• Re: New Door/Textmode game

    From NuSkooler@21:1/121 to ryan on Tue Dec 17 17:57:22 2019
    On Tuesday, December 17th ryan was heard saying...
    Splendid news. Did I tell you that enigma is what piqued my interest in node? I've been crushing through some online courses and have you to thank. So...thanks! And can't wait to see the door you're writing.

    Hah, I did not know that! Actually, enig was my first Node.js project as well -
    I wanted an excuse to learn Node and why not make a BBS software :) You can certainly tell from the earlier code especially. One of the things I'm hoping to clean up over time is everything ES6+ (e.g. classes vs foo.prototype), and start chopping out a lot of the async.each() and similar in favor of async/await.

    Xibalba BBS @ xibalba.l33t.codes / 44510(telnet) 44511(ssh)
    ENiGMA 1/2 BBS WHQ | Phenom | 67 | iMPURE | ACiDic
    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.11-beta (linux; x64; 12.13.1)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (21:1/121)