human
    tissue as well. In the future, patients could, for example, be given a
    drug before surgery that suppresses the macrophage reaction and inhibits
    the formation of adhesions.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Bern. Note: Content
    may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. J. Zindel, M. Peiseler, M. Hossain, C. Deppermann, W. Y. Lee,
    B. Haenni,
    B. Zuber, J. F. Deniset, B. G. J. Surewaard, D. Candinas, P. Kubes.

    Primordial GATA6 macrophages function as extravascular platelets
    in sterile injury. Science, 2021 DOI: 10.1126/science.abe0595 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/03/210305113515.htm

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