• Novel form of Alzheimer's protein found

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Mon Dec 7 21:31:06 2020
    Novel form of Alzheimer's protein found in spinal fluid indicates stage
    of the disease
    Discovery could lead to better diagnostics, speed efforts to find

    December 7, 2020
    Washington University School of Medicine
    Researchers have found a novel form of the Alzheimer's protein tau
    in the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. This form of
    tau -- known as MTBR tau -- indicates what stage of Alzheimer's
    a person is in and tracks with tangles of tau protein in the brain.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    A novel form of an Alzheimer's protein found in the fluid that surrounds
    the brain and spinal cord indicates what stage of the disease a person
    is in, and tracks with tangles of tau protein in the brain, according
    to a study from researchers at Washington University School of Medicine
    in St. Louis. Tau tangles are thought to be toxic to neurons, and their
    spread through the brain foretells the death of brain tissue and cognitive decline. Tangles appear as the early, asymptomatic stage of Alzheimer's develops into the symptomatic stage.

    The discovery of so-called microtubule binding region tau (MTBR tau)
    in the cerebrospinal fluid could lead to a way to diagnose people in
    the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease, before they have symptoms
    or when their symptoms are still mild and easily misdiagnosed. It also
    could accelerate efforts to find treatments for the devastating disease,
    by providing a relatively simple way to gauge whether an experimental
    treatment slows or stops the spread of toxic tangles.

    The study is published Dec. 7 in the journal Brain.

    "This MTBR tau fluid biomarker measures tau that makes up tangles and
    can confirm the stage of Alzheimer's disease by indicating how much
    tau pathology is in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients," said
    senior author Randall J. Bateman, MD, the Charles F. and Joanne Knight Distinguished Professor of Neurology. Bateman treats patients with
    Alzheimer's disease on the Washington University Medical Campus. "If we
    can translate this into the clinic, we'd have a way of knowing whether
    a person's symptoms are due to tau pathology in Alzheimer's disease
    and where they are in the disease course, without needing to do a brain
    scan. As a physician, this information is invaluable in informing patient
    care, and in the future, to guide treatment decisions." Alzheimer's
    begins when a brain protein called amyloid starts forming plaques in the
    brain. During this amyloid stage, which can last two decades or more,
    people show no signs of cognitive decline. However, soon after tangles
    of tau begin to spread in the neurons, people start exhibiting confusion
    and memory loss, and brain scans show increasing atrophy of brain tissue.

    Tau tangles can be detected by positron emission tomography (PET) brain
    scans, but brain scans are time-consuming, expensive and not available everywhere.

    Bateman and colleagues are developing diagnostic blood tests for
    Alzheimer's disease based on amyloid or a different form of tau, but
    neither test can pin down the amount of tau tangles across the stages
    of disease.

    MTBR tau is an insoluble piece of the tau protein, and the primary
    component of tau tangles. Bateman and first author Kanta Horie, PhD,
    a visiting scientist in Bateman's lab, realized that specific MTBR tau
    species were enriched in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease,
    and that measuring levels of the species in the cerebrospinal fluid that
    bathes the brain might be a way to gauge how broadly the toxic tangles
    have spread through the brain. Previous researchers using antibodies
    against tau had failed to detect MTBR tau in the cerebrospinal fluid. But
    Horie and colleagues developed a new method based on using chemicals to
    purify tau out of a solution, followed by mass spectrometry.

    Using this technique, Horie, Bateman and colleagues analyzed cerebrospinal fluid from 100 people in their 70s. Thirty had no cognitive impairment
    and no signs of Alzheimer's; 58 had amyloid plaques with no cognitive
    symptoms, or with mild or moderate Alzheimer's dementia; and 12 had
    cognitive impairment caused by other conditions. The researchers found
    that levels of a specific form -- MTBR tau 243 -- in the cerebrospinal
    fluid were elevated in the people with Alzheimer's and that it increased
    the more advanced a person's cognitive impairment and dementia were.

    The researchers verified their results by following 28 members of the
    original group over two to nine years. Half of the participants had some
    degree of Alzheimer's at the start of the study. Over time, levels of
    MTBR tau 243 significantly increased in the Alzheimer's disease group,
    in step with a worsening of scores on tests of cognitive function.

    The gold standard for measuring tau in the living brain is a tau-PET
    brain scan. The amount of tau visible in a brain scan correlates with
    cognitive impairment. To see how their technique matched up to the gold standard, the researchers compared the amount of tau visible in brain
    scans of 35 people - - 20 with Alzheimer's and 15 without -- with levels
    of MTBR tau 243 in the cerebrospinal fluid. MTBR tau 243 levels were
    highly correlated with the amount of tau identified in the brain scan, suggesting that their technique accurately measured how much tau --
    and therefore damage -- had accumulated in the brain.

    "Right now there is no biomarker that directly reflects brain tau
    pathology in cerebrospinal fluid or the blood," Horie said. "What
    we've found here is that a novel form of tau, MTBR tau 243, increases continuously as tau pathology progresses. This could be a way for us
    to not only diagnose Alzheimer's disease but tell where people are in
    the disease. We also found some specific MTBR tau species in the space
    between neurons in the brain, which suggests that they may be involved
    in spreading tau tangles from one neuron to another. That finding opens
    up new windows for novel therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease based on targeting MTBR tau to stop the spread of tangles."

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    Washington_University_School_of_Medicine. Original written by Tamara
    Bhandari. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Kanta Horie, Nicolas R Barthe'lemy, Chihiro Sato, Randall J
    Bateman. CSF
    tau microtubule binding region identifies tau tangle and
    clinical stages of Alzheimer's disease. Brain, 2020 DOI:
    10.1093/brain/awaa373 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/12/201207091304.htm

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