• Lone Star ticks in Illinois can carry, t

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Thu Jul 23 21:30:32 2020
    Lone Star ticks in Illinois can carry, transmit Heartland virus
    Symptoms may be mistaken for COVID-19; hospitalizations are common

    July 23, 2020
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, News Bureau
    Researchers have confirmed that Heartland virus, an emerging
    pathogen with potentially dire consequences for those infected,
    is present in Lone Star ticks in two Illinois counties hundreds
    of miles apart. Lone Star ticks were first detected in Illinois
    in 1999 but had not been found to be infected with Heartland virus
    in the state.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Researchers have confirmed that Heartland virus, an emerging pathogen
    with potentially dire consequences for those infected, is present in
    Lone Star ticks in two Illinois counties hundreds of miles apart. Lone
    Star ticks were first detected in Illinois in 1999, but had not been
    found to be infected with Heartland virus in the state.

    The findings are reported in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases.

    In July 2018, a resident of Kankakee County was hospitalized after
    suffering several tick bites while camping on private property. Two months later and more than 250 miles to the south, a resident of Williamson
    County was hospitalized with many of the same symptoms: fever, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, decreased appetite and nausea. This patient also
    noticed tick bites after camping. The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention confirmed that clinical samples from both patients tested
    positive for Heartland virus, which is spread by ticks. Both patients eventually recovered.

    Tick-borne illnesses share symptoms with many other diseases and
    misdiagnoses sometimes occur, said Holly Tuten, a vector ecologist with
    the Illinois Natural History Survey who led the new research. INHS is a division of the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois
    at Urbana-Champaign.

    "Heartland virus won't show up on a standard diagnostic panel for
    tick-borne bacterial diseases," she said. "And with COVID-19 on the
    collective mind, a tick-borne viral infection could be overlooked,
    especially in cases where a tick bite was missed." According to the
    CDC, there are no vaccines to prevent infection with the Heartland virus
    or medications to treat it. Most people infected with the virus end up hospitalized and a few have died.

    To determine the source of the viral infections, health department
    officials in each county interviewed the patients to learn where they
    were when they were bit. This information allowed Tuten and her team to determine whether ticks in those areas carried the virus.

    Previous research showed that the Lone Star tick, Amblyomma americanum,
    can carry and transmit the Heartland virus, so the researchers focused
    their efforts on collecting this species.

    "Lone Star ticks are very aggressive ambush predators and many people
    don't realize this," Tuten said. "I've seen Lone Star ticks run
    across a forest floor to me." The site in Kankakee County was a rural homestead with barnyard animals and a small amount of forest surrounded
    by cropland, Tuten said. The patient in Williamson County may have been
    exposed in a heavily wooded wildlife refuge or outside a suburban home
    with a few trees.

    The researchers collected ticks in all three locales. They shipped
    their tick samples to the CDC Arboviral Diseases Branch in Fort Collins, Colorado, where the ticks were combined in batches of 10-30 for testing.

    "A single batch of male Lone Star ticks from each county was found to
    be positive for the Heartland virus," Tuten said. "Infected Lone Star
    ticks had been found as far north as Missouri, so we expected to find
    the infections in ticks from Williamson County in the southern part
    of Illinois. But finding so many Lone Star ticks in Kankakee County,
    including some with the virus, really surprised us." The detection of Heartland virus in adult Lone Star ticks a year after human infection
    suggests that the infected ticks may have overwintered in the area,
    Tuten said.

    "We want to alert physicians and public health officials throughout
    Illinois that there is a fairly new pathogen out there that is a danger
    to public health," she said. "I don't want people to avoid the woods and
    parks. I just want them to be aware, so they can take concrete steps to
    reduce tick encounters and bites." This investigation was a collaboration between the INHS Medical Entomology Laboratory, the Illinois Department
    of Public Health, the CDC, conservation officials and Illinois residents.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_Illinois_at_Urbana-Champaign,_News_Bureau.

    Original written by Diana Yates. Note: Content may be edited for style
    and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Holly C. Tuten, Kristen L. Burkhalter, Kylee R. Noel, Erica
    J. Hernandez,
    Seth Yates, Keith Wojnowski, John Hartleb, Samantha Debosik, April
    Holmes, Christopher M. Stone. Heartland Virus in Humans and Ticks,
    Illinois, USA, 2018-2019. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2020; 26
    (7): 1548 DOI: 10.3201/eid2607.200110 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200723115835.htm

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