• Remember that fake news you read? It may

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Fri Oct 16 21:30:44 2020
    Remember that fake news you read? It may help you remember even more

    October 16, 2020
    Association for Psychological Science
    Thinking back on a time you encountered false information or
    'fake news' may prime your brain to better recall truthful memories.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== People who receive reminders of past misinformation may form new factual memories with greater fidelity, according to an article published in
    the journal Psychological Science.

    Past research highlights one insidious side of fake news: The more you encounter the same misinformation -- for instance, that world governments
    are covering up the existence of flying saucers -- the more familiar
    and potentially believable that false information becomes.

    New research, however, has found that reminders of past misinformation can
    help protect against remembering misinformation as true while improving recollection of real-world events and information.

    "Reminding people of previous encounters with fake news can improve
    memory and beliefs for facts that correct misinformation," said
    Christopher Wahlheim, a lead author on the paper and assistant professor
    of psychology at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. "This
    suggests that pointing out conflicting information could improve the comprehension of truth in some situations." Wahlheim and colleagues
    conducted two experiments examining whether reminders of misinformation
    could improve memory for and beliefs in corrections. Study participants
    were shown corrections of news and information they may have encountered
    in the past. Reminders of past misinformation appeared before some
    corrections but not others. Study results showed that misinformation
    reminders increased the participants' recall of facts and belief
    accuracy. The researchers interpreted the results to indicate that misinformation reminders raise awareness of discrepancies and promote
    memory updating. These results may be pertinent to individuals who
    confront misinformation frequently.

    "It suggests that there may be benefits to learning how someone was
    being misleading. This knowledge may inform strategies that people use
    to counteract high exposure to misinformation spread for political gain," Wahlheim said.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    Association_for_Psychological_Science. Note: Content may be edited for
    style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Christopher N. Wahlheim, Timothy R. Alexander, Carson
    D. Peske. Reminders
    of Everyday Misinformation Statements Can Enhance Memory
    for and Beliefs in Corrections of Those Statements in the
    Short Term. Psychological Science, 2020; 31 (10): 1325 DOI:
    10.1177/0956797620952797 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/201016132013.htm

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