• New tool enables mapping of protein inte

    From ScienceDaily@1337:3/111 to All on Tue Aug 3 21:30:42 2021
    New tool enables mapping of protein interaction networks at scale

    August 3, 2021
    University of California - San Diego
    Bioengineers have developed a technology capable of revealing the
    protein-protein interactions (PPI) among thousands of proteins
    in a cell, in a single experiment. The tool, called PROPER-seq
    (protein-protein interaction sequencing), allows researchers to map
    the PPI network from their cells of interest within several weeks,
    without any specialized resources such as antibodies or pre-made
    gene libraries.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Proteins -- long chains of amino acids -- each play a unique role in
    keeping our cells and bodies functioning, from carrying out chemical
    reactions, to delivering messages, and protecting us from potentially
    harmful foreign invaders. More recent research has shown that these
    proteins not only serve their individual purpose, but also interact with
    other proteins to carry out even more numerous and complex functions
    through these protein-protein interactions (PPI).

    ========================================================================== Collectively, all the protein-protein interactions in a cell form a PPI network. Experimentally identifying a PPI network within human cells
    has required a tremendous amount of time and resources, with experiments required to identify every individual PPI, and many additional experiments
    to investigate these protein pairs for network-level interactions.

    Now, bioengineers at the University of California San Diego have developed
    a technology capable of revealing the PPIs among thousands of proteins,
    in a single experiment. The tool, called PROPER-seq (protein-protein interaction sequencing), allows researchers to map the PPI network from
    their cells of interest within several weeks, without any specialized
    resources such as antibodies or premade gene libraries.

    The researchers describe this technology in Molecular Cell on August
    3. They applied PROPER-seq on human embryonic kidney cells, T lymphocytes,
    and endothelial cells, and identified 210,518 PPIs involving 8,635

    "PROPER-seq is capable of scanning the order of 10,000x10,000 protein
    pairs in one experiment," said Kara Johnson, a recent UC San Diego bioengineering Ph.D.

    alumna and the first author of this paper. The research was conducted
    in bioengineering professor Sheng Zhong's lab.

    The central idea of PROPER-seq is to label every PPI with a unique DNA sequence, and then read these DNA sequence labels through next-generation sequencing. To implement this idea, Zhong's team developed a technique
    called SMART-display, which attaches a unique DNA barcode to every
    protein. They also devised a method called "Incubation, ligation and sequencing" (INLISE) to sequence the pair of DNA barcodes that are
    attached to two interacting proteins. The third component of PROPER-seq is
    a software package called PROPERseqTools, that incorporates statistical
    tools to identify the PPIs from the DNA sequencing data. This trio of
    tools -- SMART-display, INLISE, and PROPERseqTools -- together is known
    as PROPER-seq.

    A laboratory would start the PROPER-seq protocol with their cells of
    interest, and obtain the output as a list of identified PPIs. The user
    can also get the DNA sequence read counts and other statistics associated
    with every identified PPI.

    Zhong's team applied PROPER-seq on human embryonic kidney cells, T
    lymphocytes, and endothelial cell,s and obtained 210,518 PPIs involving
    8,635 proteins. The team created a public database with a web interface
    to download, search, and visualize these PPIs.

    The team validated the PROPER-seq-identified PPIs (called PROPER v1.0)
    with previously characterized PPIs documented in PPI databases. The team
    found more than 1,300 and 2,400 PPIs in PROPER v1.0 are supported
    by previous co- immunoprecipitation experiments and affinity
    purification-mass spectrometry experiments, respectively.

    The team experimentally validated four PROPER-seq identified PPIs that
    have not been reported in the literature. These four PPIs involve PARP1,
    a critical protein for DNA repair and a drug target of several human
    cancers, and four other proteins involved in the trafficking of molecules
    and transcription regulation. These validations suggest mechanistic
    links between PARP1 and import/export of molecules to/from the nucleus
    as well as gene transcription.

    Their results show that PROPER v1.0 overlaps with more than
    17,000 computationally predicted PPIs without prior experimental
    validation. The experimental support offered by PROPER-seq to these
    previously uncharacterized PPIs suggests the solid predictive ability
    of protein structure-based computational models.

    The team found PROPER v1.0 overlaps with one hundred synthetic lethal
    (SL) gene pairs. An SL gene pair can cause cell death when both genes
    of this gene pair are lost. This finding suggests a connection between
    physical interactions (PPIs) and human genetic interactions.

    Looking forward, the team hopes PROPER-seq can assist researchers in
    screening many protein pairs and identify PPIs of interest. In addition,
    the PROPER-seq identified PPIs from different labs can expand the PPI
    networks' reference maps and illuminate cell-type-specific PPIs.

    Other major contributors to this work include UC San Diego bioengineering

    student Zhijie Qi, bioengineering postdoc alumna Zhangmin Yan, and bioinformatics and systems biology Ph.D. student Xingzhao Wen, who
    carried out protein network analysis. Professor Zhen Chen at City
    of Hope collaborated with Zhong's team on validation of PROPER-seq
    identified PPIs.

    This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health, and the
    Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    University_of_California_-_San_Diego. Note: Content may be edited for
    style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Kara L. Johnson, Zhijie Qi, Zhangming Yan, Xingzhao Wen, Tri
    C. Nguyen,
    Kathia Zaleta-Rivera, Chien-Ju Chen, Xiaochen Fan, Kiran Sriram,
    Xueyi Wan, Zhen Bouman Chen, Sheng Zhong. Revealing protein-protein
    interactions at the transcriptome scale by sequencing. Molecular
    Cell, 2021; DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.07.006 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/08/210803121321.htm

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