• NIST's SAMURAI measures 5G communication

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Mon Aug 10 21:30:34 2020
    NIST's SAMURAI measures 5G communications channels precisely

    August 10, 2020
    National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
    Engineers have developed a flexible, portable measurement system to
    support design and repeatable laboratory testing of fifth-generation
    (5G) wireless communications devices with unprecedented accuracy
    across a wide range of signal frequencies and scenarios.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Engineers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
    have developed a flexible, portable measurement system to support design
    and repeatable laboratory testing of fifth-generation (5G) wireless communications devices with unprecedented accuracy across a wide range
    of signal frequencies and scenarios.

    The system is called SAMURAI, short for Synthetic Aperture Measurements
    of Uncertainty in Angle of Incidence. The system is the first to offer
    5G wireless measurements with accuracy that can be traced to fundamental physical standards -- a key feature because even tiny errors can produce misleading results.

    SAMURAI is also small enough to be transported to field tests.

    Mobile devices such as cellphones, consumer Wi-Fi devices and
    public-safety radios now mostly operate at electromagnetic frequencies
    below 3 gigahertz (GHz) with antennas that radiate equally in all
    directions. Experts predict 5G technologies could boost data rates a thousandfold by using higher, "millimeter-wave" frequencies above 24
    GHz and highly directional, actively changing antenna patterns. Such
    active antenna arrays help to overcome losses of these higher-frequency
    signals during transmission. 5G systems also send signals over multiple
    paths simultaneously -- so-called spatial channels -- to increase speed
    and overcome interference.

    Many instruments can measure some aspects of directional 5G device
    and channel performance. But most focus on collecting quick snapshots
    over a limited frequency range to provide a general overview of a
    channel, whereas SAMURAI provides a detailed portrait. In addition, many instruments are so physically large that they can distort millimeter-wave signal transmissions and reception.

    Described at a conference on Aug. 7, SAMURAI is expected to help resolve
    many unanswered questions surrounding 5G's use of active antennas, such
    as what happens when high data rates are transmitted across multiple
    channels at once.

    The system will help improve theory, hardware and analysis techniques
    to provide accurate channel models and efficient networks.

    "SAMURAI provides a cost-effective way to study many millimeter-wave measurement issues, so the technique will be accessible to academic labs
    as well as instrumentation metrology labs," NIST electronics engineer
    Kate Remley said. "Because of its traceability to standards, users can
    have confidence in the measurements. The technique will allow better
    antenna design and performance verification, and support network design." SAMURAI measures signals across a wide frequency range, currently up to
    50 GHz, extending to 75 GHz in the coming year. The system got its name
    because it measures received signals at many points over a grid or virtual "synthetic aperture." This allows reconstruction of incoming energy in
    three dimensions - - including the angles of the arriving signals --
    which is affected by many factors, such as how the signal's electric
    field reflects off of objects in the transmission path.

    SAMURAI can be applied to a variety of tasks from verifying the
    performance of wireless devices with active antennas to measuring
    reflective channels in environments where metallic objects scatter
    signals. NIST researchers are currently using SAMURAI to develop methods
    for testing industrial Internet of Things devices at millimeter-wave frequencies.

    The basic components are two antennas to transmit and receive signals, instrumentation with precise timing synchronization to generate radio transmissions and analyze reception, and a six-axis robotic arm that
    positions the receive antenna to the grid points that form the synthetic aperture. The robot ensures accurate and repeatable antenna positions
    and traces out a variety of reception patterns in 3D space, such as
    cylindrical and hemispherical shapes. A variety of small metallic
    objects such as flat plates and cylinders can be placed in the test
    setup to represent buildings and other real-world impediments to signal transmission. To improve positional accuracy, a system of 10 cameras is
    also used to track the antennas and measure the locations of objects in
    the channel that scatter signals.

    The system is typically attached to an optical table measuring 5 feet
    by 14 feet (1.5 meters by 4.3 meters). But the equipment is portable
    enough to be used in mobile field tests and moved to other laboratory
    settings. Wireless communications research requires a mix of lab tests --
    which are well controlled to help isolate specific effects and verify
    system performance - - and field tests, which capture the range of
    realistic conditions.

    Measurements can require hours to complete, so all aspects of the
    (stationary) channel are recorded for later analysis. These values
    include environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, location
    of scattering objects, and drift in accuracy of the measurement system.

    The NIST team developed SAMURAI with collaborators from the Colorado
    School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. Researchers have verified the
    basic operation and are now incorporating uncertainty due to unwanted reflections from the robotic arm, position error and antenna patterns
    into the measurements.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by National_Institute_of_Standards_and_Technology_(NIST).

    Note: Content may be edited for style and length.


    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/08/200810113158.htm

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