• Scientists demonstrate a new experiment

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Mon Jul 13 21:30:36 2020
    Scientists demonstrate a new experiment in the search for theorized 'neutrinoless' process

    July 13, 2020
    DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Nuclear physicists analyzed data for a demonstration experiment
    in France that has achieved record precision for a specialized
    detector material.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Nuclear physicists affiliated with the U.S. Department of Energy's
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) played a leading
    role in analyzing data for a demonstration experiment that has achieved
    record precision for a specialized detector material.

    The CUPID-Mo experiment is among a field of experiments that are using
    a variety of approaches to detect a theorized particle process, called neutrinoless double-beta decay, that could revise our understanding of
    ghostly particles called neutrinos, and of their role in the formation
    of the universe.

    The preliminary results from the CUPID-Mo experiment, based on the
    Berkeley Lab-led analysis of data collected from March 2019 to April
    2020, set a new world-leading limit for the neutrinoless double-beta
    decay process in an isotope of molybdenum known as Mo-100. Isotopes are
    forms of an element that carry a different number of uncharged particles
    called neutrons in their atomic nuclei.

    The new result sets the limit on the neutrinoless double-beta decay
    half-life in Mo-100 at 1.4 times a trillion-trillion years (that's 14
    followed by 23 zeros), which is a 30% improvement in sensitivity over the Neutrino Ettore Majorana Observatory 3 (NEMO 3), a previous experiment
    that operated at the same site from 2003-2011 and also used Mo-100. A
    half-life is the time it takes for a radioactive isotope to shed half
    of its radioactivity.

    The neutrinoless double-beta decay process is theorized to be very slow
    and rare, and not a single event was detected in CUPID-Mo after one year
    of data- taking.

    While both experiments used Mo-100 in their detector arrays, NEMO 3
    used a foil form of the isotope while CUPID-Mo used a crystal form that produces flashes of light in certain particle interactions.

    ========================================================================== Larger experiments that use different detector materials and that operate
    for longer periods of time have achieved greater sensitivity, though
    the reported early success of CUPID-Mo sets the stage for a planned
    successor experiment called CUPID with a detector array that will be
    100 times larger.

    Berkeley Lab's contributions to CUPID-Mo No experiment has yet confirmed whether the neutrinoless process exists.

    Existence of this process would confirm that neutrinos serve as their
    own antiparticles, and such proof would also help explain why matter
    won out over antimatter in our universe.

    All of the data from the CUPID-Mo experiment -- the CUPID acronym
    stands for CUORE Upgrade with Particle IDentification, and "Mo" is
    for the molybdenum contained in the detector crystal -- is transmitted
    from Modane Underground Laboratory (Laboratoire souterrain de Modane)
    in France to the Cori supercomputer at Berkeley Lab's National Energy
    Research Scientific Computing Center.

    Benjamin Schmidt, a postdoctoral researcher in Berkeley Lab's Nuclear
    Science Division, led the overall data analysis effort for the CUPID-Mo
    result, and was supported by a team of Berkeley Lab-affiliated researchers
    and other members of the international collaboration.

    ========================================================================== Berkeley Lab also contributed 40 sensors that enabled readout of
    signals picked up by CUPID-Mo's 20-crystal detector array. The array
    was supercooled to about 0.02 kelvin, or minus 460 degrees Fahrenheit,
    to maintain its sensitivity. Its cylindrical crystals contain lithium,
    oxygen, and the isotope Mo-100, and produce tiny flashes of light in
    particle interactions.

    The international effort to produce the CUPID-Mo result is remarkable,
    Schmidt said, given the context of the global pandemic that had cast uncertainty over the continuing operation of the experiment.

    "For a while it looked like we would have to shut down the CUPID-Mo
    experiment prematurely due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in Europe at
    the beginning of March and the associated difficulties in supplying the experiment with required cryogenic liquids," he said.

