• Between shark and ray: The evolutionary

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Tue Aug 4 21:30:26 2020
    Between shark and ray: The evolutionary advantage of the sea angels
    Threatened with extinction despite perfect adaptation

    August 4, 2020
    University of Vienna
    Angel sharks are sharks, but with their peculiarly flat body
    they rather resemble rays. An international research team has now
    investigated the origin of this body shape. The results illustrate
    how these sharks evolved into highly specialized, exclusively
    bottom-dwelling ambush predators and thus also contribute to a
    better understanding of their threat from environmental changes.

    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    The general picture of a shark is that of a fast and large ocean
    predator. Some species, however, question this image -- for example
    angel sharks. They have adapted to a life on the bottom of the oceans,
    where they lie in wait for their prey. In order to be able to hide on
    or in the sediment, the body of angel sharks became flattened in the
    course of their evolution, making them very similar to rays, which are
    closely related to sharks.

    ========================================================================== Flattened body as indication for a successful lifestyle The oldest
    known complete fossils of angel sharks are about 160 million years
    old and demonstrate that the flattened body was established early in
    their evolution. This also indicates that these extinct angel sharks
    already had a similar lifestyle as their extant relatives -- and that
    this lifestyle obviously was very successful.

    Angel sharks are found all over the world today, ranging from temperate
    to tropical seas, but most of these species are threatened. In order
    to understand the patterns and processes that led to their present low diversity and the possible consequences of their particular anatomy,
    the team has studied the body shapes of angel sharks since their origins
    using modern methods.

    Today's species are very similar For this purpose, the skulls of extinct species from the late Jurassic period (about 160 million years ago)
    and of present-day species were quantitatively analysed using X-ray
    and CT images and prepared skulls employing geometric- morphometric
    approaches. In doing so, the evolution of body shapes could be explained comparatively, independent of body size.

    The results show that early angel sharks were different in their external shape, whereas modern species show a comparably lower variation in
    shape. "Many of the living species are difficult to identify on the
    basis of their skeletal anatomy and shape, which could be problematic
    for species recognition," explains Faviel A. Lo'pez-Romero.

    Angel sharks are well adapted, but react slowly to environmental
    changes It has been shown that in living species the individual parts
    of the skull skeleton are more closely integrated than in their extinct relatives. This led to a reduced variability in appearance during the
    evolution of angel sharks.

    "The effect of integrating different parts of the skull into individual,
    highly interdependent modules can lead to a limited ability to evolve
    in different forms, but at the same time increases the ability to
    successfully adapt to specific environmental conditions," explains
    Ju"rgen Kriwet.

    In the case of the angel sharks, increasing geographical isolation
    resulted in the development of different species with very similar
    adaptations. "But modular integration also means that such animals are
    no longer able to react quickly to environmental changes, which increases
    their risk of extinction," concludes Ju"rgen Kriwet.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Vienna. Note: Content
    may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Faviel A. Lo'pez-Romero, Sebastian Stumpf, Cathrin Pfaff, Giuseppe
    Marrama`, Zerina Johanson, Ju"rgen Kriwet. Evolutionary
    trends of the conserved neurocranium shape in angel sharks
    (Squatiniformes, Elasmobranchii). Scientific Reports, 2020; 10
    (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598- 020-69525-7 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/08/200804111528.htm

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