• New method identifies adaptive mutations

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Mon Nov 30 21:31:28 2020
    New method identifies adaptive mutations in complex evolving populations

    November 30, 2020
    University of California - Riverside
    A scientist has developed a method to study how HIV mutates to
    escape the immune system in multiple individuals, which could
    inform HIV vaccine design.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    A team co-led by a scientist at the University of California, Riverside,
    has developed a method to study how HIV mutates to escape the immune
    system in multiple individuals, which could inform HIV vaccine design.

    HIV, which can lead to AIDS, evolves rapidly and attacks the body's
    immune system. Genetic mutations in the virus can prevent it from being eliminated by the immune system. While there is no effective cure for
    the virus currently available, it can be controlled with medication.

    "Understanding the genetic drivers of disease is important in the
    biomedical sciences," said John P. Barton, an assistant professor
    of physics and astronomy at UCR, who co-led the study with Matthew
    R. McKay, a professor of electronic and computer engineering and
    chemical and biological engineering at the Hong Kong University of
    Science and Technology. "Being able to identify genomic rearrangements
    is key to understanding how illnesses occur and how to treat them."
    Barton explained that notable examples of genetic drivers of disease
    include mutations that allow viruses to escape from immune control,
    while others confer drug resistance to bacteria.

    "It can be difficult, however, to differentiate between real, adaptive mutations and random genetic variation," he added. "The new method
    we developed allows us to identify such mutations in complex evolving populations." Evolutionary history, he added, contains information about
    which mutations affect survival and which simply reflect random variation.

    ========================================================================== "However, it is computationally difficult to extract this information from data," he said. "We used methods from statistical physics to overcome
    this computational challenge. Our method can be applied generally to
    evolving populations and is not limited to HIV." McKay explained the new method provides a means to efficiently infer selection from observations
    of complex evolutionary histories.

    "It enables us to sort out which genetic changes provide an evolutionary advantage from those that offer no advantage or have a deleterious
    effect," he said. "The method is quite general and could be potentially
    used to study diverse evolutionary processes, such as the evolution of
    drug resistance of pathogens and the evolution of cancers. The accuracy
    and high efficiency of our approach enable the analysis of selection
    in complex evolutionary systems that were beyond the reach of existing methods." Some well-known diseases that have known genetic causes
    are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, colorblindness, and Huntington's disease.

    "In the case of HIV, an understanding of the genetic mutations that lead
    to HIV resistance could help researchers determine the most appropriate treatment for patients," Barton said. "Our approach isn't limited to HIV,
    but there are a few reasons why we focused on HIV as a test system. HIV
    is highly mutable and genetically diverse. It also mutates within humans
    to escape from the immune system. Understanding the details of how HIV
    evolves could therefore help to develop better treatments against the
    virus." Barton was supported by a grant from the National Institutes
    of Health. Study results appear in Nature Biotechnology.

    Barton and McKay were joined in the study by Muhammad Saqib Sohail and
    Raymond H. Y. Louie of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    and the University of New South Wales.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    University_of_California_-_Riverside. Original written by Iqbal
    Pittalwala. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Muhammad Saqib Sohail, Raymond H. Y. Louie, Matthew R. McKay,
    John P.

    Barton. MPL resolves genetic linkage in fitness inference from
    complex evolutionary histories. Nature Biotechnology, 2020; DOI:
    10.1038/s41587- 020-0737-3 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201130131408.htm

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