• All-terrain microrobot flips through a l

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Thu Oct 15 21:30:40 2020
    All-terrain microrobot flips through a live colon

    October 15, 2020
    Purdue University
    A rectangular robot as tiny as a few human hairs can travel
    throughout a colon by doing back flips, engineers have demonstrated
    in live animal models.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    A rectangular robot as tiny as a few human hairs can travel throughout a
    colon by doing back flips, Purdue University engineers have demonstrated
    in live animal models.

    Why the back flips? Because the goal is to use these robots to transport
    drugs in humans, whose colons and other organs have rough terrain. Side
    flips work, too.

    Why a back-flipping robot to transport drugs? Getting a drug directly to
    its target site could remove side effects, such as hair loss or stomach bleeding, that the drug may otherwise cause by interacting with other
    organs along the way.

    The study, published in the journal Micromachines, is the first
    demonstration of a microrobot tumbling through a biological system in
    vivo. Since it is too small to carry a battery, the microrobot is powered
    and wirelessly controlled from the outside by a magnetic field.

    "When we apply a rotating external magnetic field to these robots, they
    rotate just like a car tire would to go over rough terrain," said David Cappelleri, a Purdue associate professor of mechanical engineering. "The magnetic field also safely penetrates different types of mediums, which
    is important for using these robots in the human body." The researchers
    chose the colon for in vivo experiments because it has an easy point of
    entry -- and it's very messy.

    ========================================================================== "Moving a robot around the colon is like using the people-walker at an
    airport to get to a terminal faster. Not only is the floor moving, but
    also the people around you," said Luis Solorio, an assistant professor
    in Purdue's Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering.

    "In the colon, you have all these fluids and materials that are following
    along the path, but the robot is moving in the opposite direction. It's
    just not an easy voyage." But this magnetic microrobot can successfully
    tumble throughout the colon despite these rough conditions, the
    researchers' experiments showed. A video explaining the work is available
    on YouTube at https://youtu.be/9OsYpJFWnN8.

    The team conducted the in vivo experiments in the colons of live mice
    under anesthesia, inserting the microrobot in a saline solution through
    the rectum.

    They used ultrasound equipment to observe in real time how well the
    microrobot moved around.

    The microrobots could also tumble in colons excised from pigs, the
    researchers found, which have similar guts to humans.

    ========================================================================== "Moving up to large animals or humans may require dozens of robots,
    but that also means you can target multiple sites with multiple drug
    payloads," said Craig Goergen, Purdue's Leslie A. Geddes Associate
    Professor of Biomedical Engineering, whose research group led work on
    imaging the microrobot through various kinds of tissue.

    Solorio's lab tested the microrobot's ability to carry and release a
    drug payload in a vial of saline. The researchers coated the microrobot
    with a fluorescent mock drug, which the microrobot successfully carried throughout the solution in a tumbling motion before the payload slowly
    diffused from its body an hour later.

    "We were able to get a nice, controlled release of the drug payload. This
    means that we could potentially steer the microrobot to a location in the
    body, leave it there, and then allow the drug to slowly come out. And
    because the microrobot has a polymer coating, the drug wouldn't fall
    off before reaching a target location," Solorio said.

    The magnetic microrobots, cheaply made of polymer and metal, are
    nontoxic and biocompatible, the study showed. Cappelleri's research
    group designed and built each of these robots using facilities at the
    Birck Nanotechnology Center in Purdue's Discovery Park.

    Commonly-used roll-to-roll manufacturing machinery could potentially
    produce hundreds of these microrobots at once, Cappelleri said.

    The researchers believe that the microrobots could act as diagnostic
    tools in addition to drug delivery vehicles.

    "From a diagnostic perspective, these microrobots might prevent the need
    for minimally invasive colonoscopies by helping to collect tissue. Or
    they could deliver payloads without having to do the prep work that's
    needed for traditional colonoscopies," Goergen said.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Purdue_University. Original written
    by Kayla Wiles. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Elizabeth E. Niedert, Chenghao Bi, Georges Adam, Elly Lambert, Luis
    Solorio, Craig J. Goergen, David J. Cappelleri. A Tumbling Magnetic
    Microrobot System for Biomedical Applications. Micromachines,
    2020; 11 (9): 861 DOI: 10.3390/mi11090861 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/201015173131.htm

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