• 'Spooky Interactions', shocking adaptati

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Wed Dec 9 21:30:58 2020
    'Spooky Interactions', shocking adaptations discovered in electric fish
    of Brazil's Amazon

    December 9, 2020
    New Jersey Institute of Technology
    Researchers have shown how a cave-adapted glass knifefish species
    of roughly 300 living members (Eigenmannia vicentespelea) has
    evolved from surface-dwelling relatives (Eigenmannia trilineata)
    that still live just outside their cave door -- by sacrificing
    their eyes and pigmentation, but gaining slightly more powerful
    electric organs that enhance the way they sense prey and communicate
    in absolute darkness.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    A study of weakly electric fishes from a remote area of the Brazilian
    Amazon Basin has not only offered a unique window into how an incredibly
    rare fish has adapted to life in caves over tens of thousands of years,
    it has also revealed for the first time that electric fish are able to
    interact with each other over longer distances than known possible in
    a way similar to AM radio.

    In findings published in the journal Frontiers, researchers have shown
    how a cave-adapted glass knifefish species of roughly 300 living members (Eigenmannia vicentespelea) has evolved from surface-dwelling relatives (Eigenmannia trilineata) that still live just outside their cave door
    -- by sacrificing their eyes and pigmentation, but gaining slightly
    more powerful electric organs that enhance the way they sense prey and communicate in absolute darkness.

    The study, which analyzed the fishes' electric-based communication and behavior, has detailed the discovery that weakly electric fishes tap
    into a special channel for long-distance messaging via changes in the
    amplitude of electrical signals sent to one another. Researchers have
    adapted Einstein's famous quote on the theory of quantum entanglement -- "spooky interaction at a distance" -- to describe how the weakly electric fishes perceive these social messages, altering each other's behavior
    at distances up to several meters apart.

    Of the nearly 80 species of cavefish known today to have evolved from
    surface- dwelling fish, all have developed sensory enhancements of some
    kind for enduring cave life, commonly adapting over millions of years
    while losing sensory organs they no longer need in the process.

    However, biologists have questioned how weakly electric fishes, which use
    their electrical senses for navigating the dark and murky conditions of
    the Amazon River, might also adapt -- either evolving heightened electric senses to see and communicate in absolute darkness, or by powering down
    their electric fields to save on energetic cost when most caves have
    few food resources.

    "One of the big questions about fish that successfully adapt to living in
    caves is how they adapt to life without light," said Eric Fortune, lead
    author of the study and biologist at New Jersey Institute of Technology
    (NJIT). "My colleagues were split between two groups ... one group that predicted that the electric fields of the cavefish would be weaker due
    to limited food supplies, and another that bet that the electric fields
    would be stronger, allowing the fish to use their electric signals to
    see and talk more clearly in the complete darkness of the cave.

    "It seems that using their electric sense to detect prey and communicate
    with each other is quite valuable to these animals; they have greater
    electric field strengths. Interestingly, our analysis of their electric
    fields and movement shows that they can communicate at distances of
    meters, which is quite a long way for fish that are around 10cm in
    length." "Nearly all research of cavefish species until now has been
    limited to behavioral experiments in labs, and that is why this study
    is special," said Daphne Soares, NJIT associate professor of biology
    and co-author on the study.

    "This is the first time we've been able to continuously monitor the
    behavior of any cavefish in their natural setting over days. We've gained
    great insight into their nervous system and specialized adaptations for
    cave life, but it's just as exciting to learn how sociable and chatty
    they are with each other ...

    it's like middle school." Spooky Interactions & Shocking Adaptations
    For the investigation, NJIT and Johns Hopkins researchers teamed with
    biologist Maria Elina Bichuette from the Federal University of Sa~o
    Carlos, who began studying the two groups of fish nearly two decades
    ago in the remote Sa~o Vicente II Cave system of Central Brazil's Upper Tocantins river basin.

    Over several days, the team applied a customized electric fish-tracking technique involving placing electrode grids throughout the fishes' water habitats to record and measure the electric fields generated by each fish, allowing the team to analyze the fishes' movements and electricity-based
    social interactions.

    The researchers were able to track more than 1,000 electrical-based
    social interactions over 20-minute-long recordings taken from both
    surface and cavefish populations, discovering hundreds of specialized long-distance exchanges.

    "When I began studying these fishes, we could watch behavior associated
    with these fishes' unique and specialized morphology, but in this project,
    it was fascinating to apply these new technical approaches to reveal just
    how complex and refined their communication could be," said Bichuette.

    "Basically, our evidence shows that the fishes are talking to each
    other at distance through electricity using a secret hidden channel,
    amplitude modulations that emerge through the summation of their electric signals. It is not unlike how an AM radio works, which relies on amplitude modulations of a radio signal." said Fortune.

    The recordings also showed that strengths of electric discharges in the cavefish were about 1.5 times greater than those of surface fish despite
    coming at a cost of up to a quarter of their overall energy budget. The
    team conducted CT scans of both species, showing that the cavefish
    also possess relatively larger electric organs than their stream-mates,
    which could explain the source of the cavefishes' extra electrical power.

    Another consequence of trading their eyes and surface life for heightened electrosensory perception is that the cavefish were more social and
    territorial at all hours. Unlike their freely-foraging surface relatives
    that sleep during the day and forage at night, the cavefish lacked a
    day-night cycle.

    For now, the discovery of the fishes' AM radio-style distant interactions
    is noted by Fortune as the first of its kind reported among electric
    cavefish, though he says similar phenomena is now being reported in
    some other species as well, recently by researchers in Germany who have observed a form of long- distance electrical communication among a group
    of fish known as Apteronotus.

    Fortune says the finding could have implications for the field of
    neurobiology, where weakly electric fish is a unique and powerful model
    for exploring the nature of the brain-body connection in other animals including humans.

    "Electric fish are great systems for understanding the neural basis
    of behavior, so we have been studying their brains for decades,"
    said Fortune.

    "These new data are forcing a reexamination of the neural circuits used
    for the control of behavior of these fishes."

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    New_Jersey_Institute_of_Technology. Original written by Jesse
    Jenkins. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Eric S. Fortune, Nicole Andanar, Manu Madhav, Ravikrishnan
    P. Jayakumar,
    Noah J. Cowan, Maria Elina Bichuette, Daphne Soares. Spooky
    Interaction at a Distance in Cave and Surface Dwelling Electric
    Fishes. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 2020; 14 DOI:
    10.3389/fnint.2020.561524 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/12/201209140336.htm

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