• Unique Schwann cells: the eyes have it

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Mon Nov 23 21:31:02 2020
    Unique Schwann cells: the eyes have it

    November 23, 2020
    University of Connecticut
    Neuroscience researchers are finding genetic properties of Schwann
    cells in the cornea that may unlock a better understanding of
    their role in healing, sensory function, preserving vision, and
    even nerve regeneration.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    The insulation around nerve cell components in our corneas have unique properties, and little is known about them. But UConn School of Medicine neuroscience professor Royce Mohan believes his lab is on the verge of uncovering a path to better understanding that ultimately could lead to
    several vision-preserving advances.

    ========================================================================== Learning more about the cellular environment in the cornea, including what
    are known as glial cells that wrap around the nerve cell's axons, could
    have implications for healing after surgeries and corneal transplants,
    as well as nerve regeneration, not just in the eyes but potentially in
    other systems of the body.

    In a paper published in the Journal of Neuroscience Research, lead author
    Paola Bargagna-Mohan, assistant professor of neuroscience, details a
    method of characterizing every cell in the cornea using an approach
    known as single-cell RNA sequence analysis to answer questions about
    the cornea's healing process.

    The study was done through a collaboration with Paul Robson, associate professor and director of single cell biology at The Jackson Laboratory
    for Genomic Medicine (JAX), which houses state-of-the art facilities
    for this type of research.

    "Going in we knew there would be challenges," says Bargagna-Mohan, a
    recipient of a UConn Research Excellence Program award. "After several attempts, we were finally able to optimize our experimental approach to
    our advantage. I was extremely excited to get the funding from the UConn
    Vice President for Research at this critical time to drive this project."
    A material known as myelin insulates axons of nerve fibers and enhances transmission of impulses among neurons. But nature has made the cornea an exception. Myelin in the cornea would interfere with light transmission.

    Therefore, the non-myelinating corneal Schwann cells, aptly called so
    because they do not produce myelin, are adapted to maintain corneal transparency, optimizing the focus of light on the retina, a crucial
    element of our vision.

    "This class of glial cells, better known as Schwann cells, have never
    before been isolated and characterized," Mohan says. "So this is the
    first big step we took to help this field move forward in trying to
    repair the nerves of the cornea after surgeries, and also to understand
    corneal pain."The Mohan Lab's single-cell RNA sequence analysis enables
    access to these cells to study them to an unprecedented extent.

    "All the genes that are expressed in each of the cells can be
    characterized," Mohan says. "But not all cells are equal, even within a
    certain cell type, cells are never equal. And so cells that are sitting
    on the peripheral side of the cornea could be very different from the
    cells in the middle of the cornea.

    And by characterizing them, we can actually interpret that information to
    know what genes are expressed at the corner of the eye versus the one in
    the middle of the eye." Mohan, who holds the John A. and Florence Mattern Solomon Endowed Chair in Vision Biology and Eye Research, says this method already has uncovered unique genes that are not expressed in Schwann cells
    of other tissues, which may eventually solve the mystery of how corneal
    Schwann cells function without interfering with light transmission.

    He has a grant application pending with the National Eye Institute to
    continue his study of these unique cells and their role in nerve repair
    and sensory function.

    When it comes to corneal transplants -- relatively common procedures
    throughout the world that would be even more common if there were enough
    donor corneas available to meet demand -- one of the associated risks
    is the recipient doesn't necessarily regain full sensory function of
    the eye. The corneal nerves' hypersensitivity to foreign bodies is an evolutionary mechanism of injury prevention.

    "If you don't get the sensory function, you may accidentally touch
    your eye and injure your cornea, and that could be very traumatic
    for someone who's just had a corneal transplant," Mohan says, noting
    that donor corneas generally can be preserved for several days. "We
    would be very interested to know how the Schwann cells survive in the
    existing donor tissue. Is there something we could do to enhance their
    survival into even higher levels? And, as well, after the operation is
    done?" Sensory function is also a consideration for those who undergo laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis. Commonly known as LASIK, it's a
    vision correction procedure in which the corneal axons are cut and the
    Schwann cells are injured.

    ========================================================================== "They also get some side effects like burning sensation, gritty feeling,
    and the exact molecular mechanism of what causes it and how to help the
    tissue heal better is not known," Mohan says.

    Another condition that could benefit from a better understanding of
    Schwann cells' behavior is dry eye. While temporary dry eye is common,
    for some it can be a chronic condition in which the corneal nerves
    feel irritated.

    "Therapeutics are discovered by knowing which genes have to be
    activated or which ones have gone berserk that need to be subdued,"
    Mohan says. "What are these genes that are present in the Schwann cell
    doing when the cornea is injured? And from there, you ask the question,
    could you support nerve injury healing by either activating a gene
    or inhibiting something that has gone bad?" Better understanding of
    the Schwann cell genes and the proteins they encode could lead to, for
    example, a topical drop that could support wound healing by inhibiting
    these targeted proteins.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Connecticut. Original
    written by Chris DeFrancesco. Note: Content may be edited for style
    and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Paola Bargagna‐Mohan, Gwendolyn Schultz, Bruce Rheaume,
    Ephraim F.

    Trakhtenberg, Paul Robson, Sonali Pal‐Ghosh, Mary Ann
    Stepp, Katherine S. Given, Wendy B. Macklin, Royce Mohan. Corneal
    nonmyelinating Schwann cells illuminated by single‐cell
    transcriptomics and visualized by protein biomarkers. Journal of
    Neuroscience Research, 2020; DOI: 10.1002/jnr.24757 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201123161034.htm

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