• Cancer-fighting gene restrains 'jumping

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Thu Oct 29 21:30:50 2020
    Cancer-fighting gene restrains 'jumping genes'
    Finding sheds light on why mutations of the gene p53 are associated with cancer and could lead to new diagnostics or treatments

    October 29, 2020
    UT Southwestern Medical Center
    About half of all tumors have mutations of the gene p53,
    normally responsible for warding off cancer. Now scientists
    have discovered a new role for p53 in its fight against tumors:
    preventing retrotransposons, or 'jumping genes,' from hopping around
    the human genome. In cells with missing or mutated p53, the team
    found, retrotransposons move and multiply more than usual. The
    finding could lead to new ways of detecting or treating cancers
    with p53 mutations.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== About half of all tumors have mutations of the gene p53, normally
    responsible for warding off cancer. Now, UT Southwestern scientists
    have discovered a new role for p53 in its fight against tumors:
    preventing retrotransposons, or "jumping genes," from hopping around
    the human genome. In cells with missing or mutated p53, the team found, retrotransposons move and multiply more than usual. The finding could
    lead to new ways of detecting or treating cancers with p53 mutations.

    ========================================================================== "There's been long-standing literature associating retrotransposons
    with cancer," says John Abrams, Ph.D., professor of cell biology at
    UTSW and senior author of the study published recently in Genes &
    Development. "What this work does is deliver the first empirical link
    between p53 and retrotransposons in humans." The role of p53 as an anti-cancer, or tumor suppressor, gene has been well- established. It
    works by blocking cell growth, or inducing cellular suicide, when cells
    are under stress or dividing abnormally, as is the case in tumors.

    But researchers have long wondered whether the gene has another
    function. Even when the previously known targets of p53 -- genes involved
    in cell growth and death -- are removed or mutated, p53 still protects
    cells from cancer, suggesting additional, unknown targets. Moreover, the
    gene is found throughout evolution, including in ancient single-celled organisms.

    "These genes existed long before the need for blocking cancer," Abrams

    "My lab has wondered what originally drove the evolution of p53 genes
    and whether that knowledge can help us target cancer." Retrotransposons
    are stretches of DNA that, after being transcribed into RNA, can insert themselves into new spots in the genome. These mobile genetic elements
    are considered beneficial to some degree -- they can help genes evolve
    with new functions. However, they also have the potential to shuffle
    genomes and insert themselves into genes that are critical for cell
    health and growth, potentially contributing to cancer.

    In 2016, Abrams and his colleagues discovered that retrotransposons
    were especially mobile when p53 was inactivated in cells of flies and
    fish. In the new work, they set out to study whether the same was true
    in human cells.

    When the researchers used CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology to remove
    p53 from human cells, they found that the abundance of retrotransposons
    quickly increased. Cells derived from both cancers and normal lung
    tissue that were engineered to lack p53 had roughly four times the rate
    of retrotransposon movement than cells still containing p53.

    Abrams' team also introduced a synthetic, fluorescent-tagged
    retrotransposon to cells that let them follow the movement of the retrotransposon throughout the genome in real time. The results were
    similar to their first experiment; the retrotransposon was about four
    times more mobile, and therefore became more prevalent over time when
    cells lacked p53. The finding hints that one way in which p53 works to
    prevent cancer is by blocking retrotransposons from leading to other cancer-causing mutations.

    "In the clinic, one could use this information to possibly detect or
    mitigate p53-driven cancers by quantifying or blocking retrotransposon activity," says Abrams. A liquid biopsy, for instance, could be developed
    to detect an overabundance of retrotransposons that, theoretically,
    may precede cancers or be easier to detect than other cancer mutations.

    The research team further solidified the link between p53 and
    retrotransposons by showing that the p53 protein binds directly to one
    region of human retrotransposons. And they showed that a drug blocking
    the ability of retrotransposons to copy themselves prevented inflammation otherwise seen in cells with high levels of retrotransposon movement. More
    work is needed to determine whether a drug targeting retrotransposons
    could slow or stop the growth of existing cancers.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by UT_Southwestern_Medical_Center. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.


    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/201029105016.htm

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