• Virtual reality trains public to reverse

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Mon Sep 14 21:30:46 2020
    Virtual reality trains public to reverse opioid overdoses

    September 14, 2020
    University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
    The United States has seen a 200% increase in the rate of deaths by
    opioid overdose in the last 20 years. But many of these deaths were
    preventable. Naloxone, also called Narcan, is a prescription drug
    that reverses opioid overdoses, and in more than 40 states there
    is a standing order policy, which makes it available to anyone,
    without an individual prescription from a healthcare provider.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    The United States has seen a 200% increase in the rate of deaths by opioid overdose in the last 20 years. But many of these deaths were preventable.

    Naloxone, also called Narcan, is a prescription drug that reverses opioid overdoses, and in more than 40 states -- including Pennsylvania --
    there is a standing order policy, which makes it available to anyone,
    without an individual prescription from a healthcare provider.

    ========================================================================== Members of the public can carry naloxone in case they encounter a person experiencing an opioid overdose. But how do you know if someone needs
    naloxone and how do you administer it? Health care providers are often
    trained to respond in these types of situations, and prior to the onset
    of COVID-19, public health organizations were offering in-person trainings
    to the public.

    But how do we get even more people trained and motivated to save lives
    from opioid overdoses, especially in our current socially distanced
    world? A group of interdisciplinary researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia Department of Public Heath developed a virtual reality immersive video training aimed at doing just that. Their
    new study -- published recently in Drug and Alcohol Prevention -- shows
    that the VR training is just as effective as an in-person training at
    giving the public both the knowledge and the confidence they need to
    administer naloxone and save lives.

    "Overdoses aren't happening in hospitals and doctor's offices," says
    Nicholas Giordano, former Lecturer at Penn's School of Nursing. "They're happening in our communities: in parks, libraries, and even in our
    own homes. It's crucial that we get the ability to save lives into the
    hands of the people on the front lines in close proximity to individuals
    at risk of overdose." The researchers adapted a 60 minute in-person
    training, the educational standard for health care providers, into a
    9-minute immersive virtual reality video. Then the interdisciplinary
    team tested the VR training on members of the public at free naloxone
    giveaways and training clinics hosted by the Philadelphia Department of
    Health at local libraries. (The clinics were held in 2019 and early 2020, before the coronavirus pandemic made such events unsafe.) Roughly a
    third of the 94 participants received one-on-one in-person instruction
    on how to administer naloxone, while the others watched the experimental
    VR training. After the initial training, participants answered questions
    about the training to determine if they'd learned enough information to
    safely administer naloxone in the case of an opioid overdose.

    Before leaving the library, all participants were given the opportunity
    to receive whichever training they didn't receive initially. Since the
    VR training was still in testing mode, the researchers wanted to ensure
    that all participants had full access to what they came for: knowledge
    of how to save lives.

    "We were really pleased to discover that our VR training works just as
    well as an in-person training," says Natalie Herbert, a 2020 graduate
    of Penn's Annenberg School for Communication. "We weren't looking to
    replace the trainings public health organizations are already offering;
    rather, we were hoping to offer an alternative for folks who can't get to
    an in-person training, but still want the knowledge. And we're excited
    to be able to do that." In addition to continuing to test their VR
    training, the researchers plan to begin making it available to the general public through partnerships with libraries, public health organizations,
    and other local stakeholders. With grant support from the Independence
    Blue Cross Foundation, the team will be disseminating and promoting the
    VR training throughout the Greater Philadelphia Area. Now, more than
    ever, the portability and immersive aspects of this VR raining can be
    leveraged to expand access to overdose training. For more information
    on how to experience the VR training, which can be used at home through
    Google Cardboard or other VR viewers, visit their website: https:// www.virtualinnovation.org.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Pennsylvania_School_of_Nursing. Note: Content may be edited
    for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Natalie Herbert, Sydney Axson, Leeann Siegel, Kyle Cassidy,
    Ann Marie
    Hoyt-Brennan, Clare Whitney, Allison Herens, Nicholas A. Giordano.

    Leveraging immersive technology to expand access to opioid overdose
    reversal training in community settings: Results from a randomized
    controlled equivalence trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2020;
    214: 108160 DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108160 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200914160752.htm

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