• Post-COVID pain or weakness? Request an

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Tue Dec 1 21:30:56 2020
    Post-COVID pain or weakness? Request an ultrasound or MRI
    Advanced imaging can diagnose nerve/muscle injuries and guide treatment decisions

    December 1, 2020
    Northwestern University
    A new study shows how advanced imaging technology can pinpoint
    what may have caused patients' nerve damage and help determine
    the best course of treatment.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== After recovering from COVID-19, some patients are left with chronic, debilitating pain, numbness or weakness in their hands, feet, arms and
    legs due to unexplained nerve damage. A new Northwestern Medicine study
    shows how advanced imaging technology can pinpoint what may have caused patients' nerve damage and help determine the best course of treatment.

    ========================================================================== "Let's say you have numbness in your fingers. That might actually be due
    to problems in your neck, elbow or wrist, and the best way to figure it
    out is with an MRI or ultrasound," said lead author Dr. Swati Deshmukh, assistant professor of radiology at Northwestern University Feinberg
    School of Medicine and a Northwestern Medicine radiologist. "We offer
    advanced imaging that shows even really, really small nerves, which helps
    us localize where the problem is, assess the severity and suggest what
    might be causing it." This is the first known publication to summarize
    how these advanced imaging techniques can help physicians identify and
    treat nerve damage in COVID-19 patients. The study will be published
    December 1 in the journal Radiology.

    Two New Causes of Nerve Damage Previous research from Northwestern and
    Shirley Ryan AbilityLab found COVID-19 patients can experience nerve
    damage after being flipped onto their stomachs (prone positioning)
    in the ICU as a life-saving measure to help them breathe.

    This new paper demonstrates how advanced imaging aids this cohort of
    patients as well as two additional patient cohorts with COVID-19-related
    nerve damage:
    * Secondary to an inflammatory immune response that attacked the
    nerves or * From a hematoma (when blood collects outside of the
    blood vessels).

    "Similar to how the body's immune response attacks the lungs in severe
    COVID cases, some patients have an immune response that affects their
    nerves," Deshmukh said. "Another group of patients developed hematomas as
    a complication from the blood thinners they were treated with when they
    had COVID." Deshmukh said she hopes the findings will raise awareness
    of this imaging technology.

    "I have to wonder if there are physicians out there who are seeing these otherwise young, healthy patients, and they don't know exactly what's
    wrong and they're thinking, 'What am I supposed to do for patients with post-COVID pain and weakness?'" Deshmukh said. "I want physicians and
    patients to be aware of the diagnostic options available due to recent innovations in technology, and inquire if advanced imaging might be
    right for them." How the Technology Works The imaging described in
    the paper includes ultra-high-resolution ultrasound and MR neurography
    (MRI of peripheral nerves, which impact the arms and legs).

    They can help localize where a patient's problem is, show the severity
    of nerve damage, how many nerves are affected and if the nerve damage
    also has impacted the muscles.

    The advanced ultrasound technology is new, portable, less expensive
    and can sometimes be even better at detecting nerve damage than MRI,
    Deshmukh said.

    Ultrasound also can be performed on patients who are unable to tolerate
    MR imaging.

    Guiding Treatment Decisions If imaging technology discovers nerve
    damage caused by stretch injury because of prone positioning, Deshmukh
    said, that patient may be referred to a physician who specializes in rehabilitation or peripheral nerve surgery. If imaging finds nerve damage
    due to an inflammatory response, the patient may be better served by
    seeing a neurologist. If imaging reveals nerve damage from a hematoma,
    blood thinner medications would have to be adjusted immediately and the
    patient may even have to see a surgeon.

    For COVID-19 patients and survivors with neuromuscular complications or
    "long- hauler" symptoms, imaging can help reveal the problem and guide
    further treatment.

    All patients in the study had tested positive for COVID-19.

    Other Northwestern study authors include Dr. Colin K. Franz , Dr. Jason
    H. Ko, Dr. James M. Walter and Dr. Igor J. Koralnik from the departments
    of physical medicine and rehabilitation, neurology, plastic and
    reconstructive surgery, and pulmonary and critical care, respectively.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Northwestern_University. Original
    written by Kristin Samuelson. Note: Content may be edited for style
    and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Claire E. Fernandez, Colin K. Franz, Jason H. Ko, James M. Walter,
    J. Koralnik, Shivani Ahlawat, Swati Deshmukh. Imaging Review of
    Peripheral Nerve Injuries in Patients with COVID-19. Radiology,
    2020; 203116 DOI: 10.1148/radiol.2020203116 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/12/201201103618.htm

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