• Model shows that the speed neurons fire

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Tue Sep 8 21:30:30 2020
    Model shows that the speed neurons fire impacts their ability to

    September 8, 2020
    Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate
    Research has shown for the first time that a computer model can
    replicate and explain a unique property displayed by a crucial
    brain cell. Their findings shed light on how groups of neurons
    can self-organize by synchronizing when they fire fast.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Research conducted by the Computational Neuroscience Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) has shown
    for the first time that a computer model can replicate and explain a
    unique property displayed by a crucial brain cell. Their findings,
    published today in eLife, shed light on how groups of neurons can
    self-organize by synchronizing when they fire fast.

    The model focuses on Purkinje neurons, which are found within the

    This dense region of the hindbrain receives inputs from the body and
    other areas of the brain in order to fine-tune the accuracy and timing
    of movement, among other tasks.

    "Purkinje cells are an attractive target for computational modeling as
    there has always been a lot of experimental data to draw from," said
    Professor Erik De Schutter, who leads the Computation Neuroscience
    Unit. "But a few years ago, experimental research into these neurons
    uncovered a strange behavior that couldn't be replicated in any existing models." These studies showed that the firing rate of a Purkinje neuron affected how it reacted to signals fired from other neighboring neurons.

    The rate at which a neuron fires electrical signals is one of the most
    crucial means of transmitting information to other neurons. Spikes,
    or action potentials, follow an "all or nothing" principle -- either
    they occur, or they don't -- but the size of the electrical signal
    never changes, only the frequency. The stronger the input to a neuron,
    the quicker that neuron fires.

    But neurons don't fire in an independent manner. "Neurons are connected
    and entangled with many other neurons that are also transmitting
    electrical signals. These spikes can perturb neighboring neurons through synaptic connections and alter their firing pattern," explained Prof. De Schutter.

    ========================================================================== Interestingly, when a Purkinje cell fires slowly, spikes from connected
    cells have little effect on the neuron's spiking. But, when the firing
    rate is high, the impact of input spikes grows and makes the Purkinje
    cell fire earlier.

    "The existing models could not replicate this behavior and therefore
    could not explain why this happened. Although the models were good at
    mimicking spikes, they lacked data about how the neurons acted in the
    intervals between spikes," Prof. De Schutter said. "It was clear that
    a newer model including more data was needed." Testing a new model Fortunately, Prof. De Schutter's unit had just finished developing
    an updated model, an immense task primarily undertaken by now former postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Yunliang Zang.

    Once completed, the team found that for the first time, the new model
    was able to replicate the unique firing-rate dependent behavior.

    In the model, they saw that in the interval between spikes, the Purkinje neuron's membrane voltage in slowly firing neurons was much lower than
    the rapidly firing ones.

    "In order to trigger a new spike, the membrane voltage has to be high
    enough to reach a threshold. When the neurons fire at a high rate,
    their higher membrane voltage makes it easier for perturbing inputs,
    which slightly increase the membrane voltage, to cross this threshold
    and cause a new spike," explained Prof. De Schutter.

    The researchers found that these differences in the membrane voltage
    between fast and slow firing neurons were because of the specific types
    of potassium ion channels in Purkinje neurons.

    "The previous models were developed with only the generic types of
    potassium channels that we knew about. But the new model is much more
    detailed and complex, including data about many Purkinje cell-specific
    types of potassium channels. So that's why this unique behavior could
    finally be replicated and understood," said Prof. De Schutter.

    The key to synchronization The researchers then decided to use their
    model to explore the effects of this behavior on a larger-scale, across
    a network of Purkinje neurons. They found that at high firing rates,
    the neurons started to loosely synchronize and fire together at the
    same time. Then when the firing rate slowed down, this coordination was
    quickly lost.

    Using a simpler, mathematical model, Dr. Sungho Hong, a group leader
    in the unit, then confirmed this link was due to the difference in how
    fast and slow firing Purkinje neurons responded to spikes from connected neurons.

    "This makes intuitive sense," said Prof. De Schutter. He explained that
    for neurons to be able to sync up, they need to be able to adapt their
    firing rate in response to inputs to the cerebellum. "So this syncing
    with other spikes only occurs when Purkinje neurons are firing rapidly,"
    he added.

    The role of synchrony is still controversial in neuroscience, with its
    exact function remaining poorly understood. But many researchers believe
    that synchronization of neural activity plays a role in cognitive
    processes, allowing communication between distant regions of the
    brain. For Purkinje neurons, they allow strong and timely signals to be
    sent out, which experimental studies have suggested could be important
    for initiating movement.

    "This is the first time that research has explored whether the rate at
    which neurons fire affects their ability to synchronize and explains how
    these assemblies of synchronized neurons quickly appear and disappear,"
    said Prof. De Schutter. "We may find that other circuits in the brain also
    rely on this rate- dependent mechanism." The team now plans to continue
    using the model to probe deeper into how these brain cells function, both individually and as a network. And, as technology develops and computing
    power strengthens, Prof. De Schutter has an ultimate life ambition.

    "My goal is to build the most complex and realistic model of a neuron possible," said Prof. De Schutter. "OIST has the resources and computing
    power to do that, to carry out really fun science that pushes the boundary
    of what's possible. Only by delving into deeper and deeper detail in
    neurons, can we really start to better understand what's going on."

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Okinawa_Institute_of_Science_and_Technology_(OIST)
    Graduate_University. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Yunliang Zang, Sungho Hong, Erik De Schutter. Firing rate-dependent
    responses of Purkinje cells support transient oscillations. eLife,
    2020; 9 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.60692 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200908131044.htm

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