• Bahamas were settled earlier than believ

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Wed Mar 3 21:30:32 2021
    Bahamas were settled earlier than believed
    It's believed early settlers to the islands eventually changed the
    landscape of the Bahamas

    March 3, 2021
    Texas A&M University
    It's believed early settlers to the islands eventually changed
    the landscape of the Bahamas.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Humans were present in Florida by 14,000 years ago, and until recently,
    it was believed the Bahamas -- located only a few miles away -- were
    not colonized until about 1,000 years ago. But new findings from a team including a Texas A&M University at Galveston researcher prove that the
    area was colonized earlier, and the new settlers dramatically changed
    the landscape.

    ========================================================================== Peter van Hengstum, associate professor in the Department of Marine and
    Coastal Environment Science at Texas A&M-Galveston, and colleagues have
    had their findings published in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy
    of Sciences).

    Researchers generated a new environmental record from the Blackwood
    Sinkhole, which is flooded with 120 feet of groundwater without dissolved oxygen. This is important because it has pristinely preserved organic
    material for the last 3,000 years. Using core samples and radiocarbon
    dating, the team examined charcoal deposits from human fires thousands
    of years ago, indicating that the first settlers arrived in the Bahamas
    sooner than previously thought.

    "The Bahamas were the last place colonized by people in the Caribbean
    region, and previous physical evidence indicated that it may have taken hundreds of years for indigenous people of the Bahamas -- called the
    Lucayans -- to move through the Bahamian archipelago that spans about
    500 miles," van Hengstum said.

    While people were present in Florida more than 14,000 years ago at the
    end of the last ice age, he said, these people never crossed the Florida Straits to nearby Bahamian islands, only 50 to 65 miles away. Meanwhile,
    the Caribbean islands were populated by people migrating from South
    American northward. Van Hengstum said the oldest archaeological sites in
    the southernmost Bahamian archipelago from the Turks and Caicos Islands indicate human arrival likely by 700 A.D.

    "But in the northern Bahamian Great Abaco Island, the earliest physical evidence of human occupation are skeletons preserved in sinkholes and blueholes," he said. "These two skeletons from Abaco date from 1200 to
    1300 A.D. Our new record of landscape disturbance from people indicates
    that slash- and-burn agriculture likely began around 830 A.D., meaning
    the Lucayans rapidly migrated through the Bahamian archipelago in likely
    a century, or spanning just a few human generations." The team's other findings show how the Lucayans changed the new land.

    When the Lucayans arrived, Great Abaco Island was mostly covered with
    pine and palm forests, and had a unique reptile-dominated ecosystem
    of giant tortoises and crocodiles. Increased deforestation and burning
    allowed pine trees to colonize and out-compete native palms and hardwoods.

    Large land reptiles began to disappear after 1000 A.D. A significant
    increase in intense regional hurricane activity around 1500 AD is thought
    to have caused considerable damage to the new pine tree forests, as
    indicated by a decrease in pine pollen in the sediment core.

    "The pollen record indicates that the pre-contact forest was not
    significantly impacted earlier in the record during known times when
    intense hurricane strike events were more frequent," van Hengstum
    said. "In our current world where the intensity of the largest hurricanes
    is expected to increase over the coming decades, the current pine trees
    in the northern Bahamas may not be as resilient to environmental impacts
    of these changes in hurricane activity." The study was funded by the
    National Science Foundation.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Texas_A&M_University. Original
    written by Keith Randall.

    Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Patricia L. Fall, Peter J. van Hengstum, Lisa Lavold-Foote,
    Jeffrey P.

    Donnelly, Nancy A. Albury, Anne E. Tamalavage. Human arrival and
    landscape dynamics in the northern Bahamas. Proceedings of the
    National Academy of Sciences, 2021; 118 (10): e2015764118 DOI:
    10.1073/ pnas.2015764118 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/03/210303161651.htm

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