• People can do more than use less plastic

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Tue Oct 13 21:31:10 2020
    People can do more than use less plastic to help save the Great Barrier
    Everyone can play a part in conserving Australia's World Heritage-listed
    Great Barrier Reef

    October 13, 2020
    Queensland University of Technology
    There are many threats to Australia's Great Barrier Reef - cyclones,
    shipping, crown-of-thorns starfish - but QUT researchers say
    climate change is its worst enemy. Yet a survey they conducted
    found most people don't make a connection between climate change
    and reef health. They say there is more individuals could do on
    this front, both in the home and to influence government policies

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    Many Australians do not know what they can individually do to make a
    difference to the health of the World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef
    (GBR), according to a survey led by QUT researchers.

    The researchers found most Australians are not making a connection between climate change and reef health and say there is more individuals could
    do on this front, both in the home and to influence government policies.

    Senior Research Fellow Dr Angela Dean conducted the online survey of 4,285 Australians with Professor Kerrie Wilson, Director of QUT's Institute
    for Future Environments, and Dr Robyn Gulliver from the University
    of Queensland.

    The resulting paper, "Taking action for the Reef?" -- Australians do
    not connect Reef conservation with individual climate-related actions,
    has been published in Conservation Letters: a journal of the Society
    for Conservation Biology.

    "While there are many threats to reef health, including poor water quality stemming from land-based runoff, cyclones and crown-of-thorns starfish,
    climate change represents the greatest threat to our Great Barrier Reef,"
    said Dr Dean.

    "Record-breaking marine heatwaves over the past 10 years have seen an increasing frequency and severity of mass coral bleaching events.

    "Yet while many Australians express appreciation and concern for the GBR,
    they don't necessarily know how to take the next steps to help the Reef."
    The research team asked survey participants the question "what types
    of actions could people like you do that would be helpful for the GBR?"
    "Just 4 per cent mentioned a climate action and 12.3 per cent wanted to
    help but couldn't think of anything they could do on a personal level,"
    said Professor Wilson "Only one in 25 respondents identified at least
    one specific action that related to climate change. Almost one third
    listed donating money and the most common group of responses related to pollution, especially plastics." Professor Wilson said the vast majority
    of those surveyed referenced reducing their plastic consumption over
    using less energy in the home.

    ========================================================================== "Only a handful of people considered that they could make a difference
    by doing things like driving less, reducing their use of air-conditioning
    and sourcing electricity from renewable retailers," she said.

    "As for what we call public-sphere actions, many more respondents
    suggested policies such as banning sunscreens or stopping commercial
    fishing, rather than any climate-related civic action such as lobbying governments or donating to charities working on reducing emissions."
    Dr Dean added because everyone can support action on climate change,
    everyone in Australia can help the Reef, no matter where they live.

    "Some people might choose to focus on actions at home, reducing
    electricity use or changing to renewable energy sources," Dr Dean said.

    "But perhaps more important is sharing our support for protecting the
    Reef and encouraging Governments step up to show leadership and action
    on climate change."

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    Queensland_University_of_Technology. Note: Content may be edited for
    style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Angela J. Dean, Robyn E. Gulliver, Kerrie A. Wilson. "Taking
    action for
    the Reef?"-Australians do not connect Reef conservation with
    individual climate-related actions. Conservation Letters, 2020;
    e12765 DOI: 10.1111/ conl.12765 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/201013124157.htm

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