• tw2 errors

    From Fireball@VERT/FBEX to All on Fri Mar 22 17:30:20 2013
    I'm getting the following errors when I try to play from the "External Programs" on the website.

    logon.js line 17: uncaught exception: error connecting to server

    And this one when I telnet in and choose it from the sbbs menu:

    xtrn_sec.js line 130: uncaught exception: error connecting to server

    I know I had it working at one point. Just for grins I tried a few of the
    other json games and they work fine. Not sure what the issue is. :/

    Thank you!


    ■ Synchronet ■ Fireball Express!!! BBS - http://fireballex.com telnet://fireballex.com