• Healthcare as a climate solution

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Mon Oct 26 21:30:44 2020
    Healthcare as a climate solution
    A new analysis reveals that accessible and affordable healthcare could be
    a key tool for addressing the climate crisis

    October 26, 2020
    University of California - Santa Barbara
    Although the link may not be obvious, healthcare and climate change
    - - two issues that pose major challenges around the world -- are
    in fact more connected than society may realize. So say researchers,
    who are increasingly proving this to be true.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Although the link may not be obvious, healthcare and climate change --
    two issues that pose major challenges around the world -- are in fact
    more connected than society may realize. So say researchers, who are increasingly proving this to be true.

    Case in point: A new study by UC Santa Barbara's Andy MacDonald found
    that improving healthcare in rural Indonesia reduced incentives for
    illegal logging in a nearby national park, averting millions of dollars'
    worth of atmospheric carbon emissions.

    The analysis, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
    Sciences, finds that deforestation in the national park declined 70% in
    the 10 years after an affordable health clinic opened in the area. This
    equates to more than $65 million worth of avoided carbon emissions when translated to the European carbon market, the study reports.

    "The results illustrate a strong link between human health and
    conservation in tropical forests in the developing world," said MacDonald,
    an assistant researcher at the Earth Research Institute who coauthored
    the study with UC Santa Barbara's David Lopez-Carr and colleagues at
    Stanford University, North Carolina State University Raleigh, Oregon
    Health and Science University, Natural Capital Advisors, and two NGOs
    involved in the intervention.

    The Indonesian clinic accepts barter as payment and gives discounts to
    villages based on community-wide reductions in logging. Given its success,
    it could provide a blueprint for preserving the world's biodiverse carbon
    sinks while reducing poverty and illness.

    "This innovative model has clear global health implications," said
    coauthor Michele Barry, senior associate dean of global health at Stanford
    and director of the Center for Innovation in Global Health. "Health and
    climate can and should be addressed in unison, and done in coordination
    with and respect for local communities." Every second, more than 100
    trees disappear from tropical forests around the world. These forests,
    some of the world's most important carbon reservoirs, are crucial to
    slowing climate change and mass extinction.

    The current paradigm for conserving tropical forests -- establishing
    protected areas -- often excludes and disenfranchises local
    communities. This failure to address people's needs can lead communities
    with few economic alternatives to illegally log and convert the land. Lack
    of access to high-quality, affordable healthcare can compound the problem
    by perpetuating cycles of poor health and expanding out-of-pocket costs.

    With this in mind, the nonprofit organizations Alam Sehat Lestari and
    Health In Harmony in 2007 established a healthcare clinic adjacent to
    Gunung Palung National Park in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, with the
    support of the local government. The clinic was able to serve thousands
    of patients by accepting a range of alternative payments, such as tree seedlings, handicrafts and labor - - an approach that was created in collaboration with the communities themselves.

    Through agreements with most of the region's district leaders, the clinic
    also provided discounts to villages that could show evidence of reductions
    in illegal logging. Between 1985 and 2001, this region had lost 60%
    of its forest to this activity. In addition to affordable health care,
    the intervention provided training in sustainable, organic agriculture
    and a chainsaw buyback program.

    Researchers worked with the two non-profits to analyze more than 10
    years of the clinic's patient health records, coupled with satellite observations of forest cover over that time. "Private foundations funded
    the interventions, but it's innovative new programs at Stanford and the University of California that are funding the research," MacDonald said.

    The medical care led to a significant decline in a range of diseases
    such as malaria, tuberculosis and diabetes. At the same time, satellite
    images of the national park showed a 70% reduction in deforestation,
    compared to forest loss at control sites, an amount equivalent to more
    than 6,770 acres of rainforest.

    "We didn't know what to expect when we started evaluating the program's
    health and conservation impacts, but we were continually amazed that
    the data suggested such a strong link between improvements in healthcare
    access and tropical forest conservation," said lead author Isabel Jones,
    who recently earned her doctorate in biology at Stanford. Looking more
    closely at community- level logging rates, the researchers found that
    the greatest drop-offs in logging occurred adjacent to villages with
    the highest rates of clinic usage.

    A global blueprint "This is a case study of how to design, implement and evaluate a planetary health intervention that addresses human health and
    the health of rainforests on which our health depends," said coauthor
    Susanne Sokolow, a senior research scientist at Stanford.

    Globally, about 35% of protected areas are traditionally owned,
    managed, used or occupied by Indigenous and local communities. Yet the perspective and guidance of Indigenous peoples and local communities are
    rarely considered in the design of conservation and climate mitigation programs. By contrast, the Indonesian clinic's success grew out of
    the early and continued input of local communities who identified the mechanisms driving health and environmental problems as well as possible solutions.

    Such holistic approaches can have greater long-term effects by preserving
    and restoring the ecosystem services that protect human health. These
    include natural filtering processes that reduce the risk of waterborne
    diseases and shade-providing forest canopies that reduce ground
    temperature and heat-related illnesses.

    "The data support two important conclusions: human health is integral to
    the conservation of nature and vice versa, and we need to listen to the guidance of rainforest communities who know best how to live in balance
    with their forests," said Monica Nirmala, the executive director of the
    clinic from 2014 to 2018 and current board member of Health In Harmony.

    The clinic in West Kalimantan is still active, and the researchers are currently working on a follow-up project to see whether it and similar interventions in Indonesia have alleviated some of the shock from COVID-19
    both on human health and deforestation.

    "We would expect illegal logging activity to respond to changes in timber market prices or loss of income associated with COVID-19," MacDonald
    said. "We want to know whether the interventions buffered communities
    against these effects, as well as whether they increased the communities' resilience in terms of health and wellbeing.

    "Health in Harmony is also expanding to Madagascar and Brazil," he added,
    "and we want to be able to robustly evaluate the impacts of their
    interventions there."

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    University_of_California_-_Santa_Barbara. Original written by Harrison
    Tasoff. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Isabel J. Jones, Andrew J. Macdonald, Skylar R. Hopkins, Andrea
    J. Lund,
    Zac Yung-Chun Liu, Nurul Ihsan Fawzi, Mahardika Putra Purba,
    Katie Fankhauser, Andrew J. Chamberlin, Monica Nirmala, Arthur
    G. Blundell, Ashley Emerson, Jonathan Jennings, Lynne Gaffikin,
    Michele Barry, David Lopez-Carr, Kinari Webb, Giulio A. De Leo,
    and Susanne H. Sokolow.

    Improving rural health care reduces illegal logging and conserves
    carbon in a tropical forest. PNAS, 2020 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2009240117 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/201026184029.htm

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