• Apostrophe Nest Syndrome

    From Mindless Automaton@VERT/ELDRITCH to DOVE-Net.Programming_(Jav on Thu Jul 6 23:50:00 2006
    Can anyone tell me what the correct way to nest the quotes/apost's in
    this bit of code:


    for(c in channel_list)
    <a href=" + channel_list[c].name.link(link_root + "?channel=" + channel_list[c].name) + ">
    <img src="http://eldritch.darktech.org/icons/rss.gif" /></a>' +
    " - " + channel_list[c].description);


    The image and description are ok, but the image's link is:

    http://eldritch.darktech.org/+ channel_list[c].name.link(link_root +

    So I figure I need to do the quote something like /" or ?

    The end result should be an image link instead of a test link for the
    rss feed.


    Mindless Automaton
    ■ Synchronet ■ Eldritch Clockwork BBS
  • From Cyclops@VERT/SRBBS to Mindless Automaton on Tue Jul 25 13:53:00 2006
    Mindless Automaton wrote:
    Can anyone tell me what the correct way to nest the quotes/apost's in
    this bit of code:

    If it were Basic or C++ I'd say use character codes for the ' and "
    characters and splice them into the string using an overridden +,
    usually in the string lib in C++ and never an issue in basic...

    I think .js has similar...

    However, \\" may work, the first \ escapes out of JS I think and then
    the 2nd out of something else, could be wrong there though.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Shadow River - shadowriver.homeip.net