    He added, "Despite this uncertainty and the changes associated with the
    closure of office spaces and schools, as well as restricted access to the underground laboratory, our collaborators made every effort to keep the experiment running through the pandemic." Schmidt credited the efforts
    of the data-analysis group that he led for finding a way to work from
    home and produce the results from the experiment in time to present them
    at Neutrino 2020, a virtual International Conference on Neutrino Physics
    and Astrophysics hosted by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

    Members of the CUPID-Mo collaboration are planning to submit the results
    for publication in a peer-reviewed science journal.

    Tuning up ultrasensitive detectors A particular challenge in the data
    analysis, Schmidt said, was in ensuring that the detectors were properly calibrated to record the "extremely elusive set of events" that are
    predicted to be associated with a signal of neutrinoless double-beta

    The neutrinoless decay process is expected to generate a very-high-energy signal in the CUPID-Mo detector and a flash of light. The signal, because
    it is at such a high energy, is expected to be free from interference
    by natural sources of radioactivity.

    To test CUPID-Mo's response to high-energy signals, researchers had placed other sources of high-energy signals, including Tl-208, a radioactive
    isotope of thallium, near the detector array. The signals generated by
    the decay of this isotope are at a high energy, but not as high as the
    energy predicted to be associated with the neutrinoless decay process
    in Mo-100, if it exists.

    "Hence, a big challenge was to convince ourselves that we can calibrate
    our detectors with common sources, in particular Tl-208," Schmidt said,
    "and then extrapolate the detector response to our signal region
    and properly account for the uncertainties in this extrapolation."
    To further improve the calibration with high-energy signals, nuclear
    physicists used Berkeley Lab's 88-Inch Cyclotron to produce a wire
    containing Co-56, an isotope of cobalt that that has a low level of radioactivity, as soon as the cyclotron reopened last month following
    a temporary shutdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The wire has
    been shipped to France for testing with the CUPID-Mo detector array.

    Preparing for next-gen experiment in Italy While CUPID-Mo may now lag
    behind the sensitivity in measurements achieved by some other experiments
    -- which use different detector techniques and materials -- because it
    is smaller and hasn't yet gathered as much data, "With the full CUPID experiment, which will use about 100 times more Mo-100, and with 10 years
    of operation, we have excellent prospects for the search and potential discovery of neutrinoless double-beta decay," Schmidt said.

    CUPID-Mo was installed at the site of the Edelweiss III dark matter
    search experiment in a tunnel more than a mile deep in France, near the
    Italian border, and uses some Edelweiss III components. CUPID, meanwhile,
    is proposed to replace the CUORE neutrinoless double-beta decay search experiment at Gran Sasso National Laboratory (Laboratori Nazionali del
    Gran Sasso) in Italy. While CUPID-Mo contains just 20 detector crystals,
    CUPID would contain more than 1,500.

    "After CUORE finishes data-taking in two or three years, the CUPID
    detector could take four or five years to build," said Yury Kolomensky,

    spokesperson for the CUORE collaboration and senior faculty scientist at Berkeley Lab, which is leading CUORE's U.S. collaboration. "CUPID would be
    a relatively modest upgrade in terms of cost and technical challenges,
    but it will be a significant improvement in terms of sensitivity."
    Physics data-taking for CUPID-Mo wrapped up June 22, and new data that
    weren't considered in the latest result represent about a 20% to 30%
    growth in overall data. CUPID-Mo is supported by a group of French laboratories, and by laboratories in the U.S., Ukraine, Russia, Italy,
    China, and Germany.

    NERSC is a DOE Office of Science user facility.

    The CUPID-Mo collaboration brings together researchers from 27
    institutions, including the French laboratories Irfu/CEA and IJCLab in
    Orsay; IP2I in Lyon; and Institut Ne'el and SIMaP in Grenoble, as well
    as institutions in the U.S., Ukraine, Russia, Italy, China, and Germany.

    The experiment is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science's Office of Nuclear Physics, Berkeley Research Computing program, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, IDEATE International Associated
    Laboratory (LIA), Russian Science Foundation, National Academy of
    Sciences of Ukraine, National Science Foundation, the France-Berkeley
    Fund, the MISTI-France fund, and the Office for Science & Technology of
    the Embassy of France in the U.S.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    DOE/Lawrence_Berkeley_National_Laboratory. Note: Content may be edited
    for style and length.


    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200713104347.htm

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