• Genome sequencing accelerates cancer det

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Mon Sep 7 21:30:28 2020
    Genome sequencing accelerates cancer detection

    September 7, 2020
    European Molecular Biology Laboratory - European Bioinformatics
    Recent cancer studies have shown that genomic mutations leading
    to cancer can occur years, or even decades, before a patient
    is diagnosed.

    Researchers have developed a statistical model that analyses
    genomic data to predict whether a patient has a high or low risk
    of developing esophageal cancer. The results could enable early
    detection and improve treatment of oesophageal cancer in future.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Esophageal cancer is the eighth most common cancer worldwide. It often
    develops from a condition called Barrett's esophagus. Existing monitoring
    and treatment methods are very intrusive, and many patients have to
    undergo burdensome procedures to ensure that no cancer is missed.

    ========================================================================== Researchers have now developed a statistical model that uses genomic
    data to accurately predict whether a patient with Barrett's esophagus
    has a high or low risk of developing cancer.

    Genomics and statistics come together Researchers at the University
    of Cambridge, EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), and collaborators sequenced genomes from biopsies routinely collected from
    patients with Barrett's esophagus. These patients are monitored for early
    signs of esophageal cancer. The researchers used the data to look for differences between patients who were ultimately diagnosed with cancer
    and those who were not. The data were used to develop a statistical model measuring each patient's individual risk. The research was published in
    Nature Medicine.

    Other recent cancer studies have shown that genomic mutations leading
    to cancer may occur many years before a patient is diagnosed with the
    disease. Being able to identify these mutations could provide a new
    route to early diagnosis and treatment.

    Using genomic data from 88 patients with Barrett's esophagus,
    the researchers identified half of the patients who were diagnosed
    with esophageal cancer as 'high risk' more than eight years before
    diagnosis. The numbers went up to 70% two years before diagnosis. Equally important, the model also accurately predicted patients who were at a
    very low risk of developing cancer.

    "One of the unique things about this study was the richness of the data provided by colleagues at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge," explains
    Moritz Gerstung, Group Leader at EMBL-EBI. "These patients have been in surveillance for over 15 years, so overall we had over 800 samples, taken
    over time and from different areas of the esophagus. This allowed us to
    measure in great detail what type of genomic changes occur and how these trajectories differ between patients with and without cancer. Without such thorough surveillance programmes, this study wouldn't have been possible."
    The benefit of early detection Although people with Barrett's esophagus
    are at considerably higher risk of developing esophageal cancer than the general population, only 1 patient in 300 will be diagnosed with cancer
    per year. Nevertheless, they all have to go through intrusive monitoring procedures every two years. This surveillance can be uncomfortable,
    stressful, and time-consuming for the patients, and it places an
    additional burden on the healthcare system.

    "The benefit of our method is twofold," explains Sarah Killcoyne,
    Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at EMBL-EBI. "The patients who have high-risk Barrett's, which is likely to become cancerous, can receive treatment
    earlier. And individuals who have something that looks genetically stable,
    and unlikely to develop into the disease, do not need to undergo such
    intense surveillance. The hope is that our method can help improve
    early detection and treatment, and decrease unnecessary treatment for
    low-risk patients, without compromising patient safety." These results
    mean that patients at greatest risk can be treated immediately, rather
    than conducting repeated biopsies until early signs of cancer are found.

    Conversely, patients with low risk and stable disease can be monitored
    less frequently. Overall, the authors estimate that monitoring can be
    reduced for 50% of patients with Barrett's esophagus.

    "This is an exciting example of how a collaboration between computational biologists and clinician scientists can bring new insights into
    an important clinical problem," says Rebecca Fitzgerald, Professor
    of Cancer Prevention and MRC Programme Leader at the University of
    Cambridge. "Esophageal cancer is devastating when it is diagnosed late,
    but early intervention can be performed endoscopically and spare patients unnecessary chemotherapy and removal of their esophagus. Similar
    approaches could be extended to other cancer types in the future."
    According to the authors, the next steps are to refine the method, ideally
    by analysing data from more patients. It is also important to bring
    in clinical information and improve the model's accuracy. Eventually,
    this will lead to clinical trials to show that this model is useful in
    clinical practice for patients currently in surveillance.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by European_Molecular_Biology_Laboratory_-_European
    Bioinformatics_Institute. Note: Content may be edited for style and

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Sarah Killcoyne, Eleanor Gregson, David C. Wedge, Dan J. Woodcock,
    Matthew D. Eldridge, Rachel de la Rue, Ahmad Miremadi,
    Sujath Abbas, Adrienn Blasko, Cassandra Kosmidou, Wladyslaw
    Januszewicz, Aikaterini Varanou Jenkins, Moritz Gerstung,
    Rebecca C. Fitzgerald. Genomic copy number predicts esophageal
    cancer years before transformation. Nature Medicine, 2020; DOI:
    10.1038/s41591-020-1033-y ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/200907112339.htm

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